Mock Paper 1 review

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What am I going to do to make improvements?
1Talked about the correct signs.I would need to explain more about how the signs like to the question and use more terminology.Revise media terminology and put them in context.
2Good knowledge of ghost townMore analysisLook at Ghost Town more.
3Good background knowledge of ScoreAdd a conclusion.Practice questions.
4Good understanding of terminologyCreate a better structure for my answer.Review essays and create plans.
5Fairly good understanding of terminologyExplained my answer betterMake notes on the terminology including examples.
6Good understanding of Daily Mail.Should have wrote moreI could develop my notes on The Daily Mail.
7Good understanding of how blinded by the light was produced and distributed.I should have created a better flow between my paragraphs and wrote more.I could do this by practice questions.

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