
Media texts should be recognizable and use familiar codes and conventions. Steve Neale is a key genre theorist who argues that genre-based categories are not fixed commodities. Factors used to diagnose the genre of a product include levels of verisimilitude, narrative similarities, character-driven motifs, iconography, and audience targeting. Familiarity in media is essential to sell something too left field.

Steve Neale – similarities and differences/predictability and innovation

Levels of verisimilitude – to what extent real world is referenced in products.

Narrative similarities – identification of defined story structures or formulaic narrative devices.

Character driven motifs – lead characters might have defined attributes or narrative arcs.

Iconography – mise en scene expectations + camera or editing styles

Audience targeting – genres crafted to appeal to audiences.

Repetition and audience pleasure – audiences are appealed to with the use of repeated motifs, themes, or stylistic devices.

Genre subversion – all genres are subject to evolve or change common expectations based on audience needs, contextual influences or economic influences.

Genre hybridity – A combination or intertwining of several genres.

Auteur effects – The input and influence specific individuals have on media products.

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