First wave feminsim – Notes

Looking at the construction of being male and female. It is about civil rights. Equal rights for women, sex discrimination app. In 60’s, second wave of feminism. It started about 50 years ago, of the second wave of feminism.

The radical stance of #MeToo to the Free the Nipple campaign, which Miley Cyrus endorsed and supported (which may encourage you to re-evaluate your initial reading of her video Wrecking Ball above)

feminist critical thinking

1st wave feminism

‘sexism was coined by analogy with the term racism in the American civil rights movement in the early 1960s. Defined simply, sexism refers to the systematic ways in which men and women are brought up to view each other antagonistically, on the assumption that the male is always superior to the female‘

(Michelene Wandor 1981:13)

2nd wave feminism

‘the feminist literary criticism of today is the product of the women’s movement of the 1960’s’

(Barry 2017:123)

 Facilitation of of birth control and divorce, the acceptance of abortion and homosexuality, the abolition of hanging and theatre censorship, and the Obscene Publications Act (1959)

Feminist Critical Thinking

Feminist – Political Standpoint

Female – Gender (Matter of biology)

Feminine – A set of traits in society

“Sexism” was coined in the 1960’s along with “Racism” in the American civil rights movement. It refers to the ways in which men and women are brought up to view each other antagonistically.

Virginia Woolf was part of the first wave of feminism, and she stated that women should have the same opportunities that men have. She used the metaphor of Shakespeare being a woman as an example to show what we have missed out on culturally by not giving women the same chances that we have given men throughout the years.

The second wave of feminism started around the late 60’s early 70’s, and was based around women working for the right to vote


Third wave feminism was coined in the late 90’s by Naomi Wolf, challenging and re-contextualizing some of the definitions of femininity during the second wave of feminism. The third wave of feminism sees women’s lives as intersectional. The third wave of feminism follows these characteristics:

  • an emphasis on the differences among women due to race, ethnicity, class, nationality, religion
  • individual and do-it-yourself (DIY) tactics
  • fluid and multiple subject positions and identities
  • cyberactivism
  • the reappropriation of derogatory terms such as ‘slut’ and ‘bitch’ for liberatory purposes
  • sex positivity

According to Ariel Levy, in her book Female Chauvinist Pigs raunch culture is on the one hand, the idea of liberation involves new freedoms for sexual exhibition, experimentation and presentation,and on the other, it may well be playing out the same old patterns of exploitation, objectification and misogyny?

‘a product of the unresolved feminist sex wars – the conflict between the women’s movement and the sexual revolution‘ . – Ariel Levy 2006

Raunch culture is the sexualised performance of women in the media that can play into male stereotypes of women as highly sexually available, where its performers believe they are powerful owners of their own sexuality’ – Hendry & Stephenson 2018


The articulation of intersectionality began to take shape in 2013, “In an attempt to understand what it means to be oppressed as ‘a woman’, some feminist scholars sought to isolate gender oppression from other forms of oppression”. Although early ideas of intersectionality can be traced back to the 80’s through work by Kimberle Crenshaw or propositions asserted around Queer Theory.

Feminist Critical Thinking

  • Feminist = a political position
  • Female = a matter of biology
  • Feminine = a set of culturally defined characteristics

1st Wave Feminism

The first wave of feminism was galvanised by organisations such as, the British Women’s Suffrage Committee (1867), the International Council of Women (1888), the The International Alliance of Women (1904), and so on who, in early part of the 20th Century, worked to get women the right to vote.‘sexism was coined by analogy with the term racism in the American civil rights movement in the early 1960s. Defined simply, sexism refers to the systematic ways in which men and women are brought up to view each other antagonistically, on the assumption that the male is always superior to the female

(Michelene Wandor 1981:13)

Virginia Woolf asks the question “what if Shakespeare was a woman”. She states that if Shakespeare was a woman he would not have had the same opportunities as he did when he was a man, and therefore, his work would never have been published.


2nd Wave Feminism

the feminist literary criticism of today is the product of the women’s movement of the 1960’s’

(Barry 2017:123)

Indeed feminist critical thought became much more prominent and pronounced during the counter cultural movements of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, which heralded, among other changes: the facilitation of of birth control and divorce, the acceptance of abortion and homosexuality, the abolition of hanging and theatre censorship, and the Obscene Publications Act (1959) – which led to the Chatterly trial. Nevertheless,

all this should not be seen as a straightforward displacement of dominant conservative attitudes‘ .

