Statement On Intent

Statement of Intent

The project we were given was to design 2 movie posters and 3 Instagram posts online marketing campaign that includes the theme of Coming Of Age and focusing on diversity and inclusivity and teenager who chases their dreams. The target audience for my posters are between 15-30 with it being targeted towards both genders however linking to the gentlewomen magazine article my movies main acter is a woman as this portrays the perspective we have on the world.

The story I’m creating tells the story of a young women who was forced into marriage and who was fighter through the years of marriage with this horrible man and she manages to excel and to prove her worth to her husband and to achieve her goals and dreams of becoming an artist. So she steals all of his money and runs away with it to open a gallery where she is able to sell all the paintings she has created after her husband had stolen them from her. This creates a sense of power towards younger women as it shows that you have the power towards people who have done you wrong in your life and shows that you should stick up for yourself and how you should be treated. It shows that as you get older you understand more about rights, and this will hopefully inspire younger women to know how they should be treated and to not give up if they want to pursue something.

I aim to make a movie that promotes self-worth and empowerment of women and aim to tell a message of how powerful women really are. This will bring attention towards women and how the stereotype of a women is very different to what we are like. Promoting this movie is important as I want to get a message across to as many people as I can possibly to expand the knowledge and attention of women and stereotypes I the world and to bring as much attention to it as possible.

In my first movie poster it identifies what women must go through and being trapped away and feeling isolated in a forced marriage that they are not opposed to. This creates questions and intrigues people to watch as they want to know why she is trapped in there and why she is feeling this way. I will also use black and white images for this poster as it promotes the emotions of the movie more as this signifies emotions of the woman’s feelings and focuses on how dark and miserable her life is. The date of the movie’s publishing date is advertised on the front of the poster in large bold letters to promote the movies released date so that people are aware of when its released, this makes it easier for people as they have important information that they need to know clear on the front. This builds up excitement and adrenaline of when the movie is being released.

In my second poster it will have more colourful and bright colours compared to the first poster as this poster will focus on the women getting revenge and having power over her husband. This is different compared to my first poster as this poster focuses more on women and how she is stealing from her husband and taking back what is hers from the start. There will be the date the film is coming out at the bottom of the poster, so it is clear to the readers when he movie is being released so they are aware. There are reviews from different magazine articles on the film as this may influence people to watch as they have clarification and reassurance from other people that the movie is good and is worth the watch.

In my first Instagram post it will have ‘keep an eye out’ throughout the post with a picture of the wife trapped in the box and the husband planning things. This creates suspense as to what is going to happen which may intrigue people to watch the film. The theme of this Instagram post is black and white showing how her life when she was trapped away and being forced to be someone who she isn’t. I will have a ‘in cinemas soon’ in red and bold at the top so that is clear to people and the viewers that the movie will be out soon and that the red is very bold and clear so there is no confusion.

In my second Instagram post I will have ‘TICKETS OUT NOW’ in big bold letters to signify that the movie tickets will be released soon and it lets viewers aware clearly that tickets are out. I will have a cut out photo of an image and made it fully black so you can see the outline of the wife being kidnapped and feeling trapped. The black identifies that she is feeling quite dark and low which is presented in the bold black outlined image. I have the title of the movie in the bottom half of the post in red and bloody text to signify what the movie is like and the effects.

Statement of intent

I Intend to create two movie posters and Instagram posts that promote coming of age movies- The Spy Girls. This plot of this film is about two teenage girls who are growing up and love to gossip, however they have hidden talents and need to save the world with their superpowers and must fight battles to conquer evil, the genre of this film is Spy-Fi and will be revealed as a sequel realised in the summertime. This film has a famous movie star power. RUBY WAREN! A famous actor who could attract people to this movie. The contributors will have a positive impact as good performances improve movie quality. The director, Trina Morgan has made very successful films such as Harry Potter. Both characters will influence people to watch the movie as the film is staring two famous and successful people in the film industry. This film and the ideas will be posted on Gentlewomen magazine which focus on modern women of style and purpose. The Gentlewoman celebrates modern women of style and purpose. Its fabulous biannual magazine offers a fresh and intelligent perspective on fashion that’s focused on personal style – the way women look, think and dress, which I think would fit well with the idea and background of this movie as its about two teens growing up, they love to dress nice and gossip and be teens, but the world has other plans for them. It will target the primary audience of late teens specifically females as there will be strong language and violence depicted in this film as the film primarily talks about girls talking which would attract teens as this is how they behave and would show a perspective of their day-to-day life but done in a film. Representation is very important in any product and shot composition is even more vital in photoshop. Therefore, my variety of images will contain a range of angles including low angles and different shots to make the art look bigger and more powerful.

This is a movie about women being heroes which is something you don’t see that much nowadays because its usually men. Its a sci-fi movie which shows that women love women hood but also need to fight of criminals and aliens to save the world and they end up saving the world. 

I have promoted this by making a film poster and Instagram posts to advertise.  

