

Please note that this film is NOT A CSP. However, you can use it as a case study (ie something that we have studied in class) if you wish to refer to it in your exam.

The main aim behind the viewing was to present a visual representation of the concept POSTMODERNISM


Spend some time reflecting on this film and try looking for MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING around key concepts of postmodernism. Talk in pairs or small group and then share your thoughts with the class.

Now fill in the table with some specific examples.

Parodythe film talks about the film at the end when different characters talk about their own characterisation, acting, role in the narrative etc
Referentialthe film talking about the film is REFERENTIAL (ie it refers to itself), for example when they are passionate and Allegro tells (us?) what the function of this scene is.
Also at the end when each character analyses each character – motivation, script, narrative function etc
Surface and style over substance and content
HyperrealityBaudrillard suggests we live in a world that is ‘real’ but not really ‘real’ we can see that in the film in that we are never quite sure what is the real world or the game world?
Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) Baudrillard suggests that we live in copies of copies of the real world (?) but not really ‘real’ and we see this in the film because there are so many layers of game
Consumerist Society
Fragmentary Identities
cultural appropriation

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