2025 P1 Mock review

questionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1 Good understanding of the unseen, used a few terms and theories wellUtilise more theories that relate to media language and semiotic analysis Revise and learn more about Roland Barthes and semiotic terms. 
2 Good contextual analysis of Ghost Town, applied relevant theories.Compare and contrast this to the figure 1 Remember that Q2 is always a compare and contrast between CSP and unseen figure 1. read question in full.
3Wrote enough applicable examples, good understanding of Laura Mulvey’s theory Didn’t develope example enough, could’ve written a lot more in general Give some push back to the theory, revise some examples of the CSP beforehand.
4Had an alright understanding of sub-genre and hybridity, found applicable examples for them. Didn’t write about cultural categories. Revise Steve Neale’s theory of cultural categories in terms of genre. Also look at finding examples of this and other theories to the CSP prior to the exam.
5Good understanding of Postmodernism and the hypodermic needle theoryWas slightly unsure on the term ‘implosion’Be more secure on postmodernism terms.
6Good understanding of The Daily Mail’s and Trump’s political stances, as well as viewing the Daily Mail as an old media product, and how that affects audiencesDidn’t write detailed examples, or enough of them.Look back at The Daily Mail CSP and become more confident on examples that can be used for analysis.
7Good understanding of Blinded by the Light’s industrial background, and applied relevant theories from Hesmondalgh.Wrote about media representation, losing time on empty marksRevise the requirements for Paper 1 and it’s CSP’s

Mock Exam Reflection

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1 Question 1 went well because I used ideas of theorists and analysed the product rather than describing it. further detail, include more ideas of theorists Question 1 is unseen so I cannot revise specific products, however I can Look back over theorists and their ideologies in high detail as well as do many past papers, as I would not have seen the product.
2 not much, had a alright introduction with a few statistics and details More writing, more detail, more info and theorists need to be used as well as contexts Revise more on contexts as im not to keen on this topic, revise theorists ideology and look over csp.
3 Analysation of score more info about laura mulveys gaze and how it links to the csp Revise this topic in specific as well as look over csps in high detail
4 Good detail about the CSP itself with stats Link it to the question, more about neale and how the csp links to his genre theory Look over key theorists
5 I knew all three terms and their meanings Did not know the theory asked about Look over every theory in high detail ensuring marks if it does come up in exam
6 Good knowledge about the newspapers themselves Not enough about contexts and etc. look over different contexts and how different media forms can impact or reflect them.
7  Not enough writing, write more about csp, more about industry  Look over both the csp and the film industry in general to gain high detail about it.