(Johnathon Dollimore 1983:59)


3rd Wave Feminism -Raunch Culture

‘rebellion of younger women against what was perceived as the prescriptive, pushy and ‘sex negative’ approach of older feminists.’ (344)

Barker and Jane (2016 p. 344)

Third-wave feminism began in the early 1990s, coined by Naomi Wolf, it was a response to the generation gap between the feminist movement of the 1960s and ’70s, challenging and re-contextualising some of the definitions of femininity that grew out of that earlier period. In particular, the third wave sees women’s lives as intersectional, demonstrating a pluralism towards race, ethnicity, class, religion, gender and nationality when discussing feminism.

According to Barker and Jane (2016), third wave feminism, which is regarded as having begun in the mid-90’s has following recognisable characteristics:

  • an emphasis on the differences among women due to race, ethnicity, class, nationality, religion
  • individual and do-it-yourself (DIY) tactics
  • fluid and multiple subject positions and identities
  • cyberactivism
  • the reappropriation of derogatory terms such as ‘slut’ and ‘bitch’ for liberatory purposes
  • sex positivity

a product of the unresolved feminist sex wars – the conflict between the women’s movement and the sexual revolution‘ .

Ariel Levy (2006:74)

Raunch culture is the sexualised performance of women in the media that can play into male stereotypes of women as highly sexually available, where its performers believe they are powerful owners of their own sexuality’ Hendry & Stephenson (2018:50)

Miley Cirus’ video wrecking ball is an example of how raunch culture can be empowering for women.



‘In an attempt to understand what it means to be oppressed as ‘a woman’, some feminist scholars sought to isolate gender oppression from other forms of oppression’. Put another way, there was a tendency to be either ‘preoccupied with the experiences of white middle-class women or to ignore completely the experiences other women’ (Sigle-Rushton & Lindström, 2013, 129). It is from this that the development and articulation of intersectionality began to take shape. The early ideas around intersectionality can be traced to theoretical developments from the 1980’s, see for example, the work by Kimberlé Crenshaw (1989) or some of the propositions asserted around Queer Theory (see below) that brings together a set of complex ideas around the ‘multidimensionality of subjectivity and social stratification’ (ibid, p.131). In other words,

you cannot ‘understand Black women’s experiences of discrimination by thinking separately about sex discrimination and race discrimination’ (ibid)

Sigle-Rushton & Lindström, 2013 p131

Hook: Multicultural Intersectionality

As Barker and Jane note, ‘black feminists have pointed ot the differences between black and white women’s experiences, cultural representations and interests’ (2016:346). In other words, arguments around gender also intersect with postcolonial arguments around ‘power relationships between black and white women’. So that ‘in a postcolonial context, women carry the double burden of being colonized by imperial powers and subordinated by colonial and native men’ (ibid).

As a way of exploring this notion of intersectionality ie the idea that an approach such as feminism, is NOT UNIVERSAL, SINGULAR or HOMOGENEOUS as this is a REDUCTIONIST and ESSENTIALIST way of seeing the world. Rather intersectionality highlights the way ideas and concepts such as ‘female‘, ‘feminist‘, ‘feminine‘ (Moi 1987) intersect with other concepts, ideas and approaches, such as, sexuality, class, age, education, religion, ability. A way of exploring these ideas is through the work of bell hook.

bell hook (always spelt in lower case – real name: Gloria Jean Watkins) advocates media literacy, the need to engage with popular culture to understand class struggle, domination, renegotiation and revolution. Put another, encouraging us all to ‘think critically’ to ‘change our lives’.ethnicity and race, see for example here work ‘Cultural Criticism and Transformation

Queer Theory

In the UK the pioneering academic presence in queer studies was the Centre for Sexual Dissedence in the English department at Sussex University, founded by Alan Sinfield and Johnathon Dollimore in 1990 (Barry: 141). In terms of applying queer theory to feminist critical thought, Judith Butler, among others expressed doubt over the reductionistessentialist, approach towards the binary oppositions presented in terms of: male/femalefeminine/masculineman/woman. Arguing, that this is too simple and does not account for the internal differences that distinguishes different forms of gender identity, which according to Butler ‘tend to be instruments of regulatory regimes . . . normalising categories of oppressive structures‘ (14:2004).

