Wednesday 12th
Thanks to all of those who have completed both tasks 🙏
I would have thought that the task from yesterday is quite demanding (although that depends on how many questions you need to rewrite to secure your target grade?) as such, I will just set a small task today and a bit of reading.
So, first of all:
- Have a quick look at the ppt (below) that I have sent you by email – it’s brief so read it slowly and carefully . . . it gives some (very) brief pointers that you could consider – essentially points that you may / may not have included in your responses.
- Add anything that you find of note into the table that you completed on Monday.
Next, have a look at the handout I was given at the BFI revision day which I have emailed to you all (it was too big to upload to this post)
- Complete task 1 on page 4 and post this into a new post on your blog.
- Briefly look at pages 5-14 – these pages (and most of the conference) looked at representation and advertising, so there may be something there that will help you.
- Briefly look at pages 15-18 (this is something that we will come back to)
- Briefly look at 19-20 – this is about Ghost Town
So yes, in summary, just a short table to upload and then a 45 minute reading session for you to consider what you know, think about what you don’t.