NEa : Modern Advert

In my production of my advert, I intend to base my product around a jewellers known as Swarovski. I hope to advertise my product for ages between 18 – 40 years of age. I intend to imply/advertise glamorous but affordable jewellery such as the bracelet that I hope to bring in. As well, I plan to capture the sparkle from the bracelet with specific lighting to give it a posh style appearance. These photographs will be captured using flash lighting with soft boxes and cannon camera with a portrait lens, to capture a close, low angle of the bracelet with a stern focus to generate a professional, distinctive photograph. Furthermore, I will be editing all my photos in photoshop to brighten and improve my photography skills, and maybe add a white border to modernise the picture. Another, edit that I will add to my image will be a sans-serif font. On top of that, I could perhaps do a similar photoshoot but with the bracelet’s box, and position the lid in a professional manner. These will be my modernised reactionary print adverts, but I aim to accomplish my first idea. Where as my historical, radical print advert will be of men wearing feminine jewellery.
However with my second 60s – 90s advert, this will be completed by positioning the jewellery box containing the bracelet under a photographer light such as the flash lighting, so the crystals shine and create that rich, luxury appearance and potentially have some masculine and feminine products around the wrist, to make sure it is not too plain and exaggerates the radical idea that men can also wear feminine jewellery/products.
I feel that the kind of company that would make my product would be a jewellers that aim to produce products using the finest of crystals, such as Swarovski and H.Samuel.
textual analysis
-rich background to show the richness of erfume
-small text with classy font
-expensive clothing on to show she’s posh
-lighting directly on her to show her importance
semeotic analysis
-dominant signifier(women in far right)
– Anchorage( background to represent expensive place)
-Icon (lighting)
-Anchorage(curtains signifying richness)
represntational analysis
– Voyeurism
– Dominant Ideology
– Constructed Identity
– Patriarchy
My intention for this product is to represent the CeraVe moisturiser as an amazing brand which will sort out any dry. acne-prone skin within days. I want it to look very appealing to a youngish audience (eg. teenagers/ early 20’s) so it will have to look trendy and have a modern style to it. I am basing it off the Maybelline lipstick advert and some other adverts I have looked at which are for moisturisers. I will incorporate some of the features from these adverts such as the smooth textured waves going across the page and luxuriousness which would be great for someone seeking an escape. I will create a syntagm by combining a zoom in of my models face (dominant signifier) and a shot of my product with a headline and text to create meaning.
The elements I will include the brands famous tagline (“Developed by dermatologists”) at the bottom of the advert with a main headliner at the top saying “CeraVe: long lasting moisturiser, instantly transforming your skin!” Also i will have a close up of my model applying the moisturiser to her face and the outstanding results. There will not be too much writing and mainly use images to convince the audience that it will be worth them switching to this product. There will be some texture added to the modern day advert by using glitter like splashes to convey the excitement and miracle transformation when you use the product. The signified will be the white twirl coming of the bottle which is going to represent the moisturiser.
The advert will represent the dominant ideology that females should always do their best to keep their skin looking beautiful such as having a good skin care routine (wanting to have a moisturiser that is approved by others). It is a constructed reality which will influence many teens/ young adults. In some ways it could be seen as a negative stereotype because having perfect skin can be an unrealistic expectation. In the classic advert the model will be
I will be making two adverts one classic and one contemporary advert. The contemporary advert will consist of a reactionary stereotype of a teenage girl using the product but with a genuine smile not a fake staged one which is usually portrayed in modern day media. The type of audience that would consume it would be the mainstreamer or the succeeder because it is a product with a price range that is affordable for most people and those who want to seek control of how they look by making their skin smoother and performing to dominant ideologies about how a female should care about their appearance, based on Young and Rubicam’s physcographic descriptors
The kind of company that would make my product would be a popular magazine featuring celebrities or recent news that would interest those of a younger generation. I believe it could also be featured outside shops such as Boots or Superdrug which are places that the advert would be seen.
syntagym (Roland Barthes)
Ferdinand De Sassaure
David Guantlett – Constructed identity, collected idenity (only for females)
Male gaze, audience positoning, positive and negeative steroetypes, dominant ideology, hegemony
Two step flow of communication- Lazarsfeld
Uses and gratifications model- Katz and Blumler
My intention for my advertisement is to take a photo of a female holding the product and looking at the added photo of it.
My reactionary advert will consist of a female dressed in a black fury coat holding my the mascara. The girl along with the product is the dominant signifier. I decided that my model should be holding the product as well as a pair of sunglasses so she appears stylish and it’s as if the mascara transforms you into a young woman with good fashion sense and elegance. The title will be placed above her head at the top of the page and will be in a serif font to enhance the classy nature of the advert. The colour also supports this as I have chosen gold font to display a rich looking product. Although the copy is coloured black, the slogan is the same colour as the title to attract attention to it and so it is clear to the audience. My slogan is ‘confident, new, subtle’ which provides anchorage for the audience, especially if they are searching for any of these things in a mascara. An example of an iconic sign in my advert is the mascara as it is a sign that looks like it’s object. In this advert, the male gaze could be attracted due to her elegance and confident posture. The woman on the advert seems as though she lives a comfortable lifestyle and she is financially affluent lifestyle.
Laswell developed the Hypodermic model which is a linear communication theory which suggests that messages the media portrays are intended directly for a passive audience. In this case, the components of Laswell’s model would consist of the sender, being the brand- ‘Ted Baker’ and the name- ‘Indulge’, the message that the sender gets across, that you will feel ‘confident’ and it is a ‘new’ and ‘subtle’ look. The focus is then about the channel, the channel of this finished product is an advertisement in a magazine. However, it could be printed out as a poster. This magazine advert is for the intended audience (receiver) of women between the age of 20-28 who wear makeup and are of a middle class as the product isn’t the most expensive but is in the price range of £18-£20 which is moderate for a mascara. The denotation of the sunglasses in the model’s hand and her necklace also makes her appear middle class/high class as they sunglasses makes her appear classy and the necklace is a popular, expensive product that is only affordable to people who are well-off. This positions the audience to believe that the product looks expensive and if they purchase it they will feel more boujee. This then gives the affect (feedback) that people might believe that if they use this product they will become popular and clean looking. This could attract negative stereotypes in the sense that people who aren’t able to purchase this will feel insecure about themselves and how they can not afford to look as good as the model.
The radical advert will consist of a woman in a colourful 80’s style dress with a black wig in a hairstyle from that time period. The girl holding the product is the dominant signifier. I decided that my model should be holding the product as it seems more obvious that she uses it and promoting the product.