MOCK analysis

This is a link to my Mock analysis.

QSWWWEBIwhat to do to improve for the real exam.
1learn more on signs and key terms. Learn how to analyse a closed study product.Practice doing closed study questions again and learn more on signs and codes.
2Understanding of the CSP.Need incorporation of figure 1 and more key termsLearn key terms related to the CSP.
3Attempt at using key terms.More detailed on Laura Melvey and how the male gaze links to CSP’s.Look back on previous exams and questions with the male gaze and learn what they typically are actually asking you.
4Understanding of Old Town road and some key terms.Need to write more and learn more about Steve Neale’s theories.Watch Mrs Fisher videos on his theories and other theorist to fully understand concepts
5Understanding of what postmodernism is.Learn the Hypodermic model and needle theoryRead about it. (read to switch up from the videos and a new way to get the content into my head).
6Good understanding of the daily mail and how they use power, as well as links to theories.More detail is needed in order to write more and not to waffle and go on tangentsWatch a video on how to write and structure answers better.
7Understanding of blinded by the lights and who created it and what diversity is.Not to go off on tangents and write about things that are unrelated. Use more facts, I.e data (quantitative and Qualitative)Research specific data on blinded by the lights.

Mock Analysis

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I’m going to do to make improvements?
1Good use of terminology (semiotic language) Appropriate theorists used
2Good use of knowledge and facts. Great use of economic and political contextRead the question! Missed marks due to miss reading the questionUse a highlighter in the questions to make the key words stand out
3Good use of theorists and good applicationAdd a conclusion Go over more 9 mark practise questions
4Clear structure and good use of terminology. In depth facts and statistics used.more reference to the genre theory, potentially missed marks due to over analysing the close study products and not linking back to the questionsRevisit genre theory. Go over 20 mark questions and see where i’m missing marks. Add a question to give a clear understanding of the unit.
5Good understanding of postmodernist terms. Understand the term implosion. Go over hypodermic model theory and linking it back to a media product.Make revision cards on postmodernist terminology.
6Strong analysis and good understanding of the Daily Mail
7Good understanding of media industries and contributionLearn cultural industry terms by David Hesmondalgh:
o cultural industries
o commodification
o convergence
o diversity
o innovation
o conglomeration
o vertical integration
o cultural imperialism.
Make revision cards on key terms. Go over 20 mark structure.

overall = 66/84

NEA= 42/60

= 71 needed on paper 2 to secure an (A)

Questions  What went well? What could be improved? What I’m going to do to make improvements  
Good use of the specific terms  Be more specific  Better understanding  
Understood small parts of the music video Clear understanding of csp and clear wording Make specific notes for each csp  
Good use of the theorists  Revisit the advert Clearer notes regarding the advert 
Choice of theorist was good  Better understanding of the music video Re watch and make notes, include theorists 
Understood the terminology a fair amount  Key words and models Look over specific models used 
Fairley good understanding of the Daily mail  Understand specific theorists  Go through topics and link with theorists 
Good understanding of how bbl was produced  More terminology Go over key terms  

paper 1 mock reflection

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1 8/8How different signs create the meanings of Christmas 
2 9/12good knowledge on economic ad political contexts

used theorists
 focus more on the question

use more specific terminology
 do more past papers on how different economic and political contexts influence different types of media

revise ghost town
3 8/9linked how feminist theorists relate to CSPswrite a more insightful conclusion to my point revise the CSP in detail- create a mind map of key words, theorists and context
4 13/20good conclusion of the reliability of genre theory  focus on the different aspects of Neale’s theory on genre

more rounded judgements
 revise specific theorists into more detail
5 2/6 learn the hypodermic needle theory 
6 5/9 okay knowledge of the daily mail know the contemporary and social cultural contexts and how newspapers include them

use more specific terminology
7 11/20 good knowledge about diversity in film industry know more about the industry

no stats or facts

link media theorists
 revise the CSP industry

know more facts and stats

revise theorists to link to this

Mock Analysis

Exam Reflection:

