Advertisement 2

The product I am advertising is Jean Paul Gautier scandal perfume . I am using fellow student Amber Le Cornu as the model of my product. She is used in a sexualising way. With the modern advert taking on a more radical stance, and the contemporary advert taking a more reactionary approach.
In my first (modern) advert, my target audience will be women aged 16-75 , who are looking to become more confident and self assured with a good smell on their bodies. The aim of this advert will primarily be emphasising the scandalous qualities of my product through a dark aesthetic and informative description. The adverts colour palette will mostly consist of greyscale shades because these colours are usually associated with darkness. I will apply this by using a white background with a black undertone, and by dressing my dominant signifier (Amber Le cornu ) in black coloured clothes. She will also act full of herself and knowing she smells good in the advert,. In this advert, the main selling point of the product will be a scandalous sanguine influence it has on the women the perfume is targeted at. The tagline (indexical sign) will be “vivre la vie sur le bord” which translates to “live life on the edge”. This reinforces the revealing sexualised feel (the anchorage) of the product which I’ve tried to connote. I will follow my style model by placing the image of the product at the bottom left of the advert, using a shadowed font on the left side of my ad (this again connotes feelings such as self confidence assertive and bold), and putting the product type and slogan on the upper left-hand side of the advert. Also, I will place my picture of Amber in the middle of the advert and put the products name in the bottom right-hand corner. I will be bringing the product into school, as well as bringing dark revealing clothes for Amber to wear. I am using Amber as the face of my product because she has light, clear skin and she entails mystery.
In my reactionary era advert, my marketing strategy will be slightly different. Instead of targeting an audience of women aged 16-75, my target audience will be men aged 16-35. Also, the theme of the advert will be more reactionary aiming to be slightly degrading towards women by having a man become more attractive and being surrounded by women . The colour palette for this advert will be quite colourful with hints of red, which connote a sexy, dark vibe to the product. It also creates feelings of passion and energy and seduction. The clothing that my style model, Dylan, will wear will be masculine which fits in with the reactionary theme of the advert and conforms to stereotypes about men.