Judith Butler – Gender

  • Certain acts and ideas depict your gender.
  • The idea of what you do, what you drink, how you talk and how you stand decides who you are, what you are and how you act all the time. It also can put you into one of society’s many groups, where people are all the same or act similarly.
  • However Judith is implying that there is no “repetitive” acts that can depict who you are, its all a false idea created by humanity because that’s what is normal, however as we move and and as me mature we realise everyone does what they want and people don’t live by what others think or depict of them. Some people are born a gender but then change because they feel that isn’t who they are, and as the days go on, that is more and more publicly accepted by humanity and people will not need to put on a façade to be a certain way to fit in.

Harry styles article: Quotes

“Styles announced that he hoped to “dispel the myth of a binary existence”” – This displays how Styles see’s the current state of society as not correct and that it needs to change, however I feel as if he has gone the wrong way around it.

“Styles’s first business venture includes a range of nail polishes, an illuminating primer serum, and a dual-purpose eye and lip oil.” – The reason I state I believe that Styles has gone the wrong way around this is because instead of maybe doing a show or charity event to raise money to donate to charities such as Human Rights Campaign Foundation or The Trevor Project he made a company he could profit off of.

“Undoubtedly, there is serious value in beauty now. In July, the global beauty industry was valued at $511bn” – This quote proves to me that Styles see’s this as a money grab more than anything else, with his large following he could amass an incredible amount of money and a big business, one like Lada gaga or Beyoncé.

Judith Butler – Gender Performativity

Judith Butler describes gender as “an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts”. In other words, it is something learnt through repeated performance.

Butler is illustrating that our gender identities are constructed by the institutions we have been brought up with and exposed to and are often presented to us as objective – for example boys must play football and girls must wear dresses. However, by saying this she implies that this is the opposite of what gender is and in reality we are just made to believe gender is objective when in actual fact it is completely subjective – for example girls can also play football.

She theorises that it is your behaviour that fabricate your gender, most significantly your repeated behaviour, and in saying that, she highlights that no one is just born with an identity but as people grow up, as people are exposed to new knowledge and experiences and hardships; that is when one’s identity evolves and is created. This links to not only the idea of fluid identity, but also constructed identity, for example one may construct their identity based on their experiences throughout childhood, however as one becomes older and is exposed to more knowledge and experiences their gender/identity evolves and becomes more fluid.

‘rituals and performative actions constantly reinforce our identities

She highlights that through repeating certain practices which may be unique to one’s chosen gender, whatever gender that may be, we are able to present to other people our identity and gender. This is also subjective as just because a certain practice may be typically performed by a girl, such as painting your nails, does not mean that it cannot be performed by a male or any other gender.

Biological anatomies do not determine our gender’

Butler stresses the importance of understanding that just because someone is born with a certain body part, does not mean that that corresponds to their gender identity meaning that more than anything, gender is a mentality rather than a physical state.

‘to maintain an identity that falls outside of heterosexual norm in our society is , she suggests, a subversive act that takes a great deal of effort to maintain.’

Because being anything other than heterosexual is not as common and sometimes not widely accepted, it is difficult for people to fully express themselves.

constructed reality- judith Butler

‘stylized repetition of acts’.

Judith butlers states that ”identity instituted though stylized repetition of acts”. She expands on how our reality is all constructed by ourselves and that we mould our lives into this norm. Money, time, gender the worlds boxes that we have to fit into to practically be human and survive.

The idea that women and girls like pink, makeup and small dogs builds a stereotype, alike certain thing such as short skirts, small waist, and big lips attract boys. This is all a constructed reality for us to aspire to or not to.

Harry styles pleasing line tries to surpass the ideal of binary living and belonging to a constructed reality of belonging to a certain group of people, and advertises a product that is usually advertised to souley women, and advertises the product to all audiences no matter what gender. The fact that it it advertiseed by a male increases the rebel to this constructed reality

Exam Essay Prep

Butler says that gender is “an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts”.

