Questions | What went well? | What could be improved? | What I am going to do to make the improvements |
1 | Analysed well what contents were within the advertisements and able to make links to how these signs construct meaning. | Link more towards the theory and add more in-depth responses | Study the theory of signs in greater detail |
2 | Referred the close study products well towards the theme of representing reality and provided a historical background for both products | Add more theorists to support my answer | Search what theorists best support the products to gain a better understanding |
3 | Used theorists to back up my answer and provided a detailed description of how Score links to Male gaze | Present a better historical background to score to support my answer | Research more into the history behind Score in the 1960s |
4 | Provided a detailed answer linking scenes from the music video to Steve Neale’s theory | Should expend more on the terms presented in the question and include more key terms Steve Neale used within his theory | Pick out more terms and definitions within his theory to support my answer |
5 | Good explanation on the Hypodermic needle model and got 2/3 in the multiple choice. | Should of gotten all multiple choice answers correct | Learn more about the terms associated with the Postmodernist approach to the study of media |
6 | Used direct quotes from each newspaper, relevant to the topic to help back up my answer | Need to provide more information towards the cultural contexts and the beliefs of each newspaper | Research more into the beliefs and values of the newspapers and see what impact it has towards their responses |
7 | Used statistics to support my answer on distribution of Blinded by the light | Needed to provide more description towards the companies that helped distribute this film etc. | Look online to find out all the companies that helped with the distribution section |