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  1. Pastiche – Imitating a previous work
  2. Parody – Imitating a previous work with irony and/or ridicule
  3. Bricolage  
  4. Intertextuality
  5. Referential – Containing references to something or (self-referential) to itself
  6. Surface and style over substance and content
  7. Metanarrative
  8. Hyperreality – The inability to distinguish reality from it’s signifiers. Not knowing if something is real.
  9. Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) – Simulacra are copies that depict things that either have never had an original or no longer have an original.
  10. Consumerist Society
  11. Fragmentary Identities
  12. Alienation
  13. Implosion
  14. cultural appropriation
  15. Reflexivity

Postmodernism is the idea that we all copy previous work to express ourselves, and that new ideas are just a new iteration of previous works.

Parody – “Every woman in this era was called Vera, or Lynn”
Parody – “By calling them on the telephone after breakfast”
Parody – “Despite being Scottish, had an optimistic view of life”

Postmodernism can be understood as deliberate and self-conscious. It works in terms of reiteration, so in the example of The Love Box in your Living Room – it can be seen as a reiteration of the documentary work of Adam Curtis.


What is postmodernism?

  1. Pastiche – a piece of art that imitating something previous
  2. Parody – a piece of art that is mocking imitating something previous
  3. Bricolage – something constructed or create from a different diverse range of things
  4. Intertextuality
  5. Referential
  6. Surface and style over substance and content
  7. Metanarrative
  8. Hyperreality
  9. Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) 
  10. Consumerist Society – a society who are more invested in people buying and consuming different things
  11. Fragmentary Identities
  12. Alienation
  13. Implosion
  14. cultural appropriation
  15. Reflexivity

In this sense, postmodernism works in terms REITERATION, so in the example of The Love Box in your Living Room it is a reiteration of the documentary work by Adam Curtis.


Key Words;

  1. Pastiche- A work of art, drama, or architecture that imitates the work of a previous artist.
  2. Parody- A work or performance that imitates another work or performance with the use of irony and humour.
  3. Bricolage  
  4. Intertextuality
  5. Referential
  6. Surface and style over substance and content
  7. Metanarrative
  8. Hyperreality- Living in a photoshopped reality blending the lines between reality and technologically altered reality.
  9. Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) 
  10. Consumerist Society
  11. Fragmentary Identities
  12. Alienation
  13. Implosion
  14. cultural appropriation- The process of a person wearing/using cultural objects from a culture they are not apart of, and sexualising/getting attention from it without acknowledging the prejudice the culture gets.
  15. Reflexivity

New expression of identity and being- especially those represented in popular cultures and media products through technology- are new iteration of previous things. Nothing is new but just different and similar to the thing it took inspiration off of.


-Labour party leader is not called ronald mcdonald

-postmodernism works in terms REITERATION, so in the example of The Love Box in your Living Room it is a reiteration (pastiche) of the documentary work by Adam Curtis.


  1. Pastiche – Imitating a previous work
  2. Parody – Imitating a previous work with irony and/or ridicule.
  3. Bricolage – something constructed or created from a diverse range of things. (eg. a bricolage of games)
  4. Intertextuality – a reference or parallel to another literary work, an extended discussion of a work, or the adoption of a style. (eg. The main plotline of Disney’s The Lion King is a take on Shakespeare’s Hamlet.)
  5. Referential –
  6. Surface and style over substance and content –
  7. Metanarrative –
  8. Hyperreality – where audiences cant tell the difference from reality and non-reality.
  9. Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) – Baudrillard suggests that we live in copies of copies of the real world (?) but not really ‘real’ and we see this in the film because there are so many layers of game
  10. Consumerist Society – Being a consumer in society (eg. content and items) –
  11. Fragmentary Identities –
  12. Alienation – feeling withdrawn or ostracised within society.
  13. Implosion – a sudden failure or collapse of an organization or system.
  14. cultural appropriation –
  15. Reflexivity –

From what I can see so far, Postmodernism is copying peoples others work and adapting it claiming it as their own iterating on it, and therefore nothing is truly original or new.
Parody – “Despite being Scottish, had an optimistic view of life”, “Instead of using wired communications to tell soldiers to kill millions of Germans, they now used wireless communications to tell soldiers to kill millions of Germans.”
Postmodernism works in the terms of reiteration, so in the example of The Love Box in your Living Room it is a reiteration of the documentary work by Adam Curtis.
STYLE OVER SUBSTANCE. could be applied to both ghost town and letter to the free.

CSPs: Tomb Raider, Ghost Town


What is postmodernism?

Postmodernism is the reimagining and copying of previous work.

