Statement of Intent

I will create 2 media products for brief 4. I have chosen this brief because I have always enjoyed music and especially the visual component as I find it fascinating. I took this brief up because I am interested in narrative theory and seeing how music related media have their own narrative. For example, I really like Todorov’s theory that in every media product, the characters go through stages. They start in an equilibrium, something disrupts it, and they resolve the conflict, creating a new equilibrium.  

The target audience that I will be aiming my products at will be teenagers that enjoy music. This will be 15–21-year-olds who enjoy the visual and textual components to music and who enjoy reading about and discovering new aspiring artists. In terms of Young and Rubicam’s Psychometric profiles, my target audience will be the explorer’s. This is because they like to discover new concepts and genres of music. In terms of Katz and Blumler’s Uses and Gratifications theory, I aim to create products that target people who want to seek media to fill emotional experiences and escape their ordinary lives. I enjoy reading the NME music magazine so I will ensure that the style, tone, and flow of my magazine matches that of NME’s style. I enjoy their style because of its busy front covers and detailed content. As for my music video, I am influenced by self-directed videos by artists. This is because it shows their own story through a video that is created exactly how they envisioned it.  

I want both my music video and my magazine to be linked in content and representation. This will look like my magazine and my music video both featuring a sponsorship. I will consistently reinforce the branding for the sponsorship through out the video and have specific articles based on the sponsorships. I will ensure that throughout my products, my indexical signs are consistent and provide the correct meaning that I want to put across. 

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