Magazine statement of intent

I intend to create a magazine cover called Ambrose which means immortal. This magazine will be based on fashion and discuss the new forms of fashion. The masthead ‘Ambrose’ will suggest to the viewers that fashion is never ending and there are new evolving styles that appear all the time. This magazine will be distributed both physically and digitally, so it is accessible for everyone in the target population. 

The target population for this magazine will be mainly women and in their 20s. This is because they enjoy fashion and are always looking for new styles and beauty tips. My secondary audience will be anyone who likes to follow fashion celebrities. Using Young and Rubicam’s theory of psychographics, my target audience will be explorers. This is because they will be interested in all the new products and will want to read my magazine to be the first people to find out about the newest tips and tricks in fashion. 

The Uses and Gratification theory created by Blumer and Katz suggests that people seek specific media to satisfy their own personal needs. This will be useful to promote this magazine because my target audience will look to the magazine as a way of filling their need for the newest fashion, gossip, and drama. By understanding what my target audience is and enjoys, I can tailor the cover and contents of the magazine to fill their craving for fashion/drama. 

The cover will be the main way I will attract my viewers, so it is important that the mis-en-scene is presented in a way that will spark my audience’s attention. I will do this by making my model have a direct address to the audience which will invite them in by making it feel personal. I will scatter the contents around the cover to create a busy and interesting photo which will attract my audience and make them think of what kind of information will be included in the magazine. I will use light colors and a simplistic design to make sure that it will appeal to the psychographic personalities of my target population.  

The Two Step Flow theory offers a valuable insight into the premotion of this magazine. With the understanding that my target population enjoys fashion, using this theory will increase the magazines reach. They will then share the magazine with all their friends and social groups that have the same interests which will influence them to purchase the magazine as well and in turn, boost the popularity of it.