Pastiche – an imitation of the work of a previous artist that pays homage to the original

Parody – an imitation of the work of a previous artist with deliberate exaggeration for comedic effect

Bricolage – the rearrangement and juxtaposition of previously unconnected signs to produce new codes of meaning

Intertextuality – the concept that the meaning of a text does not reside in the text, but is produced by the reader in relation to the text in question as well as the complex network of texts invoked in the reading process

Referential –

Style Over Substance – the transition from substance to style is linked to a transition from production to consumption

Metanarrative – overarching story

Hyperreality – the inability to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality

Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) 

Consumerist Society –

Fragmentary Identities – the notion of separating, splitting up and dividing previously homogeneous groups such as, friends, the family, the neighbourhood, the local community, the town, the county, the country

Alienation –

Implosion – the process leading to the collapse of boundaries between reality and simulations

Cultural Appropriation –

Reflexivity –

The Love Box in Your Living Room (2022) is a pastiche of the work of documentary filmmaker, Adam Curtis, whilst also being a parody of the BBC’s history.

in a postmodern world, surfaces and style become the most important defining features of the mass media and popular culture” (Strinati: 234)


  1. Pasticheimitating previous work.
  2. ParodyImitating previous work in a joking and funny manner.
  3. Bricolage – something constructed or created from a diverse range of things.
  4. Intertextualitythe relationship between texts, especially literary ones.
  5. Referentialcontaining or of the nature of references or allusions.
  6. Surface and style over substance and content
  7. Metanarrative
  8. Hyperreality – the inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality.
  9. Simulation (termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) 
  10. Consumerist Society
  11. Fragmentary Identities
  12. Alienation
  13. Implosion
  14. cultural appropriation
  15. Reflexivityacknowledging your role in the research.

Postmodernism is the theory that people copy each other everywhere, meaning there is no true form of ourselves.

  • Taking chair away, making the character fall over several times, not professional.
  • “the generals didn’t strike, even though the general strike was named after them”
  • Lord Reith shown singing a rock song.

radio broadcast

As a group we intended to create a broadcast that would overall inform, educate and entertain in regards to the BBC – correlating to the BBCS ethos. We will address the BBC’s history and identifying how it has both positively and negatively affected people in Britain. We intend to discuss our thoughts and opinions on the BBC as a media platform including its radio, websites e.g. BBC Bitesize and its television (Live and iPlayer). Furthermore, evidence will be provided to support our judgements such as statistics on audiences and information around presenters. As a group we wish to address the current BBC and the future BBC including information on the government’s plans to improve it e.g. removal of TV license tax in order to attract more/maintain views.

Moreover, we will include two songs to begin and end our broadcast which will be ‘The Chain – Fleetwood Mac’ and ‘Waterloo – ABBA’. These songs we chose due to them being songs we like and we have freedom to express ourselves in the radio broadcast.

Radio SOI & Review

For our radio production, we will be going through the BBC’s history and identifying how it has both positively and negatively affected people in Britain. We will also be discussing some of the key broadcasts the BBC makes, such as Doctor Who and the World Cup in Qatar. We will be referring to Todorov’s theory of a beginning middle and end with the systematic structure of our program. We will do this by separating our key topics with music closely intertwined with the BBC e.g Gorillaz, Dizzie Rascal and Arctic Monkeys (British bands) to ensure we have breaks to figure out how to talk next. There will also be references to Levi-Strauss’ theory of binary oppositions, with Jayden often being the voice of reason and attempting to gather balanced opinions from the rest of our group, and Rohan and Ben often giving strong informed responses

In evaluation, our program was not as focused on the BBC as we would have liked. Overall, this simply came down to not enough preparation being made for the show and running out of ideas to talk about. In addition, Kai and Xavier did not talk as much as the others, and if I were to do this again I would ensure we had a full plan ready and make sure everyone was involved as much as possible.


As a group we intended to create a broadcast that would overall inform, educate and entertain in regards to the BBC – correlating to the BBCS ethos. We will address the BBC’s history and identifying how it has both positively and negatively affected people in Britain. We intend to discuss our thoughts and opinions on the BBC as a media platform including its radio, websites e.g. BBC Bitesize and its television (Live and iPlayer). Furthermore, evidence will be provided to support our judgements such as statistics on audiences and information around presenters. As a group we wish to address the current BBC and the future BBC including information on the government’s plans to improve it e.g. removal of TV license tax in order to attract more/maintain views. 

Moreover, we will include two songs to begin and end our broadcast which will be ‘The Chain – Fleetwood Mac’ and ‘Waterloo – ABBA’. These songs we chose due to them being songs we like and we have freedom to express ourselves in the radio broadcast.