My Product Model – Swarovski

QUANTITATIVE number based approach
QUALITATIVE an individual interpretative approach considering why audiences consume or engage.
In my advert for Bobbi Brown, I would expect the model to be a ‘technical middle class’ woman because the eye makeup that she is advertising is around £20, she looks around 26 years old and she looks like she works in an office as maybe a secretary.
My product is designed to be sold to ‘mainstreamers’.
Quantitative data – Number based data.
Qualitative data – More of a worded approach.
Quantative- statistical data, numbers
Qualitative- Opinions, statements.
Quantitative – Number based approach eg. counting sales, audience stats…
Qualitive – an individual interpretative approach considering why audiences consume or engage.
Quantitative: this product is targeted towards men with a high disposable income (established middle class and up), as it is an expensive and exclusive product.
Qualitative: The aspirer. – motivated by esteem or status. n
for my product I’m aiming for those who are established middle class those who are aspirers as well as explorers this products price range would be between 60-70 pounds as this product will show instant affects of an aromatic scent within a long lasting time can overcome all odour’s and my audience gender is a male audience those of an established working class.
Quantitative- Number based approach e.g audience stats
Qualitative – an individual interpretative approach considering why audiences consume or engage, uses a word based approach.
Quantitative: The product is targeted at women around the age of 12 and upwards who belong to a wide range of classes. Members who do not fit this criteria may also purchase the fragrance however is not as common.
Qualitative- The Aspirer- Motivated by esteem/status needs
Who – MacDonald’s
Says what – you may order a salad but you really want a MacDonald’s big mac
Channel– poster
To whom– anyone who sees the poster and eats salad
with what effect– to promote MacDonald’s and sell big macs
drawbacks – someone might not live near a MacDonald’s,
Who – L’OREAL Paris
Says what – men should hire more women in leadership roles
Channel– poster/magazine advert
To whom– men who run a business
with what effect– to promote women’s rights, sell their product and get men to hire women
drawbacks – men may not be attracted to the image as they aren’t interested in makeup
Who – lady million perfume
Says what – if you want to be the lady with loads of men, wear lady million perfume
Channel– poster/magazine advert
To whom– women between 18 – 30
with what effect– to get women to buy the perfume
drawbacks – some women may be offended as they wont be happy that it promotes male validation to make a woman feel good.
Paul Lazarfeld – Two Step Flow model of communication, which took account of the way in which mediated messages are not directly injected into the audience, but while also subject to noise, error, feedback etc