Category Archives: Theory



uses and gratification

research product 1
light blue)
research product 2
(chanel No. 5)
my product (Versace Crystal Noir)
understanding selfcreative and arty, strange movements but looks clean
enjoymenton holiday in a pretty place and smells nice with a partner alsohaving fun with placement of perfume
escapismMediterranean setting which looks like a place to relax on holidaycan be who she wants
knowledge about the worldwanting to know where they are
self confidence, self esteemwill feel good about herself feeling clean so looks good, feeling confident as she has bold red lip
strengthen connections with family and/or friendsmale with female suggests a close relationship as they are touching skin
any other category or theme

Uses and Gratification Advertising Table

RESEARCH PRODUCT 1 (Cristiano Ronaldo Shampoo)RESEARCH PRODUCT 2 (Nivea Shampoo)MY PRODUCT
UNDERSTANDING SELFShows you that you can smell and appear more likeable/attractive to others.Reveals to you that you can become someone who takes care of yourself.
ENJOYMENTPerson is smiling and confident – seems happy.Character using the product is smiling and seems to be enjoying the use.Advert depicts someone who is taking pride in using the product.
ESCAPISMYou can escape worries about your appearance with the product.
KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE WORLDMakes you wonder about what Cristiano Ronaldo gets up to.
SELF CONFIDENCE, SELF ESTEEMDominant signifier appears bold and confident, gives a role model.Feel more connected to who you want to be.
STRENGTHEN CONNECTIONS WITH FAMILY AND/OR FRIENDSYou could show the product to others you know and they might recognise the celebrity on it and you could talk about it.You could recommend the product to other people.You can be confident and have minimal self-conscious worries around people.
ANY OTHER CATEGORY OR THEMEExpensive and symbolises positive people.May be easy to use and offer longer term effects.

Uses and Gratifications

(girl with lion- jasmin noir)
(dolce and Gabbana)
UNDERSTANDING SELFIt briefly explains the idea of the product.N/AThat anyone can use this product no matter of who they are, its about who they want to be.
ENJOYMENTEnjoyed by people who desire feeling powerful because it helps their self-esteem and makes them feel successful. It could be enjoyed by people who are spontaneous and live life by making the most out of it. Or maybe the exact opposite. People who are stuck in their day- to -day life and want something different.It will be used for people who like a good time out, people who are considered wealthy and luxurious. Not necessarily in money but people who are expensive in a metaphorical way.
ESCAPISMShe seems fun. Someone people are drawn to and want to be around, they also aspire to be her.Influences people to associate with holidays when they see this perfume. Making them believe that it’ll feel like they’re on holiday. Leading them to crave this product like they would with aw holiday.Influences people to think of their desires to achieve or have a break with the perfume. A perfume to use for special occasions, nights you consider your best.
KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE WORLDshe’s with a lion which typically comes from Africa, could influence people to think that she’s knowledgeable or more mature and encourage them to be like her.The couple are in a sunny location alluding to “paradise” connotating the scent and the feel the perfume will enhance when being used.N/A
SELF CONFIDENCE, SELF-ESTEEMmakes people feel powerful and fierce to be with a lion. Also making people feel more attractive if they were to wear this perfume. Buying this perfume will enhance your self-esteem as you will become more attractive; this links to the theory of Laura Mulvey of the “Male Gaze”. They use the woman’s and man’s body in a seductive manner to appeal to the consumer of the product. Learning how to embrace yourself and encouraging you to break the gender norms.
Its makes her seem more sexy because the lion and her are lying next to each other, making her seem bold and confident. The girl that everybody wants to date or be friends with. Inspiring people to become bold.The advert is of a couple sat on what looks like a surf board on a paradise island- the effect of this shows that the perfume will bring people together and maybe even help someone find an exotic romance playing on the fantasy of falling in love with someone from another country. It also shows that by using this perfume it will make you more attractive and likely to have a partner. Others will be drawn to you as you will be a “breath of fresh air.”N/A


