Mock Analysis

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I’m going to do to make improvements?
1Good use of terminology (semiotic language) Appropriate theorists used
2Good use of knowledge and facts. Great use of economic and political contextRead the question! Missed marks due to miss reading the questionUse a highlighter in the questions to make the key words stand out
3Good use of theorists and good applicationAdd a conclusion Go over more 9 mark practise questions
4Clear structure and good use of terminology. In depth facts and statistics used.more reference to the genre theory, potentially missed marks due to over analysing the close study products and not linking back to the questionsRevisit genre theory. Go over 20 mark questions and see where i’m missing marks. Add a question to give a clear understanding of the unit.
5Good understanding of postmodernist terms. Understand the term implosion. Go over hypodermic model theory and linking it back to a media product.Make revision cards on postmodernist terminology.
6Strong analysis and good understanding of the Daily Mail
7Good understanding of media industries and contributionLearn cultural industry terms by David Hesmondalgh:
o cultural industries
o commodification
o convergence
o diversity
o innovation
o conglomeration
o vertical integration
o cultural imperialism.
Make revision cards on key terms. Go over 20 mark structure.

overall = 66/84

NEA= 42/60

= 71 needed on paper 2 to secure an (A)

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