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Letter to the Free

“Letter to the Free” was written as part of the soundtrack to “The 13th”, the song speaks out against America’s justice system which helps to perpetuate the inequality endured by many African Americans

Cultural Hegemony:
● Antonio Gramsci: Italian philosopher writing in the 1930s

Who is Antonio Gramsci ? - Sinaumedia

Key Terms:
● Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders
● Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture
● Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
● Ideology: worldview – beliefs, assumptions and values

● Cultural hegemony functions by framing the ideologies of the dominant social group as the only legitimate
● The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral,
and social institutions (like the education system and the media).
● These institutions socialise people into accepting the norms, values and beliefs of the dominant social
● As a result, oppressed groups believe that the social and economic conditions of society are natural and
inevitable, rather than created by the dominant group.

Key Concepts:
● Cultural resistance
● Cultural hegemony
● Subcultural theory

“We ain’t seen as human beings with feelings” – Common states that black people aren’t seen as humans by some

“Will the U.S. ever be us?” – Common is asking if black people will ever be seen as true Americans

Letter to the free

Letter to the free is a music video which possesses cultural and social significance.

Common is an Oscar and Grammy award winning hip/hop rap artist who wrote Letter to the Free as a soundtrack to The 13th – a documentary by Ava DuVernay named after the American 13th amendment and is stated laws which seem to discriminate against impoverished ethnic minorities who are then more likely to be convicted of a crime and imprisoned. It is related to the context of a variety of social and cultural movements aimed at raising awareness of racism and its effects in US society.

Awarded an Emmy for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics, Common’s “Letter to the Free” speaks out against a justice system which helps to perpetuate the terrible inequality endured by many African Americans.

Common is an advocate for criminal justice reform and is the founder of Imagine Justice, a non-profit organisation dedicated to “empowering communities and fighting injustice wherever it appears”.

Youth Cultural as Political Protest

The political, personal and cultural are always intertwined.

Overt political protest is uncommon. When it occurs, it often results in a backlash. Even if overt political protest does results in changes in legislation, it won’t necessarily change public
opinion. Culture is what influences people’s hearts, minds and opinions. This is the site of popular change.

Cultural Hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.

Cultural hegemony functions by framing the ideologies of the dominant social group as the only legitimate
ideology. The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral,
and social institutions. Oppressed groups believe that the social and economic conditions of society are natural and
inevitable, rather than created by the dominant group

Prison is a business, America’s the company
Investing in injustice, fear and long suffering – I have chosen to use this quote of the song to illustrate how Common wants to create a non-profit organisation dedicated to “empowering communities and fighting injustice wherever it appears”.

Black bodies being lost in the American dream – This is also a good quote to use as it refers to the racism and slavery that Black people suffer in.

Letter to the free

Music Video – Letter to the Free
 is a product which possesses cultural and social significance. It will invite comparison with other music videos allowing for an analysis of the contexts in which they are produced and consumed.

His output is highly politicised, existing in the context of a variety of social and cultural movements aimed at raising awareness of racism and its effects in US society.

resistance a political protest:

Key idea: the political, personal and cultural are always intertwined, Culture is what influences people’s hearts, minds and opinions. This is the site of popular change.

Cultural Hegemony:

Antonio Gramsci: Italian philosopher writing in the 1930s developed this theory.

Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture
● Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
● Ideology: worldview – beliefs, assumptions and values
● Cultural hegemony functions by framing the ideologies of the dominant social group as the only legitimate
● The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral,
and social institutions (like the education system and the media).
● These institutions socialise people into accepting the norms, values and beliefs of the dominant social
● As a result, oppressed groups believe that the social and economic conditions of society are natural and inevitable, rather than created by the dominant group.

Key Concepts:
● Cultural resistance: the use of art/literature to challenge or fight oppressive system or power holders.
● Cultural hegemony: domination or rule maintained through ideological or cultural means. It is usually achieved through social institutions.
● Subcultural theory: Cohen’s subcultural theory assumes that crime is a consequence of the union of young people into so-called subcultures in which deviant values and moral concepts dominate. Subcultural theory became the dominant theory of its time.

Slavery’s still alive, check Amendment 13
Not whips and chains, all subliminal – amendment states that you can still be a slave if you are a criminal even though we don’t see it with whips and chains it is still apparent in society.

We staring in the face of hate again
The same hate they say will make America great again
No consolation prize for the dehumanized- no great version for those that’re dehumanised and treated differently, questioning who the great America is for and wanting it to be elaborated.

