Research Product 1 | Research Product 2 | My Product | |
Understanding self | – | – | Product may make you feel and smell how you want |
Enjoyment | Enjoy driving the new car | Moment of bliss from the first sip | If you smell nicer, you may enjoy life more |
Escapism | Escape from reality on an open road | Moment of bliss from the first sip | – |
Knowledge about the world | Drive to see the world | – | People like others who use this product |
Self confidence, Self esteem | Have more confidence whilst driving an Audi | Famous people drink coke | You will feel cleaner and smell cleaner |
Strengthen connections with family and friends | Go on drives or trips with family and friends | Something you can enjoy with others | – |
Other category or theme | – | – | – |

dominant signifiers-shayla and Manny | The use of well known influencers gains more publicity for the product and therefore more sales. Their heavy influence will convince others that they also need this product. |
anchorage-‘ that boss life’ in the first shot of the ad | The strap line not only tells us what the product is, but it also signifies the effect this product will have on a consumer – they will become more confident. |
code- gold sparkles special effects and glistening sound effects | have connotations to magic and portray the mascara tube as a magic wand. This creates the idea that by using this product you will magically become more beautiful and more confident. |
symbolic sign, paradigm- the colour gold | Gold packaging, gold suitcase, gold outfits, gold lighting has connotations of wealth and luxury |
This Maybelline advert promotes it being okay for men to wear makeup and this advertisement for Maybelline was the first of many of a gay man selling the product. Promoting their product with the first gay male is widely making their advertisement more known and potentially promoting the product to reach more people.
Having more diversity with the promotion of the product is much better for creating a positive side to the brand and not labelling who and who cannot wear makeup, having a women of colour also being in the advert promoting the product is also a positive act as that is also not very commonly seen nowadays.
Having well known people in an advert is a very good way of selling the product as other competitors normally find it harder to compete.
The advert does have some cringey parts but that is a good way of it getting stuck in your head so you end up being the product out of spite. The colours that are also used in the ad are gold, this represents wealth, satisfaction, pleasure and happiness symbolising how the buyers may feel after using the product.
statement of intent – nea
I intend to create 2 print adverts, one will be contemporary and reactionary and the other one will be radical. My product is going to be a perfume. My perfume will be aimed at women aged between 18-45. My product will be leaning more towards high end but still not quite there. The aim of the two adverts is to sell the perfume.
For my contemporary advert, my model will be wearing her prom dress with a brown fur coat to give an elegant look which will encourage the customers to want to buy the perfume as the advert will convince them to want to look as good as the model does. The main model photo will have a shadow behind her elongating her figure upwards to make her appear taller. The fur coat will drape over her shoulders revealing her shoulder with the one single trap that is embellished. Her hair, skin and coat all have similar colour palette with the the neutral and goldish tones.
The dominant signifier of the advert will be the perfume but I also want the customers to notice the female model dressed nicely. I will put a translucent image of my product on the bottom left of the image. That product imagine will have a black fur texture which will be overlayed the main model image.
The female model will be represented in a reactionary way for my contemporary advert. The advert should be positive as it will be positive and pleasing to look at.
sign, connotation, signified, icon, index, symbol, anchorage, ideology, denotation.
voyeurism, male gaze, patriarchy, mis representation, constructed reality,
david gaunttlett – fluidity of identity, negotiated identity, collective identity, constructed identity.
shannon and weaver, uses and gratifications, hierarchy, psychographic profiles.
Statement Of Intent
For my print advert I plan to use a can of Lynx. I will use a black can for the modern ad and a white can for the old ad, by doing this I’m attempting to demonstrate the progression of racism since the 60’s. In other words, I plan to do one ad representing a modern outlook and the other being an ad with more outdated values. I intend to make both look professional by using style models for similar products that were/are used in the time which both ads are set. The ads will be aimed at a younger male audience, being between ages 12-25.
Focusing more on the semiotic aspect of it, I can use my style model (Calvin Klein DEFY) to distinguish the signs and conventions which are used in professional print products to therefore improve my product by making it look more professional. By attempting to look at the print as a potential consumer I can immediately spot a paradigm of blue/denim imagery which emphasises the colour of the aftershave
patriarchy, dominant ideology, hegemony, audience positioning, P+N stereotypes.
