ISM notes

Capitalism– Capitalism is an economic and political system where the country’s businesses and industries are owned by private individuals or companies, rather than the government, with the goal of making a profit. Relates to Lupin

Populism– it refers to the way media portrays and appeals to concerns, needs and emotions of ordinary people. Simplifying complex issues to make them more relatable. Can be applied to Ghost Town

Consumerism– refers to the idea of promoting and encourage people to buy goods and services. Applied to Score hair cream where they are promoting 1 specific product to entice consumers.

Globalisation– the process of ideas, information and media content being shared and spread across the world. Connecting countries and cultures, more interconnected world. This can be applied to Blinded By The Light

Patriarchy– where men hold more power and influence women in society, the imbalance often reflects in the media. The men is shown in dominant roles. How media reinforces traditional gender roles, males are prioritised. This is shown in Score hair cream where the product is advertised to men and the women are the main eye objective.

Feminism– refers to how the media represent women and gender issues. Focuses on challenging stereotypes, promoting gender equality, and giving a voice to women. can be applied to Horizon Forbidden West as the women is the main protagonist.

Individualism– focus on personal freedom, independence and the idea that people should prioritise their own goals over a group of peoples needs. Media portrays individualism by celebrating peoples success stories. This can influence how people view their role in society and importance of personal identity. The Guardian and Daily Mail.

Self-managerialism – the idea of individuals taking responsibility for managing and promoting their own careers or work. Emphasises personal accountability, in media people expect to ‘manage’ own brand, reputation and success’s. Think for themselves. The Guardian is regulated on its own.

Neoliberalism– the economic and political philosophy that promotes free markets, reduces government intervention. Emphasises individuals responsibility over collective welfare. Media should run like a business, driven by profit rather than public service. Lead to content that prioritises profit driven goals over diverse, public interest programming.

Imperialism– the powerful countries or culture dominate and influence less powerful ones through media. Eg US, or Europe, often spread their values, ideologies, resulting in a one-sided view of the world, where the perspectives of powerful nations are prioritised.

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