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Seymour Chatman: Satellites & Kernels

  1. Kernels: key moments in the plot / narrative structure
  2. Satellites: embellishments, developments, aesthetics

This theory allows students to break down a narrative into 2 distinct elements. Those elements which are absolutely essential to the story / plot / narrative development, which are known as KERNELS and those moments that could be removed and the overall logic would not be disturbed, known as SATELLITES.

Roland Barthes: Proairetic and Hermenuetic Codes

  1. Proairetic code: action, movement, causation
  2. Hermenuetic code: reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development
  3. Enigma code: the way in which intrigue and ideas are raised – which encourage an audience to want more information.

narrative theorists

Seymour Chatman (Sattelites and Kernels)

A story has two parts: the important parts and the embellishments.

Kernels (something that grows): Important part(s). The key parts of the film that make up the plot/narrative structure. If taken out the story or narrative would not work.

Satellites (orbit the earth, not planets or the earth they just go around): Embellishments. ‘A bit of fluff’. Add aesthetic to the story but are not needed, however is a way to bulk out the movie and as moving images are time based manipulation of time is needed but manipulation of time is needed for any kind of production e.g. time of podcast so are in fact important. To add detail to setting or character

Roland Barthes: Proairetic and Hermenuetic Codes

Proairetic code: Doing/action, movement, causation

Hermeneutic code: Talking (dialogue), thinking, reflection. character development

Enigma code: Makes film/moving image exciting, intrigues audiences. Leaves clues out for the audience, encourage audience to want more info

narrative theorists

Seymour chatman

kernels are the important part in films, it is a key moments in the plot/narrative structure if they aren’t in the film then there’s not plot in the film and would become boring

satellites aren’t as important as kernels because it adds fluff and if you take the satellite out of the films then the story won’t change at all. The point of satellites to manipulate time and to add details

Roland Barthes

comes up with 3 different codes:

Proairetic code – action, movement and causation

Hermeneutic code – reflection , dialogue, character or thematic development

enigma code – the way in which intrigue and ideas are raised – which encourage an audience to want more information

narrative notes

seymour chatman

there are 2 parts to a story the important things and the embellishment. the important things are called kernels. kernels are the key moments in the plot. you might distinguish the kernels from the satellites. satellites just give you embellishment they are the less important stuff in the film.

Roland Barthes

proairetc code= action, movement, causation

hermeutic code= reflection, dialouge, character

enigma code= the way in which intrigue and ideas are raised- which encourage an audience to want more information


Maybelline ad

in the Maybelline add they use a variety of techniques to sell their product. In the advert they are in a rich looking hotel in new York this links to the richness of the people in the advert making connotations to the people who buy the Maybelline product are rich and posh. The people in the ad then switch once they have used the product to more rich wearing gold and in full glam. The representation of colour and sexuality is good in this advert as they have one male who is wearing makeup and is gay and they also have a black female therefore showing a wider range of people rather than just having a straight white female using the product.

steve neels

dictable expectations-

reinforced-strengthen or support 

 amplify-increase the volume

 repertoire of elements-key elements of a film that are consistently repeated throughout a genre

corpus-a collection of written texts

 verisimilitude-the appearance of being true or real.


construction of reality.

historically specific


hybrid genres

Key Terminology (ie Kahoot test!)

  1. Linear – arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line.
  2. Chronological – (of a record of events) following the order in which they occurred.
  3. Sequential –
  4. Circular structure
  5. Time based
  6. Narrative arc
  7. Freytag’s Pyramid
  8. exposition,
  9. inciting incident,
  10. rising action,
  11. climax,
  12. falling action,
  13. resolution,
  14. denouement 
  15. Beginning / middle / end
  16. Equilibrium
  17. Disruption
  18. Transgression – often disequilibrium is caused by societal / moral / ethical transgression (ie challenging Aristotelian virtues)
  19. New equilibrium
  20. Peripeteia
  21. Anagnoresis
  22. Catharsis
  23. The 3 Unities: Action, Time, Place
  24. flashback / flash forward
  25. Foreshadowing
  26. Ellipsis
  27. Pathos
  28. Empathy
  29. diegetic / non-diegetic
  30. slow motion
  31. In Media Res – starting in mid-action
  32. Metanarratives – drawing attention to the process of storytelling
  33. Quest narratives

key knowledge

  1. Linear – A continuous sequence
  2. Chronological – It is followed in a specific timeline
  3. Sequential – specific sequence to tell the story
  4. Circular structure – begins at the end and finishes at the start
  5. Time based – temporarily based
  6. Narrative arc – A path a story follows
  7. Freytag’s Pyramid – outlines the 7 key steps in storytelling, exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution and denouement.
  8. exposition – Gives background knowledge at the beginning
  9. inciting incident – event the engages the audience
  10. rising action – a dramatic plot to proceed the climax
  11. climax – builds the tension
  12. falling action – resolution of the major conflict
  13. resolution – how it is resolved
  14. denouement – conclusion
  15. Beginning / middle / end – the plot
  16. Equilibrium – everything is balanced at the beginning
  17. Disruption – changing something over and over again
  18. Transgression – often disequilibrium is caused by societal / moral / ethical transgression (ie challenging Aristotelian virtues)
  19. Peripeteia – moves different plot
  20. Anagnoresis – when realises their final flaw
  21. Catharsis – can purge feelings
  22. The 3 Unities: Action, Time, Place – the plot
  23. flashback / flash forward – go back in time to a specific past
  24. Foreshadowing – when you can predict something is about to happen
  25. Ellipsis –
  26. Pathos – emotion
  27. Empathy – other people’s emotions to see what they are thinking or feeling.
  28. diegetic / non-diegetic – the sound that comes from the film, and sound that comes from our world.
  29. slow motion – a slow movement to add tension to a scene
  30. In Media Res – starting in mid-action
  31. Metanarratives – drawing attention to the process of storytelling
  32. Quest narratives – describes the authors desire

narrative 2

Seymour Chatman.

satellites and kernels- 2 districts

Kernel- Key moments in the plot, moments which cannot be removed.

Satellites- embellishment, doesn’t affect the plot of the film.

As such, some elements may emerge and play out but actually turn out to be of little value, meaning or consequence to the overall / main parts of the narrative – these can be called non-sequitars. Nevertheless, the use of light & shade is very important in terms of constructing an effective and enjoyable narrative.

  • Proairetic code: action, movement, causation
  • Hermenuetic code: reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development
  • Enigma code: the way in which intrigue and ideas are raised – which encourage an audience to want more information.

seymour chatman & Roland barthes

Satellites & Kernels

Satellites – embellishments, developments and aesthetics
Kernels – key moments in the plot / narrative structure

Proairetic and Hermenuetic Codes

Proairetic code – action, movement, causation
Hermeneutic code – reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development
Enigma code = the way in which intrigue and ideas are raised which encourage an audience to want more information