David Gauntlett: Fluidity of identity constructed identity.
statement of intent
for my advertisement page i will be using aftershave as my product that i will be using for my ad i will be my own model in a suit jacket as well as a white buttoned shirt i am gaining my own ideas from the Hugo boss advert where it has Ryan Reynolds as man of the year i want to mimic some of the quality’s of the ad where i want to say something similar to the ad im getting my ideas from where the poster says “confidence makes the man of the year” i want to make something similar towards it i am wanting to wear a buttoned shirt with a blazer or something similar my audience is for the “elite” those who buy expensive things like fast cars and the so my age range is those who are 25 and upwards. this advertisement will be my modern day poster where my other poster will be a funk pop 90s poster with a wig and bright vibrant colours where my strap line will be “peace and love within a bottle”
focusing more on my modern poster i have used the hypodermic model within my strap line talking about how charisma and confidence makes the man of the year making my audience believe that if they have those quality’s they will become the man of the year…
within my poster i have an indexical sign where my model is wearing a suit representing wealth and money within my work as well as an iconic sign of wealth an maturity as a sign. The word man suggest he is powerful and mature and wealthy this could also be classed as a symbolic sign
in my poster my strapline has anchorage within it the words confidence and charisma have word connotations that link to something more than just adjectives it provokes the thought of quality’s that women want within a man
the dominant signifier within my work would be the word man suggesting that hes the definition of the word man as well as all the myths and stereotypes that follow the word man
the signified concept behind my poster is to sell a product that is aimed at those who are elite
my product refers to the male gaze where it shows of the male status as well as the components of what a man is this also reinforces the patriarchy within modern day times it also creates the stereotype that all men will rule the world by the strapline when it says charisma and confidence make the man of the year signifying that those quality’s are those who are the best. This also positions the audience to believe that this product will imbue these quality’s through the product that they are seeing and buying.
the poster uses all three identity’s that David Gauntlet came up with. such as the fluidity of identity like the construction of showing of masculinity through the use of words
, counter types , positive and negative stereotypes , dominant ideology ,
david gauntlet – constructed identity , collective identity
hypodermic model – lasswell
noise , error , feedback
two step flow
uses and gratifications
statement of intent- nea
I intend to make two product adverts, one that is historical and one is contemporary, for the mascara made by Maybelline called Falsies Lash Lift. I aim for my historical product advert to resemble that of an old 1960s advert, which will be targeted at women of the age 12+, whereas I intend for my contemporary product to be targeted more towards the male gender as well as the female gender. This is to imply the difference between discrimination of genders from 1960’s compared to now male gender. In the past it was not seen as acceptable for men to wear makeup as it was believed that the purpose of makeup was solely for women, however now in the more modern times discrimination against the genders have decreased and it is more acceptable for makeup to also be targeted at men. Therefore, for my modern, which can be described as radical, advert I am going to use Liv as a model to represent a member of the male gender and then for my historical advert, which can be described as reactionary. I am going to use Liv as a model to represent the female gender, this is to emphasise the difference in how times have changed between the roles of genders.
In both of my adverts, I am going to have Liv applying mascara, however, for the first advert she is going to represent the female gender giving the suggestion that she loves herself by making sure that she looks confident and bold. In order to do this, I will have the dominant signifier (Liv) wearing a bright red wig to represent the bold colours of the 1960’s. The adverts colour palette will mostly consist of red/ gold/ nude shades because these colours are usually associated with the 1960’s. The strap line will be ‘a dramatic mascara for dramatic lashes’, this will create anchorage for potential buyers as it insinuates to the audience that if they buy the mascara they can feel as if they are someone they’re not or feel more confident within themselves.
Whereas, in my second advert, I am going to have Liv as my model to represent the male gender, in which she is going to have a moustache and wig on. She is going to give the impression to the audience that the male character is in awe with the look the mascara has given him. The adverts colour palette will mostly consist of pink / nude shades because these colours are usually associated with femininity, even though I am representing a male in this advert I would like femininity to also be represented, in order to emphasise that in our modern times people can be who they want to be and wear what they want to wear no matter their gender.
Advertising NEA – Statement of Intent
For my print adverts I plan to advertise a can of deodorant. I will create two adverts, with one version being much more modernised and reactionary, and another being one which you would encounter a fairly long time ago, being more traditional and radical. Taken together, these adverts will show the contrasting features of traditional adverts compared to contemporary, more modern ones.
For the contemporary (new) advert, the dominant signifier will exhibit a more confident and dominant pose and wearing more realistic, modern clothes, relating to the idea of the “cool man” and appearing in a conventional way to show the product off. I will also include a sleek, non-obtrusive background, adding to the more modern approach to the product and to promote values of modest beauty. The symbolic sign of the text will be more polished, adding to the cool and trendy connotations that the product gives off. The planned audience positioning here is that younger, more impressionable young men will show a positive reaction to the product, and want to buy it after seeing how calm and collected the dominant signifier is, and thus they would be provided with a role model to aspire to. This would lead to a constructed identity as described by David Gauntlett of self-esteem upon buying and using the product, which I believe is a rather positive idea. A potential downside to this however is the chance that this could be relating to voyeurism and patriarchy, particularly if the theory of errors in encoding/decoding messages as described by Shannon and Weaver comes into effect. I think that this type of advert would be produced by a company selling beauty products at a professional standard, trying to coerce impressionable young people into buying their products.