This is because there is lots of diversity within these scheme of movie in media as men can be sexist and stereotypical and view it in a way that women cannot promote this role because of the male gaze as women should be objectified and sexualised in the eyes of men.

My target audience mostly aimed at female girl who love to gossip and love to see drama on tv. It takes an insight on guns, fights, and drama, targeted at an age range of 17-year-olds. It’s a UK based movie.


here comes a map of what you are expected to deal with

1st part: Theories of Media Language (Semiotics and Narrative Theory), Media Representation, Contexts of the Media applied to Adverts (Score and Sephora: Black Beauty is Beauty) and Video Clips (Ghost Town, Old Town Road)

2nd part. Industry and Audiences applied to Newspapers (Daily Mail, Guardian) and Film (Blinded by the Light).

Part 1.

Media Language contains (but is not limited to): Semiotics (Roland Barthes), Narrative theories (Todorov, Levi Strauss), Genre theory (Neale)

Media Representation contains (but is not limited to): Feminist/Gender theories (Laura Mulvey, Judith Butler, Post-feminism, Raunch culture/sexualization, bell hook: intersectionality), Theories of Identity (David Gauntlet).

Media Context refers to knowledge of the historical, cultural and social contexts of media products. When were they produced, what were the social, economic and cultural conditions of that particular moment and how were these echoed in the representation and language (content and form) of your product?

Part 2.

Industries: this topic refer to all the issues discussed by theorists such as James Curran and Jean Seaton, David Hesmondhalgh.

Namely: issues of media ownership (concertation), how are media products produced, distributed and exhibited, how do new technologies (internet) reshape media industries. Differences between old and new forms of marketing and distribution. How do media industries respond to risk? What are the particularities in the production and promotion of your media products? To what extent is Blinded by the Light independent film? What are the ideological differences between Daily Mail and Guardian and how do they inform their marketing strategies? What we mean with terms such as conglomerates, diversification, vertical integration.

Audience: This topic can overlap with issues examined in the previous category: ways of targeting, maximizing and understanding audiences.

Important issues to focus on:

How do we categorize/classify audience (demographics, psychographics) and what are the target audiences of your close study products?

Be aware of the main ideas of Audience Theorists and be prepared to apply their ideas to your CPS (Daily Mail, Guardian — Blinded by the Light)

Psychographic profile, Hypodermic Model, Uses and Gratifications theory. Stuart Hall’s theory of encoding and decoding, Gebner’s Cultivation theory.



Advertising and Marketing – Score pre-1970 product. It will invite comparison with other CSP
adverts allowing for an analysis of the contexts in which they are produced and consumed.

Semiotic, Narrative and Representational analysis

what are the signs(signifiers/signified), denotation/connotation/ myths can be detected?

narrative: how can equilibrium/disequilibrium (Todorov) /binary oppositions (Levi Strauss)/or stock characters (Propp) can be applied to this video clip?

How audience responses to interpretations of media representations reflect social, cultural
and historical attitudes

  • The effect of historical contexts on representations
  • Theories of representation, including Hall
  • Theories of gender performativity, including Butler,
  • Feminist theories, including bel hooks and van Zoonen

See Sephora below:

How this advert tells a story (semiotics and nattarology)

Semiotic, Narrative and Representational analysis

what are the signs(signifiers/signified), denotation/connotation/ myths can be detected?

narrative: how can equilibrium/disequilibrium (Todorov) /binary oppositions (Levi Strauss)/or stock characters (Propp) can be applied to this video clip?

Discussion of the advert is likely to focus mainly on representation of race and gender

  • The way in which the media – through representation – constructs versions of reality
  • How and why stereotypes can be used positively and negatively – particularly in the context of
    cosmetics advertising
  • The processes which lead media producers to make choices about how to represent social
  • The effect of social and cultural contexts on representations
  • Theories of representation, including Hall
  • Theories of identity, including Gauntlet
  • Theories of gender, including Butler [or gender and race (bell hook)[
  • Theories of race and ethnicity (Gilroy)

Video Clips

Product: Music Video – Ghost Town – The Specials (1981)

discuss language (Mise-en-scene, Cinematography: what types of shots are used, angles and lighting, Semiotics: how images signify cultural meanings)

Construction of a narrative and links to song lyrics (the journey through a deserted landscape,
lyrics which refer to effects of political and economic conditions)

How can narrative theory can be applied to it?

and representation:

Old Town Road

Discuss Language:

Mise-en-scene analysis – including setting, props, costume, etc

Cinematography – including the cinematic style of the video (what shots are used, angles, how are shots are connected with each other or juxtaposed, what cinematic genres does it bring in mind)

Semiotics: how images signify cultural meanings – a central aspect of the construction of the
contrasting meanings associated with country, rap and hip-hop

Narrative: Construction of a narrative through the reference to the western genre form, role of the hero,
elements of conflict, etc, which link to issues of representation.