Post Colonialism:

-Has a hook or link to empire and colonialism, it occupies the shadow of slavery.

the power to narrate, or to block other narratives from forming or emerging, is very important to culture and imperialismEdward Said Culture and Imperialism, 1993: xiii

Overall, POSTCOLONIALISM operates a series of signs maintaining the European-Atlantic power over the Orient by creating ‘an accepted grid for filtering through the Orient into Western consciousness‘. (Said, 1978:238). Or as Paul Gilroy puts it, ‘a civilising mission that had to conceal its own systematic brutality in order to be effective and attractive’ (2004:8)

Post colonialism deconstructs and asks how we are measuring good or bad, post colonialism political thought postcolonial criticism challenges the assumption of a universal claim towards what constitutes ‘good reading’ and ‘good literature’; questioning the notion of a recognised and overarching canon of important cultural texts – book, poems, plays, films etc

Orientalism: The idea of stereotyping the middle east in a way they are exaggerated to be something worse so that the west can stay in power. Orientalism is the imitation or depiction of aspects in the Eastern world. These depictions are usually done by writers, designers, and artists from the Western world.

Jacques Lacan: “The Other”.

 we cannot actually see ourselves as whole, we use a reflection to understand who we are / who we are not. Lacan proposed that in infancy this first recognition occurs when we see ourselves in a mirror. Applying that theory to culture, communications and media studies, it is possible to see why we are so obsessed with reading magazines, listening to music, watching films, videos and television because, essentially, we are exploring ‘The Other’ as a way of exploring ourselves.

WE can not explore ourselves and will be constantly misunderstood, we are always looking for assurance.

Linking the two together the Other theory can be used to show how people compare others to us to justify a class and reinforced stereotypes.

letter to the free

Common, byname of Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr., (born March 13, 1972, ChicagoIllinois, U.S.), American hip-hop artist, actor, and activist who became a mainstream success in the early 21st century, known for intelligent and positive lyrics that were performed in a spoken-word style. He was the first rapper to win a Grammy Award, an Academy Award, and an Emmy Award.

Common is an advocate for criminal justice reform and is the founder of Imagine Justice, a non-profit organisation dedicated to “empowering communities and fighting injustice wherever it appears”. “Letter to the Free” is his rally call against racism and the different forms of slavery still being used in America.

Music Video – Letter to the Free is a product which possesses cultural and social significance. It will invite comparison with other music videos allowing for an analysis of the contexts in which they are produced and consumed.

● Cultural hegemony functions by framing the ideologies of the dominant social group as the only legitimate
● The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral,
and social institutions (like the education system and the media).
● These institutions socialise people into accepting the norms, values and beliefs of the dominant social
● As a result, oppressed groups believe that the social and economic conditions of society are natural and
inevitable, rather than created by the dominant group.

The caged birds sings for freedom to bring
Black bodies being lost in the American dream
Blood of black being, a pastoral scene
Slavery’s still alive, check Amendment 13
Not whips and chains, all subliminal – this resonates


Music Video – Letter to the Free is a product which possesses cultural and social significance. It will invite comparison with other music videos allowing for an analysis of the contexts in which they are produced and consumed.

Key Concepts:
● Cultural resistance
● Cultural hegemony
● Subcultural theory

What is a subculture?
● Working-class youth culture
● Unified by shared tastes in style, music and ideology
● A solution to collectively experienced problems
● A form of resistance to cultural hegemony

Antonio Gramsci:

Key Terms:
● Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders
● Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture
● Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
● Ideology: worldview – beliefs, assumptions and values

Cultural hegemony functions by framing the ideologies of the dominant social group as the only legitimate
● The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral,
and social institutions (like the education system and the media).
● These institutions socialise people into accepting the norms, values and beliefs of the dominant social
● As a result, oppressed groups believe that the social and economic conditions of society are natural and
inevitable, rather than created by the dominant group.

Prison is a business, America’s the company –

Black bodies being lost in the American dream – This suggests that black people are being killed in the American dream, the American dream can be seen by a dominant group of skin colour.

Slavery’s still alive, check Amendment 13 –

letter to the free

letter to the free is a social political cultural prostest song similar to the ghost town nea that we did although this song focuses on the inequality of the social stading between races and how the past shapes a bleak future.. the abolishment of slavery came withan uprise of discrimination even they were just people like we are people the song tries to tear back the curtains on the dark past of history and to make it known and seen and to make an example of what we can not go back to.. the black and white pictures of the vidioe represent the white americans and black americans and the clash between the two shades create a grey area within the subject


Common, byname of Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr., (born March 13, 1972, ChicagoIllinois, U.S.), American hip-hop artist, actor, and activist who became a mainstream success in the early 21st century, known for intelligent and positive lyrics that were performed in a spoken-word style. He was the first rapper to win a Grammy Award, an Academy Award, and an Emmy Award.

