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revision – the press

Abuse of power –

Habermas, the transformation of the public sphere – using the media to hold people accountable: Prince Andrew, Jeffery Epstein, Murdoch phone hacking.

The complicit links –

The manufacture of consent (Chomsky)

Rules and regulation –

Rules and regulations are important in newspapers to protect freedom of expression and media freedom and regulate media markets, ownerships, infrastructure and technical standards and, importantly, generate content within media that is unbiased.

The substantiation of truth and reality (Baudrillard) –

How can we prove the truth? what is truth based on – morality, ethics, religion, science, empirical evidence


  1. The abuse of power is shown in the episode when they were talking to the women who had been manipulated. The prime minister and the editor of the press. ‘don’t believe what you see and read and hear people in power are complicit’.
  2. rules and regulation , broken sometimes, when the newspaper got stopped for defamation.
  3. holding the elite to account- not being able to make rash decisions when your in power that could let others suffer without being called out for it and held responsible.


‘Press’ – Episode 3

  • Habermas and the Transformation of the Public Sphere: The idea that there is a division between what is shared outwardly, in the media, and our own thoughts as a society.
  • Following the printing press, these lines have begun to blur and the distinction between the private and public spheres is less relevant.
  • ‘Arena of public debate’ in which a ‘public opinion’ is formed.
  • The elite are being held to account/ accountability – Prince Andrew/ Epstein (abuse of power)
  • Chomsky and Manufacturing Consent: Complicit links between those in power (Prime Minister and Editor of ‘THE POST’) and the media/ newspaper. A ‘window’ into the world, the media isn’t always a true perspective.
  • Rules and Regulation – EP3 – The Herald was set to publish a story about a influential business man and how he manipulated younger women who were on his apprentice scheme. This story was found out by his lawyers and the news production was halted.
  • Libel, Slander, Deformation

Revision of key ideas 1

Press – Episode 3

Truth, Regulation, Accountability

The abuse of power (Habermas, The Transformation of the public sphere) – using the media to hold people to account e.g. Prince Andrew, The press in the first episode

The complicit links between those in power at the expense of those who are subservient (Chomsky, The manufacture of consent) – Consent is manufactured and it is all about truth, where no media is reliable as we don’t know if they are telling the truth or not, involves the 5 filters

Rules and regulation – You need this to keep it place

The substantiation of truth and reality (Baudrillard) – how can we prove the truth? What is truth based on – morality, ethics, religion, science, empirical evidence? – You can use evidence however, if you don’t have evidence then how can we believe it e.g. Press meeting

The rise of new technologies which impact and disrupt all of the above

Truth, regulation & accountability (revision)

The abuse of power, and the use of money in the series to abuse power. such as when Joshua West paid the press costs and damages to take down the paper with the front cover based around him.

The press acts in the middle of society, to feed information about high people in society, such as the royal family, prime minister, to the millions of people like us.

The complicit links between those in power at the expense of those who are subservient. Chomsky says that consent is manufactured, the truth is hidden.

Rules and regulation, laws, court,


The abuse of power – Joshua West hiring lawyers to take down the Herald’s newspaper

The Complicit links between those in power at the expense of those who are subservient – Habermas’ transformation of public sphere. Holding people to account through the media, especially those at the top e.g. royalty. In “Press” – the picture of the PM and his family. Chomsky states that consent is manufactured (it always serves someone’s interests) and that because of this, the truth can be hidden.

Rules & Regulation

The substantiation of Truth & Reality

How do we know things are real, links with the rise of new technologies as they disrupt how we receive knowledge due to having so much info available and having fake news.

The rise of new technologies

Disrupts how we receive knowledge due to having so much info available and having fake news.