Mock Target grade work

I think my target grade is a C which I got on the first paper in and last years mark scheme for paper 1 which was the only one i could find says i should be on a B. In order to get an A, I only need 7 more marks in this case because I got 54 and I need 61 to get an A

Question 7 rewrite to get more marks:

In blinded by the light aims to be a feel-good film about the 80s which older people can relate to. The film also tries to highlight issues which were caused at the time such as racism with the main character and his family being from Pakistan and shows the racism, they would have faced by being foreigners in the 80s. An example of this is when the main character is chased down the street and called racial slurs because of his race which causes the audience to feel sympathy for him. The film also tackles other socials issues such as poverty and unemployment which will make audiences aware of what life was like in the 80s and make the audiences feel sympathetic which can lead to them being more kind and understanding about others which Habermas would describe as a positive transformation of the public sphere.

The film was also diverse in the distribution as the film was distributed by warner bros who are a global conglomerate which means they can distribute the film to a wide audience across the world compared to only in one or two countries. The film was also marketed on a diverse range of platforms such as on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook to try and capture people from all stages of life and with different views and backgrounds

This is why I partly agree as blinded by the light features a diverse production in terms of casting and characters as well as distribution. However the film industry still features a lack in diversity when it comes to production with most films being produced and acted by straight white people, however they are all diverse with their distribution as they all distribute their films globally thanks to video on demand which makes their content available in multiple regions as well as using global distribution companies to ensure their film is seen across the world by a wide range of audiences

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