the lyrics quote I used

Instead of ‘nigga’ they use the word ‘criminal’
Sweet land of liberty, incarcerated country
Shot me with your ray-gun
And now you want to trump me
Prison is a business, America’s the company

the lyrics suggest that slavery is just under a new name and the old terms we use to use has been replaced with something different although they have the same meaning they created the prison business in order to gain the power they lost after slavery and The 13th amendment to the United States Constitution provides that “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” saying that slavery is okay if they did something wrong first as if we are still in the same old mindset that is really dated and old. the trump me is where the make America great again but for who and how is this great America going to affect the minority’s that are within their jurisdiction are they going to be as slave but under a new name a criminal for they aren’t white and they are different to them makes them a criminal?

We staring in the face of hate again
The same hate they say will make America great again
No consolation prize for the dehumanized
For America to rise it’s a matter of Black Lives

this quote highlights the dehumanisation of slavery and that they are not human and are being dehumanised by all the hate and the subjugation of those who still live in the past and the thought of black lives are less than a pipe dream for greatness and the black lives that are layed down and used are for the greater good for the best america… but for who does this great america suppor those who are white and those in power or the equality of black people and white people..

Gramsci a theorist of hegemony says that cultural resistance is also hegemony or a form of hegemony

the politican and the personal and cultural are always intertwined –


Letter to the free (csp)

  • Written by Common
  • Common is an Oscar and Grammy award winning hip/hop rap artist
  •  Wrote Letter to the Free as a soundtrack to The 13th (Documentary)
  • Lynn (Common) began rapping in the late 1980s, in Chicago
  • Common is an advocate for criminal justice reform
  • Worth $45 000 0000

  •  “13th,” addresses the issue of mass incarceration in the United States
  • The 13th is an amendment that says slavery is abolished unless someone commits a crime
  •  “Letter to the Free” is his rally call against racism and the different forms of slavery still being used in America.


We staring in the face of hate again
The same hate they say will make America great again

-referring to how certain politicians talk about making America great but their plan is to incite unfair rules and plans.

“Slavery’s still alive, check Amendment 13
Not whips and chains, all subliminal”

-Talking about how slavery still exists in America but its just in a different form

“Sweet land of liberty, incarcerated country”

-Saying how America is supposed to be land of the free but its not really

“Shot me with your ray-gun
And now you want to trump me”


is specifically looking at identity and representation through the lens of Empire and Colonialism

Postcolonial critical thought emerged as a distinct category in the 1990’s, with an aim to undermine the universalist claims that ‘great literature has a timeless and universal significance [which] thereby demotes or disregards cultural, social, regional, and nations differences in experience and outlook’ (Barry, 2017: 194). In other words, postcolonial criticism challenges the assumption of a universal claim towards what constitutes ‘good reading’ and ‘good literature’; questioning the notion of a recognised and overarching canon of important cultural texts – book, poems, plays, films etc – much of which is institutionalised into academic syllabi.

the power to narrate, or to block other narratives from forming or emerging, is very important to culture and imperialism

-Edward Said Culture and Imperialism, 1993: xiii

He asked if ‘imperialism was principally economic‘ and looked to answer that question by highlighting ‘the privileged role of culture in the modern imperial experience’ (1997:3)

Edward Said-

  • known for the book Orientalism (1978), a critique of the cultural representations that are the bases of Orientalism
  • Said’s theory was that Western writings depicted Orient as an irrational, weak, feminized ‘Other”

Jacques Lacan- The ‘ other’

The Shadow of Slavery

letter to the free


Lonnie Rashid Lynn, known by his stage name Common, is an American rapper and actor. He debuted in 1992 with the album Can I Borrow a Dollar?, and gained critical acclaim with his 1994 album Resurrection. He maintained an underground following into the late 1990s.

Lynn began rapping in the late 1980s, while a student at Luther High School South in Chicago, when he, along with two of his friends, formed C.D.R., a rap trio that opened for acts such as N.W.A and Big Daddy Kane.

In 1996, Common Sense appeared on the Red Hot Organization’s compilation CD, America Is Dying Slowly (A.I.D.S.), alongside Biz Markie, Wu-Tang Clan, and Fat Joe, among many other prominent hip hop artists. The CD, meant to raise awareness of the AIDS epidemic among African American men, was heralded as “a masterpiece” by The Source magazine. He would later also contribute to the Red Hot Organization’s Fela Kuti tribute album, Red Hot and Riot in 2002. He collaborated with Djelimady Tounkara on a remake of Kuti’s track, “Years of Tears and Sorrow”.