Judith Butler: ‘gender as performance’

identity can be a site of contest and revision

Butler (2004:19)

In many ways Judith Butler counterpoints earlier ideas of gender representation, for example, some of the ideas presented by Laura Mulvey seem to suggest that gender is fixed – male/female – that it is structured by institutions and those powerful individuals who are able to exert power and control – Weinstein et al. While still recognising those argments presented by Mulvey, Jean Kilbourne, Sut Jhally and others, Butler suggests that gender is fluid, changeable, plural a set of categories to be played out and performed by individual subjects in individual moments in time and space.

Put another, it suggests that we have multiple identities that are performed to different people, in different social settings, under different social conditions. For example, look at categories such as lipstick lesbianbutch and femmegirly girl and so on, which illustrate the multiple, plural nature of identity, representation and performance with feminist critical thinking. Which can be explored and mapped out into similar studies on male identity (again see work by Sinfield, Dollimore and others).

The idea of identity performance is explored further in another post: Representation, Identity & Self. However, to understand the approach of gender as performative is to recognises a ‘phenomenon that is being reproduced all the time‘, which perhaps suggests that nobody is a gender from the start.’ The question for Butler (and for students of media and cultural studies) is therefore: how does gender get established and policed? Which, of course, is why we look at her ideas in subjects like Media Studies.

essay preperation

Judith Butler – Gender performance

Judith Butler suggests that gender is fluid, changeable, plural. She believes that the way people are represented are not strictly based off of our assigned gender at birth. She states that the way we act and the choices we make don’t specifically decide if we are female or male, we can act in a more feminine or masculine way but specific gestures or speech and acts don’t determine if we are a man or woman. She is trying to break out of typical gender stereotyping where specific acts decide who we are. Such as a sport like football being considered a male sport to play or makeup being regarded as a female thing to use, she tries to break out of this idea and allow anyone to do anything they like to live and embrace their identity.

This is contrasting to some of the ideas presented by Laura Mulvey which seem to suggest that gender is fixed – male/female.

Maybelline advert

The dominant signifiers of a recent advertisement campaign had stirred up a conversation, the recent ad titled “boss it up” features 2 people, one male and one female. This is significant because it is advertising eye liner, both the male and female are wearing this product. This is a radical approach to marketing and Maybelline now know that the focus on make up shouldn’t just be on females. You could see this as a genuine radicalism to fight against gender stereotypes, but more likely it is a realisation that there is a new market for men in the beauty makeup market. This follows ideas of Judith Butler that makeup shouldn’t be represented as a female only thing to use and we are now seeing a larger influx of influencers and people using makeup to portray their identities. Makeup is now considered a neutral choice. The ad also features a black female which is used to oppose normalities or straight white females being the main choice of models for these adverts. An example is Johnny Depp, a straight man who wears eyeliner, there should be no constructed reality idea on clothes, cosmetic products and peoples actions.

Score advert 

Score, the printed advert, shows a completely different view to gender representation. It shows men and women as separate identities, an identity where woman are shown to be socially beneath men in the hierarchy. Woman are used as a tool in advertising to market a health and beauty product to men. It shoes women holding a man above them, clean shaven, portraying the use of their product. To put it simply, this is a clear opposite view of gender representation, a view where men are viewed as the more powerful and stronger gender and women are beneath them both metaphorically/ socially and literally in this ad.

feminist critical thinking

Feminist/female/feminineFeminist-A political position

Feminist-A political position

Female = a matter of biology

Female = a matter of biology

First wave of feminism

sexism was coined by analogy with the term racism in the American civil rights movement in the early 1960s. Defined simply, sexism refers to the systematic ways in which men and women are brought up to view each other antagonistically, on the assumption that the male is always superior to the female‘(Michelene Wandor 1981:13)

2nd Wave Feminism

the feminist literary criticism of today is the product of the women’s movement of the 1960’s’(Barry 2017:123)

david gauntlet

Fluidity of identity – Having the ability to change how you see yourself and how men and women are represented in media, the world, and your actions. The “fluidity of identity” means that the person identity is always changing.