For my traditional (older) style of advert, the dominant signifier will be wearing more traditional clothing and be wearing a wig, which gives connotations of wildness. In addition, the iconic signs, being the images of the product itself, will use more clashing colours. I will also include an indexical signifier which is random and arbitrary, similar to that which you would find in a comic, labelling the product as new and adding to the theme of wild ambition. This will represent the deodorant in a more radical way, suggesting that the model doesn’t care as much about how he looks or what he smells like, while still encouraging the consumer to purchase the product because of the idea that they will want to obtain the self-confidence, which the advert gives off, for themselves. I think that the target audience who would consume this is an older demographic than the modern advert, because the style is obviously from some time ago. This means that a wider age bracket would be interested in buying the product, although that audience is likely to be less impressionable. I think that the institution likely to be creating an advert like this is one which was formed a fair amount of time ago, selling products that could perhaps be considered a tad outdated nowadays, however they would clearly still know how to find their target audience effectively and consequently sell a fair amount of products.
Statement of intent – NEA
I intend for my product advert to be targeted towards young men between the ages of 16-30 to imply that the Sekonda watches are affordable, smart and functional. I will be using the watch in the centre of a crowded space to imply that life can become crowded and that buying a watch can help fix that issue , along with small text. The advert is meant to imply to people they should have a smart watch to make themselves smarter and liven up their dress, impressing people around them and at work. I will also attempt to use the quote “Find your watch today” implying that there are many options that a person can pick from and that there are multiple types to fit multiple outfits at a good price. In this advert I will be using a serif font to make the advert seem fancier, I will be using a box around the advert to make the customer focus on the actual product instead of the surrounding clutter and items, then I will add the Sekonda text to make the advert look smarter and seem like its from the actual company, not a student. I will be making the watch specifically jump out by making it a bit brighter than the surrounding objects. The watch will be layed out flat to show the full leather straps and the quality of it to impress customers and show how smart the watch is, also in the background I will be using womans perfume, mens body wash and female magazine page to signify that the owner of this watch has taken off the watch due to having a lady friend over.
I will be doing this by using my own Sekonda watch for the reactionary advert and will be using a Sekonda woman’s watch in the radical advert. I will be making the woman’s advert radical by making the advert wildly sexist and putting the watch on a wooden rolling pin then sprinkling flour around the scene to give the sexist ideology that woman belong in the kitchen, as well as this it supports the old stereotypes that woman are below men and that everything is patriarchal. I will be using my mums golden female Sekonda watch and putting it around the rolling pin. I will be using the quote “make sure nothing burns” to really display the targeted over sexist advert that I have made. Of course this is just for the idea of the advert and I do not agree with the message. I will be adding a cooking recipe page behind the scene to make nearly a copy of my modern, male advert to display the duality of adverts and advert styles. I will be using a lot of bright red and orange colours to give the ideology of the sixties, with a couple blurred areas, older style font, noise in the photo along with colourful flowery patterns to capture the sense of the sixties. I will also take the photo in the infinity screen with flash lighting with soft boxes to make the gold of the watch shine, the reason for this is to show off the quality of the product rather than to make the presumed woman wearer feel glamourous, this is the patriarchal sixties after all.
- Companies are being more racially diverse within their adverts which gives them a better representation for who and what they support.
- The influencer Manny spreads the positivity of using makeup on either gender with the tag, “lash like a boss”
- The influencer, Shayla spreads the idea that its difficult for different races to wear different makeup due to tones and shades being different, Maybelline fixes this issue with their new product
- The ads background presents the idea that it is an expensive product, however it is advertisement is implying the product is luxury but affordable.
- The slogan displayed for the video is a catchy, inspirational moto.
- Maybelline makes (USD)$146.82 million a year in sales with 4.48 million people using Maybelline eye products in 2020.
- Founded in 1914, New York, United States.
- The characters in the video are shown to be confident and good looking to imply that if you’re a different race, sexuality or gender it doesn’t matter and you can do whatever you would like and be great at it.
Statement of Intent: Advertisement
I intend to advertise the product ‘Celebrations’ – a miniature chocolate bar collection by Mars, Incorporated. I will create two different adverts – one radical and one reactionary.
For my radical advert, I am going to base it around an 80s and 90s themed advertisement. I want to present the excitement of a literal celebration to appeal to all ages and races (specifically a younger audience ranging from ages 7 – 25), so I will include bright colours and lights. I also want it to be aimed towards friends and families – so it might include a diverse group of people, to show that the product is available to share with everyone. This will also coincide with the ‘Celebrations’ tagline: “Share the joy”, which I shall include in a bold font with a contrasting colour to the background to make it stand out. The product being advertised will be the dominant signifier and this will be placed at the front of all the layers to draw attention to it.
For my reactionary advert, I am going to design it in the style of a modern advertisement. I want to feature Laura Mulvey’s idea of the male gaze. My dominant signifier will be a man in the centre of the advert surrounded by women gazing lustfully at him. This will entice other men into purchasing the product due to the voyeurism that consumes the hegemonic masculinity in our society.
dominant signifier /
David Gauntlett
fluidity of representation
collective identity
male gaze /
voyeurism /
dominant ideology
hegemony /