13th amendment

Filmmaker Ava DuVernay explores the history of racial inequality in the United States, focusing on the fact that the nation’s prisons are disproportionately filled with African-Americans.

The film explores the “intersection of race, justice, and mass incarceration in the United States;” it is titled after the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, adopted in 1865, which abolished slavery throughout the United States and ended involuntary servitude except as a punishment for conviction.

“The loophole in our constitution’s ban on slavery not only allowed slavery to continue, but launched an era of discrimination and mass incarceration that continues to this day. To live up to our nation’s promise of justice for all, we must eliminate the Slavery Clause from our constitution.”

The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime.

Letter to the Free


An American rapper and actor. He has won many awards such as grammys for best R&B song, best rap album at the grammys, and many more. He launched ‘Think Common Entertainment, a record label in 2011. He has acted / voice acted in films/tv shows: Date night, suicide squad, small foot, now you see me, never have I ever and many more.

13th amendment

Abolished Slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. There is a loophole in the 13th amendment- which allowed slavery to continue and provided more discrimination that still happens in today’s society.


Released in 2016. Film director and maker, Ava DuVernay, speaks about the history of racial inequality in the USA. Showing us that America’s prisons are filled with many more African-Americans than white Caucasians. It points out how much harm can be caused by slavery.

Cultural Hegemony

Key Concepts:
● Cultural resistance
● Cultural hegemony
● Subcultural theory

The Idea of Resistance and Political Protest

Key idea: the political, personal and cultural are always intertwined

Culture is what influences people’s hearts, minds and opinions. This is the site of popular change.

Antonio Gramsci

Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders
Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture
Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
Ideology: worldview – beliefs, assumptions and values

Functions by framing the ideologies of the dominant social group as the only legitimate

(slide 3) The dominant social groups are shown through its economic, political, moral and social institutions.


Working-class youth culture
Unified by shared tastes in style, music and ideology
A solution to collectively experienced problems
A form of resistance to cultural hegemony

Song lyrics

“We ain’t seen as human beings with feelings” I chose this lyric because it points out how people of colour are constantly being dehumanised.

“They stop, search and arrest our souls” I chose this lyric because people of colour don’t get the freedom deserve.

Post Colonialism

Looking at identity and representation through the lens of Empire and Colonialism.

Shadow of Slavery

Edward Said

Orientalism- the link between culture, imperial power and colonialism.

The arguments around postcolonial critical thought ‘constituted a fundamentally important political act’ (MacLeod, 200: 16)

The power to narrate, or to block other narratives from forming or emerging, is very important to culture and imperialism– Edward Said Culture and Imperialism, 1993: xiii

In this view, the outlying regions of the world have no life, history or culture to speak of, no independence or integrity worth representing without the West.‘ (Said, 1993: xxi).

Jacque Lacan “The other”

Search for identity by looking at the mirror or other things. You are only self conscious and aware when you see yourself in the mirror.

letter to the free

  • Common is an American hip-hop rapper
  • He has a wife called Tiffany Haddish
  • Commons real name is Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn
  • He was born on 13th March 1972 in Chicago
  • He debuted in 1992 with the album ‘Can I Borrow a Dollar?’
  • Has a net worth of £45 million


Documentary “13th” to screen Oct. 17 at MSU
  • Directed by Ava DuVernay
  • Production company: Kandoo Films
  • Distributed by Netflix
  • Release Date: October 7th 2016
  • The film had a budget of $1,000,000

The film explores the “intersection of race, justice, and mass incarceration in the United States;” it is titled after the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, adopted in 1865, which abolished slavery throughout the United States and ended involuntary servitude except as a punishment for conviction.

Filmmaker Ava DuVernay explores the history of racial inequality in the United States, focusing on the fact that the nation’s prisons are disproportionately filled with African-Americans.

Jodies Presentation

Key Concepts:
● Cultural resistance
● Cultural hegemony
● Subcultural theory

Key idea: the political, personal and cultural are always intertwined

Culture is what influences people’s hearts, minds and opinions. This is the site of popular change.

Key Terms:
● Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders
● Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture
● Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
● Ideology: worldview – beliefs, assumptions and values

What is a subculture?
● Working-class youth culture
● Unified by shared tastes in style, music and ideology
● A solution to collectively experienced problems
● A form of resistance to cultural hegemony

Common’s lyrics:

  • Instead of ‘n***a’ they use the word ‘criminal’
  • Prison is a business, America’s the company
  • Black bodies being lost in the American dream

5% of the worlds population is in US and 25% of worlds prisoners are American

In 1972 there were 300,000 prisoners and now there are above 2.3 million