Rewrite (Paper 1)

Explain how economic and political contexts influence the ways in which media products represent reality.

You should refer to the Close Study product Ghost Town ands Figure 1 to support your answer.

The music video Ghost town was created in a time of depression, where Margret thatcher caused many young men to loose their jobs, therefore resulting in street riots around London. This is portrayed through Ghost Town, within the scenes where the men are being thrown around the car but keeping a clear gaze of confusion, we can analyse this through our own ideologies of Barthes theory of semiotics. Whether we feel that they’re are confused due to the lack of jobs or weather we think that they are confused due to anger. The same analysis can be used when looking at figure one, analyse the connotations of Christmas through our own personal thoughts and feelings on the holiday. When looking at the snow falling from the sky we can either connotate that with the excitement of Christmas or battle it with the anger of the cold weather. We associate the throwing around the car as the men spiralling. These clear signs gives an audience there own take, allowing them to fill in the gaps between with there own ideology’s, asking why the town has become a Ghost Town and if we feel that Manchester is the place of Christmas. This is through Henry Jenkins theory of fandom, being an active audience. There are white and black men within the Ghost Town music video, which may be seen as a response to the new stop and search las, in which many black people were racially targeted. This can be seen as a countertype, as wanting the video to promote diversity, we can also see a stereotype within Figure 1, being a figure of ‘father Christmas’, this may be controversial as people within different religion’s do not believe in him. The beat of Ghost Town consists of a British punk rock mixed with a new style Jamaican beat, this can be seen as a blend of binary opposites, opposing ideologies about white and b lack not mixing. We also see a blend of binary opposites within Figure 1, where the Ferris wheel is normally seen as a summer activity but it is show within the snow. The end scene of Ghost Town consists of men throwing rocks into the water, which may reflect how the ‘boomtown’ era is over, and that these men are not violent but instead frustrated, and just want their jobs back.

Media Theoretical Framework

Media LanguageMedia Representations
– Bathes (semiotics)
– Strauss (Structuralism)
– Todorov (Narratology)
– Neale (Genre)
– Baudrillard (Post-Modernism)
– Gauntlet (identity)
– Butler (Gender performativity)
– hooks (Intersectionality)
– Gilroy (Ethnicity & Post-Colonialism)
– Van Zoonen (Feminist)
– Hall (Representation)
Media AudiencesMedia Industry
– Gerbner (Cultivation)
– Hall (Reception)
– Shirky (End of Audience)
– Jenkins (Fandom)
– Bandura (Media Effects)
– Hesmondalgh (Cultural Industries)
– Curran & Seaton (Power & Media)
– Livingstone & Lunt (Regulation)

Mock paper two analysis

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1I had an alright understanding of what deconstruction meant and I used an example from Figure 1I need to back up my points using media terminology and also understand what cultural codes are.I could do this by going back over the terminology and putting it into practice in questions.
2I had a good understanding of how each of the Television programmes are regulated.More specific knowledge is needed and a more clear answer.I could do this by doing practice questions to understand how to form a concise answer.
3I had a fine understanding of both the video games.A better understanding of what social and cultural codes are.I could again look back over terminology.
4I was able to give details of both the magazines including statistics.I need to improve how I form my argument to get my point across.I could do this by doing lots of past paper questions.

Paper 2 Mock Feedback

QuestionsWhat went wellWhat could be improvedHow to make improvements
1Showing an understanding of Barthes structuralist ideas and applying them to an unseen productExpanding on my points further + consider fluidity of gender.Look back over gender theories and consider how to approach unseens with them.
2Considering context surrounding production companies, broadcasters and regulators in relation to Responder and LupinFurther explore how the post-watershed time slot for The Responder gave it more freedom creatively, as well as French regulatory contexts for Lupin.Research French regulation for television
3Applying theories surrounding Audiences and their responses to products to New Media texts and showing a knowledge of the games themselves.Expand upon the use of stereotypes/countertypes in the games and how they may influence audiences.Look into stereotypes presented in Sims FreePlay and Horizon Forbidden West.
4Detailing the context surrounding magazines, ownership and to an extent funding. As well as audiences and how they respond to texts.Consider all elements of the magazines and how they are combined to appeal to audiences.Revise GQ and Gentlewoman and their inside articles + cover lines