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1 Clear and good structure of theoretical framework.  Have a more consistent specific approach.  Reinforce ideas.
2 Good memory of ghost town. Should have read the question better. Take more time reading questions.
3 Good theory. Better conclusion. Practise questions.
4 Clear structure of multiple theory’s. More
 Revise key terms.
5 Clear and consistent. Postmodernism. Go over postmodernism terms.
6 Very clear and consistent.  Neaten my writeing.  Keep revising newspapers.
7 Good understanding.  More key terms. Look over key terms.

Course Work Mark – 43/60

Paper 1 – 70/84

= 113

A = I need 70 marks in paper 2.

Mock Paper 1 review

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What am I going to do to make improvements?
1Talked about the correct signs.I would need to explain more about how the signs like to the question and use more terminology.Revise media terminology and put them in context.
2Good knowledge of ghost townMore analysisLook at Ghost Town more.
3Good background knowledge of ScoreAdd a conclusion.Practice questions.
4Good understanding of terminologyCreate a better structure for my answer.Review essays and create plans.
5Fairly good understanding of terminologyExplained my answer betterMake notes on the terminology including examples.
6Good understanding of Daily Mail.Should have wrote moreI could develop my notes on The Daily Mail.
7Good understanding of how blinded by the light was produced and distributed.I should have created a better flow between my paragraphs and wrote more.I could do this by practice questions.

Reflection of Feb Mock

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1Use of subject specific terminology
usage of theoretical framework
  A Consistent highly appropriate use of subject specific
terminology throughout
more usage of theoretical framework
More detailed analysis of product
 Study semiotic and theories that explore semiotics,
Roland Barthes.
Do past questions
Explore more theorists that talk or contribute to semiotics
2 Excellent knowledge and understanding of the influences
of the economic and political contexts on media products
A good use of appropriate terminology
a good understanding of theoretical framework
 A better understanding of terminology and theoretical framework  Do past questions that explore ghost town and revise all the contexts
3 A good analysis of the advert.
an excellent judgments and conclusions.
A detailed analysis of the advert
 The analysis and theory applied to the advert. Analysis of advert could’ve been more in depth.
More theoretical terms applied to advert.
 Do more practice questions on Advert. Explore more theoretical terms targeted towards the advert. Explore more types of context of the advert.
4 Good use of theoretical framework.
Application of knowledge and understanding creates a frame for the genre theory.
 A more in depth application of genre theory.
Exploring a minor group of theorists that also contribute or explore genre.
A more consistent use of terminology
 Practice questions, Revise the theory.
Maybe use some quotes from theorist to support the argument. Evidence! Know the terms shown in the question in more depth, explore those terms.
5Good knowledge of postmodernism and the technological terms applied to the theory. good knowledge o the hypodermic needle theory  A better understanding of postmodernism terms and theoretical framework.
A better understanding of the hypodermic needle theory and an excellent and accurate example of the theory.
 Practice questions. Research about the hypodermic model and examples. Understand postmodernism terms and how to apply them
6 A good usage of technological terms and theory. An excellent contextual usage.
A good usage of social and cultural contexts to support argument

 lack of talk about daily mails succession which could be used to support argument.
Apply more theory knowledge
 Do more research on the contexts behind the daily mail. Research and revise theory and theorist that you can apply to daily mail.
Do practice questions!
7 A good understanding of diversity in production and application of theoretical framework.
Frequent evaluation of argument.
 A better understanding of production and distribution and theories behind it. More context. More knowledge of the production of the film. A better judgement and arguments to support my essay. A better usage of terminology.  Practice questions.
Research more context about the movie.
Research more about the production and distribution of the film.
Research how the film maintained its diversity in distributions and production. Find arguments to support and deny statement.