UNDERSTANDING SELFUnderstanding how lip balms can help and keep your lips moisturised, prevent your lips being dry. Understanding that anyone can wear makeup regardless of gender, sexuality, race etc. LGBTQ+ representation could allow you to accept your own identity because it is being supported by influential brands.
ENJOYMENTAllows you to try different products, getting new products from shop can be satisfying and enjoyable. You may get enjoyment from using makeup as it is a medium of self expression. The advert will include lots of colour and a representation of the pride campaign – can be enjoyable
ESCAPISMYou may have an interest in using skincare/beauty which helps you to escape from reality.Escapism from lack of self expression in real lifeBeing represented in media allows you to escape from lack of representation in reality.
KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE WORLDN/AGlobal stereotype that only women can use makeup N/A
SELF CONFIDENCE, SELF ESTEEMModel is confident in her skin. Confidence = better self esteem, keeps you happy. Implying that using product gives you confidenceModel is confident whilst wearing makeup. Makeup could mask his true lack of confidenceBeing comfortable and seeing your identity representation can bring about more self confidence and higher self esteem
STRENGTHEN CONNECTIONS WITH FAMILY AND/OR FRIENDSModel is confident meaning that she can build stronger relationships with friends. N/AN/A

Audience Theories

  • Mass media increase after the Second World War
  • Passive consumption arose (Hyperdermic Model) which is a direct way of getting someone to do something.
  • The ‘Two step Flow of communication‘ = Introduces the theory that if an Opinion Leader is convinced by the media about something (a product), the mass audience will be convinced very quickly like sheep, we follow.

audience theory -Hypodermic Needle Theory

As a result of WWII, there was an expansion of research into the way we communicate due to the heavy use of propaganda used during the war and how political communication affects out ideas and beliefs.

The hypodermic model involves this idea of passive consumption – when the receiver just accepts messages given to them in media rather than question or engage with what is being presented to them.

The earliest theoretical work can be traced back to Harold Lasswell in 1927 who developed the theoretical tool of context analysis. He wrote a book called Propaganda Technique in the World War which highlighted the brew of ‘subtle poison, which industrious men injected into the veins of a staggering people until the smashing powers… knocked them into submission’. As Martin Moore noted, Lasswell, as a behavioural scientist who researched areas which connected political communication and propaganda, believed each government had ‘manipulated the mass media in order to justify its actions’ during the First World War

In 1948 he created a diagram to illustrate his hypothesis: Lasswell’s Linear Model of Communication. A model where a sender transfers a message through a kind of medium to the receiver to create a direct effect on them. This creates a clear relationship between the sender and the receiver.

In 1949 this approach was adapted by Shannon and Weaver into the Transmission Model of Communication, which included other elements such as noise, error, encoding, and feedback


  • After World War 2, the use of mass media increased. In the 1940’s and 50’s, mainstream media took off. TV’s were widely used, this kick started research into the way in which audiences are influenced.
  • The ‘Hypodermic Needle Theory’ = The passive consumption of audiences. When audiences are being ‘injected’ with media, they are ‘knocked into submission’ and go along with the messages the media promote.
  • Harold Laswell = Wrote a novel called ‘Propaganda Technique in The World War’ in 1927 following his own experience serving in WWI. He later created a linear model of communication. Theory work around the effect of media communication and consumption trace back to him.
  • ‘Two Step Flow of Communication’ = Encapsulates the idea that media messages are not directly ‘injected’ into the mass audience, they are ‘injected’ into the ‘important’ people, or ‘opinion leaders’, who then promote this message to the masses.
  • Shannon and Weaver = 1949, Adapted Laswell’s theory and created the ‘Transmission model of Communication
  • Paul Lazarfeld = Believed that the linear communication model was too simple and did not factor in the different ways in which media messages could be communicated.
  • Uses and Gratifications (Active Selection) – Elihu Katz posed the question of ‘what does media do to people?’. Research into this started with McQuail and Blumler.
Two-Step Flow Communication Model |
Two Step Flow of Communication

Psychographic Profiles (Used to distinguish the different types of audiences and product customers):

The Explorer – motivated by the need for discovery.

The Resigned– motivated by survival needs.

The Aspirer – motivated by esteem/status needs.

The Mainstreamer – motivated by belonging needs.

The Reformer – motivated by enlightenment needs.

The Succeeder – motivated by the need for control.

The Struggler – motivated by escapism needs.