QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1Analysis of content within the photoLink to theory’s and use better terminology Cover areas of relevant theory’s for signs/semiotics
2Provided knowledge on linking close study product to question Reading questions properly to ensure I have covered all aspects of what it’s asking to do Carefully read the question and provide more use of theorists 
3Good use of context and theorists to follow up my points Introducing more theorists to give another  perspective and show knowledge of other areas Look into more information on the score advertising 
4Gave a detailed explanation linking CSP to given theorist examples of theorists ideas and concepts Give more information on more theory’s and go into more depth when talking about them and linking to CSPSupport my points with more knowledge of theorists and different approaches 
5Able to associate key terms to postmodernism Give a better explanation of given theory Research hypodermic needle theory 
6Good use of examples of newspaper context Provide more cultural knowledge within the newspaper Research more into the beliefs of the newspapers getting to know their values and how to provide content to them 
7Good understanding of theoretical concepts and use of language Give more information and context towards theorists linking to CSP Search online to get a better understanding of distribution 

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