Press – Episode 3
Truth, Regulation, Accountability
The abuse of power (Habermas, The Transformation of the public sphere) – using the media to hold people to account e.g. Prince Andrew, The press in the first episode
The complicit links between those in power at the expense of those who are subservient (Chomsky, The manufacture of consent) – Consent is manufactured and it is all about truth, where no media is reliable as we don’t know if they are telling the truth or not, involves the 5 filters
Rules and regulation – You need this to keep it place
The substantiation of truth and reality (Baudrillard) – how can we prove the truth? What is truth based on – morality, ethics, religion, science, empirical evidence? – You can use evidence however, if you don’t have evidence then how can we believe it e.g. Press meeting
The rise of new technologies which impact and disrupt all of the above