For my video game cover I want a bold background it will include the brands logo along with the company of the gaming manufacturer. I will include the PS4 logo along the top above the initial background which will include a desert with a orange sky and a pyramid in the background, this is because I would like my game to consist of a set difficult highly skilled tasks for the levels based inside of the pyramid that need completing to move higher up in the game. I will be using a female character dressed in clothing that does not sexualise her and she will be able to do the tasks efficiently, I want to do this to go against the sexist stereotype that women get from the gaming industry from being sexualised and them being seen as weaker than male characters.
My intent is to create a video game case slightly based off of the Marvel film Black Widow.
The main photo in the middle will be of the main character which is named Widow. Widow will be a buff black male character who wears tactical clothing. In the background of the main image there will be the Hell Gate bridge that is located in New York which is the main city the game will take place in. There will be a 4 images outlined by a box showing what the game is like. The PEGI age rating will be displayed at the bottom right of each side of the game cover, which will be rated 16+. The background of the back cover will be a faint image of New York at night time. The game will be called Widow.
My intent for this task is to create an ultra-sexualised games cover, which will be very controversial and will be stigmatised for its generalisation and sexist approach of portraying women. It will be aimed to appeal to the straight male demographic with an intended age range of around 14-25 year olds which would be published by a huge company with the intent to create massive sales and bring in huge profits. This cover will include generic flashy colours and symbols such as guns, swords and explosions to be appealing the avid straight male “gamers” and “weebs”.
The male gaze is the theory that men sexualise and objectify woman and portray them as sexual objects
Laura Mulvey, a British film theorist, challenged the centrality of the male viewer and his pleasure. This is called ‘The Male Gaze’. She wrote ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ which exposed her views an opinions. she was well known as a strong feminist and believed in equal rights between women and men.
The concept of ‘The Gaze’ was first used by John Berger, an art critic, in ‘ways of seeing’. This was a documentary that analysed the representation of women.