She is basically suggesting that there is no set gender, people just trust each other as a reality is constructed in order to make sure everything is okay and nothing ‘bad’ happens, like a set of rules. There is a set of ground rules that separates males to females and identifies what you can and cannot do as a specific gender and you cannot cross that line. This repetition of acts an identity is ‘created’ by is basically just a social construct you are meant to abide to so you can essentially be categorized. People are now realising that the world doesn’t have to be so binary and there is allowed to be ‘fluidity of identity’ as David Gauntlett explains, there doesn’t have to be a straight answer to gender, sexuality etc, some people would rather identify themselves as non-binary, where they identify as neither male nor female.

Harry Styles Article:

‘“illuminating” and “highlighting” are the buzz words for Styles. There is a sense that this brand is about celebrating what is already there and encouraging customers to be themselves.’

‘“Me seeing a colour on a flower or a wallpaper or something and thinking, ‘Oh, I wanna put that on my nails.”‘– This is a clear representation of breaking the social construct of gender. Harry Styles, a male, enjoys painting his nails, which is typically what a female would do. Releasing this beauty line/nail varnish, I believe he is trying to break the barrier even more than it has been broken.

 ‘In July, the global beauty industry was valued at $511bn’


  • The Leveson Inquiry is/was public inquiry into cultures, practices and ethics of the British press. This inquiry looks into the News international phone hacking scandal for publicity of private and personal information about celebrities and general people.
  • One of the main ideas that revealed the disgust the media is involved with Milly Dowlers murder. A young teenager was murdered and the body was supposedly never found, however when writing stories and gathering info the media, with the polices consent, hacked into the young girls phone and texted her parents to give the false idea that she was still alive, they did this to keep the story going and make more sales.
  • The Levenson study was created to reveal all of this corruptness and how the media needs to change, this was 10 years ago and the world has hardly changed.

David Gauntlett

Fluidity of Identity – This type of identity is the idea that people can change themselves through their appearance, their actions and the world.

Constructed Identity – The identity development is a complex process in which humans and people develop and clear sight of themselves and have a specific view on themselves.

Negotiated Identity – This is the process that people agree and perceive you as, and identify ‘who is who’ is their relationships.

Collective Identity – This is the sense of belonging to a group, having the same interests as the peers around you, however it does not mean you and another person are the same. They share the same ideas.


  1. Fluidity of identity – having the ability to change how you see yourself, the world, and your actions.
  2. Constructed identity – when you have developed a clear and unique view of yourself and your identity.
  3. Negotiated identity – when people reach agreements of “who is who” in their relationships.
  4. Collective identity – the shared sense of belonging to a group.

LEVENSON 10 years on

  • The Leveson Study was a study based on the media paying off governments and hacking the general publics personal devices to gather information and stories to create sales and blackmail celebrities.
  • One of the main ideas that revealed the disgust the media is involved with Milly Dowlers murder. A young teenager was murdered and the body was supposedly never found, however when writing stories and gathering info the media, with the polices consent, hacked into the young girls phone and texted her parents to give the false idea that she was still alive, they did this to keep the story going and make more sales.
  • The Levenson study was created to reveal all of this corruptness and how the media needs to change, this was 10 years ago and the world has hardly changed.

David Gauntlett- Identity

  1. Fluidity of identity– The ability to change how you identify yourself. For example, gender is fluid, you can choose to identify as the binary ‘stereotype’ male or female, or you can identify as more fluid- non-binary, transgender, gender-fluid etc.
  2. Constructed identity– Identifying yourself differently to others by things you go through and things you have interests in.
  3. Negotiated identity– The idea in which you come to an agreement of ‘who is who’.
  4. Collective identity– A shared identification between people and groups. For example, liking a specific genre of music- you all belong to that collective identity.

david gauntlett/ leveson

Fluidity Of Identity –having the ability to change how you look at yourself ,the world and actions.

Constructed Identity – There are a lot of things people could use to construct their own identities. Media helps to build an identity for ourselves to suggest ways of living by acting on advice or recognising ourselves in a character of a film.

Negotiated Identity – where your desired appearance to other people meets the expectation that other people perceive you as. Showing how we want a balance between our own desires and with others and retaining our own strong identity. 

Collective Identity – Our likeliness to try to ‘fit in’ with others and engage. we refer to our sense of belonging to group, weather that be out of a shared interest/experience or even something in common. Our desire to engage with others and “fit in”. These groups could be social, religious, occupational or gendered.