Theoretical Ideas
Let’s start with a story . . .
Once upon a time . . .
. . . we had the Ancients . . . . so let’s have a brief look at Aristotle’s Poetics (see from 3:20 – 4:51) and think about:
- What is the point of art / aesthetics?
- What are the key elements?
Think about these words: Can they apply to your style model? Your summer task? Your 1-2-1 interviews?
Harmartia (a fatal flaw or Big Mistake!)
Peripeteia (a sudden reversal of fortune, that may drive character, action, space, motivation, theme)
Anagnoresis (the recognition of true identity / meaning, a kind of key moment of drama / conflict)
Catharsis (a relief of emotions, feelings, anxiety, thoughts, difficulty)
Think about the idea of UNITY (or the 3 Unities’)
Think about the following. Can they apply to your style model? Your summer task? Your 1-2-1 interviews?
- plot vs character
- arrangement of incidences (how do you arrange events in a story?)
- Aiming towards a goal
- complication and unravelling (peripeteia)
- Recognition (anagnoresis)
- Pathos (agony of recognition)
- Catharsis (knowledge through purge)