Exam Reflection:

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1) 3/8Mentioning of Santa, buildings, Manchester and Christmas as a whole  Being more specific, mention that it provides anchorage through the tag-line (“when it comes to
Christmas, there’s no place like…Manchester”). Stating of Christmas then sharpens up the snow-covered iconic buildings adds relevance and familiar Christmas aesthetic. 
Using three sets of signs, signs that constitute the Father Christmas, signs that combine as
words providing anchorage, talk about semiotic vocabulary.
2) 6/12Mention of conscious reproach to Thatcher’s Britain.

Brief mention of post-industrial collapse
of the economy everywhere else drew up lines of opposition across the 1980s.
 Know a broader economical and political context in terms of the Close Study Products. Know more about processes through which meanings are established through
3) 7/9 Mentioning Male Gaze. Objectification of Women.  Story of patriarchy and colonialism but not a serious one: it has
never been other than (partly) ironic.
 Talk about the obvious sexism of the ad is only partly historical, does engage
in conversation between context of its production (1967) and of
current reception (2020).
4) 8/20 Talking about Sub-genre/ summarising that and relating it to the music video. the associations of the song and images with Hip Hop and Rap in my writing about the music video.  Could mention the protest element which has reference to the sixties/ also through
Maya Angelou (“the caged bird sings for freedom”) to Billie Holiday
(“southern trees we hung from”) 
5.1) 2/3 Got Bricolage and Pastiche correct Knowledge.  Revise what Implosion means, fits into context.
5.2) 2/3Got 2/3 marks for the question.
 Expand more/ give a more detailed response in the definition.
 Go over the definition and memorise it more effectively.
6) 8/9Explained what the newspaper is, what it discusses and historical, social and cultural contexts. Briefly mentioned declining print sales for all newspapers Mention their not-for-profit
public funding, to media industries and their products
7) 16/20 impact of new technology

cultural industries-diversity
 improve writing about media organisations maintain, including through marketing research context about it. understadning the framework around the media product.

Media Paper 1 reflection

QuestionWhat went well?What could be improvedWhat will I do
to make improvements?
1Good knowledge of theory ,applied well to question
2Understanding of political and economic contextsApply the context to the texts more specificallyLearn how to refer back to the both products
3Understood male gaze theoryDevelop the analysis more specifically rather than making lots of small points Practice similar questions on score and feminist critical thinking
4Application of multiple theorists ideas to support my pointspotential lack of knowledge of Old Town RoadDevelop my understanding of old town road
5Developed knowledge of all 3 terms Was unsure of the hypodermic needle theoryLearn less commonly used media terms
6Theories were well applied to a strong analysis
7Thorough understanding of the process of production, distribution and how diversity occurs in these processes

Media paper 1 mock reflection

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1Provided good analysis I thinkTalk more about semiotics and Roland baths and the types of signsMake sure I fully understand and am confident with semiotics
2Talked about the economic influences of the media productsCompare and contrast them more also understand more about the political context of ghost townStudy more on the context on ghost town also maybe throw in a theorist next time
3Good understanding of the male gazed and applying it to the Score advert Focus on the ‘to what extent part of the question’ as I didn’t really focus on it  Make sure I focus on the whole of the question
4Great knowledge and understanding of old town road thanks to the revisionA bit more focus/reference to the genre theory in my answer such as talking about ‘genre as a cultural category’ensure I have full and in depth understanding of Steve Neale’s genre theory and genre as a whole so I can talk more confidently about it in my work
5Answered 5.1 correctlyKnowing what the hypodermic needle theory is Actually revise this theory because I completely forgot what it is
6Great answer to the question nearly getting full marksNow I think of it I should have referenced a theorist which talks about the effects on the audience such as the cultivation theory Talk more about the theorists next time and maybe the daily mail in terms of industry
7 somewhat good understanding of the production of Blinded by the lightTalk about the culture industries and the impact of new technologiesEnsure I fully understand the question because I don’t really understand too well how the film industry demonstrates diversity in the distribution of a film