Constructed identity – Constructing identity involves life experiences, relationships and connections. People can now construct different genders and ideas to make an identity.

Negotiated identity – The processes where people reach agreements to determine who is who in a relationship or society.

Collective identity – Shared sense of belonging to a group, such as fitting into a group of people with common interests like friends, family, religion or gender.

Butler and gauntlet revision

Media and Identity

  • “The roles that men and women are expected to fulfill are tightly regulated and heavily moderated by social customs, family expectations, and rigid social codes”
  • “The period that Giddens calls ‘late modernity’ begins to take shape in the years following the second world war and is characterized by a relaxation of the rigid social roles expected in a traditionally ordered society”
  • “Gauntlett is cautious not to overly exaggerate the potential role that the media plays in enabling identity fluidity. He might assert that audiences play an active role in using media to construct non-traditional identities but he also realizes the weight and scope of traditional representations constructed through media broadcasting do not necessarily enable limitless or very liberated versions of ethnicity or gender”
  • “audiences are active in that they control the representations they want to engage themselves with and reject those that do not appeal.”
  • “audiences reinforce patriarchal ideologies by subconsciously aligning themselves with the values of a male-dominated society”

Overall these quotes are saying that while people are learning over time that their identity is completely decided by them, there are still some major influences such as media and patriarchy.

Gender as performance
  • “Butler draws attention to Levi Strauss’ anthropological work regarding the cultural myths that deal with incest and sex-based taboos. She highlights his conclusions that myths are powerful makers of meaning bot reflecting and defining the way we relate to others in the wider world.”
  • “The absence of homosexuality within mythic stories provides evidence that our natural sexual inclinations are heterosexually orientated”
  • Judith Butler’s gender model states “Our genders are formed culturally rather than naturally” and “Our genders are not stable but are constructed through repeated actions.”
  • Butler also says how ” To maintain an identity that falls outside of the heterosexuality norm in our society is a subversive act that takes a great deal of effort to maintain. Subversion is difficult, painful even because heteronormative ideals are so deeply entrenched within the fabric of language and other cultural practices.”
  • “Butler critiques the notion that gender is stored within the body as if it were something akin to a would. Freud’s assertion that our sexual identity is internalized during the *Oedipal phase is illusory- our gendered identities are realized through our desires, sexual contacts, and physical expressions of love. Our gendered identities are not a fixed object- they are constituted as a result of our behaviors.”

*Oedipal- relating to or characterized by an *Oedipus complex.

*Oedipus complex- Psychoanalytic theory, a desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex and a concomitant sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex; a crucial stage in the normal developmental process.

Judith butler outlines the things that shape our “genders”/identities such as past experiences, upbringings, attractions, etc while also saying gender is physically binary but the idea of gender is non-binary.

revision notes

David Gauntlett:

“Gender is socially constructed”

“Linked to family expectations and rigid social codes”

“Audience realise they can change their identities”

“Contemporary media practises mean that heteronormativity does not completely dominate”

“Media manufactures narrow interpretations of certain roles or lifestyles”

Judith Butler:

“Our bodies or sex do not define our gendered identities”

“Society also presents male/female relationships as the norm”

“Our gendered identities are not naturally given but constructed through repetition and ritual”

“The media assists in the marginalisation of subversive identities through absent representations, abjection and parody”

Leveson 10 years on

  • The Leveson Study was a study based on media outlets paying off the government to hack the general public’s devices to gain information and create stories for profit, as well as blackmailing celebrities with this info.
  • One of the main story’s that came from this study is the involvement of the media with the murder of Milly Dowler. She was a young teenager who had been murdered and her body was supposedly never found. The media used her death and info surrounding the murder to create many stories and generate many sales, a method on which they achieved this was with the polices consent, they hacked into the victims phone and began texting and communicating with the victims parents to make them believe she was still alive, to then create more stories on her for as long as possible without any knowledge of the family and the public.
  • The Levenson study was created to reveal the disingenuous and corrupt world of media, to stop all the manipulation on info and of the public and to finally put an end to it. This was 10 years ago and the world has hardly changed.