Statement of Intent

My project is going to be a digital campaign consisting three Instagram posts and two movie posters. They promote a coming of age film called Thinking For Me. The film centres on the emotional ventures of a daughter/ father and/or represents messy, upsetting and complicated forms of familial bonding. These posters are going to appear on the online site of the magazine Gentle Woman, therefore the primary audience (target demographic) is female aged 17-45 with an interest in arts.

In my coming of age film I challenge the stereotypes of the Fatherly and daughter bond as the generalization of the father figure being there to provide resilience and strength in his daughter’s life. Another generalisation that can be made through the bond of child to parent can be the support they give and receive throughout their childhood. When these generic opinions are put into place, contradicting/opposing this can create spark and difference that viewers may be interested in. Automatically the viewer feels upset and empathetic for the character therefore feeling more included in the movie.

The ethereal aesthetic of posters highlight the perplexed/twisted emotional canvas of the film.

In my movie posters I attempted to present this “twisted emotional canvas” in my first movie poster demonstrating the emotionality and vulnerability of the young subject presented in three different photographs layered together, the subject appears to look upset and confused, the photographs highlights only her face as the important detail presenting her feelings and her responses in different parts of the film.

The name of the director is repeatedly presented in the promotional marketing of the film as well as the text “coming soon” demonstrating the urgency for the film to be delivered to the audience, the audience’s interest goes up and the release of the film may be more expected and known if not for that.

As well as the releases of the poster and social media posts allowing the director to promote their film by not only attracting their target but also making their name better known/ more familiar within the industry, this may allow the promotion of the film to expand their fan base through the director and actors when presenting the popular names beside the movie title.

In terms of VALS the audience of my movie posters can be described as “Seekers” -described as people who seek look for individuality and experimentation in their life and “Constraints”-described as individuals who hold onto past/nostalgia and onto familiarity, they rather reinforce then challenge or too renew their ideas/opinions.

The target audience age group is mid teenagers as well as adults such as 17-45. Due to maturity and emotionality/relatability of the individual. These people can be described as people who have an interest in cinematic feels, looking back in the past/holding onto memories and reminiscing. The psychographic of my audience could be categorised as “followers”. This group is very attached to the idea of friends and family as keeps them as priorities close to them, they feel a comfort being with them. Standing out in a crowd is not ideal for them.

Therefore with my target audience the genre being coming-of age drama will appeal to them as it will allow many opinions to be passed as the target audience is very broad, many people with many stories which could be relatable.

My media product such as the poster will demonstrate and seek to achieve popularity and seek internationalism, where the poster and social media will be available to see to a range of different people from different backgrounds/ gaining attention and to be recognisable to the audience.

In my second media product, such as my three Instagram posts, in terms of brand synergy, well-known actress Vitoria Silva stars ina the coming of age, including the famous actress means that the audience will be familiar with the actress therefore my be more familiar with the movie and will have a higher opinion and rating of it due to the reputation of the character.

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