Question 2) – missed marks due to missing reference to figure 1.
In figure one you can identify how the media product represents reality by constructing an idealised version of the city during Christmas. The use of the cool tone colours and the Christmas iconography creates a warm and inviting tone suggesting that the city is filled with joy around this time of year. This representation of the city can boost tourism and consumerism by showing the lively and festive atmosphere. However is this an accurate representation of reality in Manchester? Many audiences may view this media advert with an oppositional approach and believe that it is neglecting many challenges faced within the Manchester city during Christmas. For example, according to the Guardian it suggests that many residents feel that the Christmas markets have become too commercialised in which they are too over priced and detract many people from local businesses. Therefore, while this media product does construct an appealing look of Manchester during Christmas, it does not represent the economic or political reality.
Question 3)- missed marks due to no conclusion
conclusion- Overall, the Score advert is a clear example of the Male gaze. This is due to the way that the women are depicted in the media product as they are seen as passive and sexualised, while the man is shown as heroic and dominant, this reinforces traditional gender roles. This advert is to make men feel more masculine and in control, which links to the male gaze. Although many may argue that due to the time period that this advert was made society has moved on from this stereotype and see the advert as out dated. Never the less, this advert still represents gender roles and links very closly with Laura Mulveys theory on the male gaze.
Question 4)- missed marks due to lack of knowledge on Steve Neals theory
Steve Neale’s genre theory is highly valid when analysing media products, as it highlights how genres are not fixed but constantly evolving through repetition and variation. In relation to Old town road, the music video combines country and hip hop which reflect Steve Neals theory on hybridity, where media products can blend different genres to appeal to a wider audience. This music video also involves sub genres by incorporating western imagry with rap style visuals. This validates Steve Neals theory that genre is not fixed but rather changing frequently based on audiences expectations and industry trends.
Question 5)- missed marks due to wrong theorist of the hypodermic model
= Harold Lasswell
- bricolage = different ideas or styles are mixed together to create something new.
- diegeses = the world or story created within a movie, including everything that happens in it.
- implosion = different types of media or styles mix together and blur the lines between them.
- Mytheme = basic idea or theme that appears in many different stories, like a hero’s journey.
- Pastiche = different styles or ideas are copied and put together in a new way.
- Syntagm = the way things are arranged in a sequence to create meaning.
Question 7) – missed marks due to lack of linking diversity to the film industry.
The film industry has definitely made some progress when it comes to diversity, particularly in production. More films are now being made that represent different races, ethnicities and genders. This is a good sign of change, but the issue of distribution is still a big problem. Films with a diverse casts that don’t fit the usual mainstream ideas often struggle to get a wide release, especially internationally. The big media conglomerates still have a lot of control over distribution and tend to prioritise films that fit the typical white hero narrative with the usual story line, this links closly with Hasmondalgh’s idea of minimising risk and maxamising profit.