Mock paper two analysis

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1I had an alright understanding of what deconstruction meant and I used an example from Figure 1I need to back up my points using media terminology and also understand what cultural codes are.I could do this by going back over the terminology and putting it into practice in questions.
2I had a good understanding of how each of the Television programmes are regulated.More specific knowledge is needed and a more clear answer.I could do this by doing practice questions to understand how to form a concise answer.
3I had a fine understanding of both the video games.A better understanding of what social and cultural codes are.I could again look back over terminology.
4I was able to give details of both the magazines including statistics.I need to improve how I form my argument to get my point across.I could do this by doing lots of past paper questions.

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