
David Gauntlett: Theories of Identity.

You should also consider some ideas on identity proposed by David Gauntlett, see his site and and David Gauntlett’s Gender and Identity Theory | Definition and Examples ( for more information, where he talks about: 

‘Theories of identity [associated with representation]’ which from me would be the ideas around, people having a route to self-expression, and therefore a stronger sense of self and participation in the world, through making & exchanging . . .

  1. Fluidity of identity
  2. Constructed identity
  3. Negotiated identity
  4. Collective identity

Define the 15 key words about representation. You can call the post ‘Key terms: Representation’

You can categorise your post: representation, exam prep

  1. Male gaze
  2. Voyeurism
  3. Patriarchy
  4. Positive and negative stereotypes
  5. Counter-types
  6. Misrepresentation
  7. Selective representation
  8. Dominant ideology
  9. Constructed reality
  10. Hegemony
  11. Audience positioning

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