What is the CSP?
The actual CSP for this unit is to be found by you on any three of the following Vogue platforms:
- website http://www.teenvogue.com/
- Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/teenvogue/
- Twitter feed https://twitter.com/TeenVogue
In other words, to explore the MEDIA FORM that we recognise as: online, social and participatory media, students should look at the sites listed above in detail (specifically including the home page of the website and the ‘Lifestyle’ section) along with other relevant examples, illustrations, sections etc TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE for your essays.
Find out as much you can about this product and post your findings on a new blog post. Start by THINKING. What aspects of NEW MEDIA interest you? What aspects of Teen Vogue help you to explore and understand NEW MEDIA. Make sure you develop your initial ideas with some EVIDENCE, post up your findings to use as revision notes. Find evidence about individual stories as well as about the organisation who produces these products. OVERALL, you are trying show KNOWLEDGE OF THIS CSP and UNDERSTANDING OF NEW MEDIA
Starting points:
- Ownership (INSTITUTION)
- Conglomeration, vertical and/or horizontal integration
- Cross-media titles / products (= INSTITUTION)
- Income / Expenditure (= INSTITUTION)
- Advertising, marketing, product placement etc – in terms of revenue and type of products featured in Vogue (INSTITUTION & AUDIENCE)
- Primary target audience (= AUDIENCE)
- Uses and Gratifications (= AUDIENCE)
- Messages sent (encoded/decoded) ie the values, attitudes and opinions of this CSP (or ideology / political & social bias) (= REPRESENTATION)
- Use of new technology / relationship to old technology (= LANGUAGE)
- Layout, language, style, design, words, images, symbols, connectivity (=LANGUAGE)
Use the 3 recommended sites for this CSP and identify SPECIFIC STORIES,to EXTRACT SPECIFIC DETAIL to use as SPECIFIC EVIDENCE.
TASK 2: Select 2-3 stories from any of the links provided above and use these to provide a close textual analysis reading of Teen Vogue. As a starting point analyse your chosen examples (stories, tweets, posts etc) in terms of 1) political, social, cultural and economic contexts; 2) Media Language; & 3) Media Representations. Some starting points can be found below:
Political, social and cultural and economic contexts
Teen Vogue is culturally significant in its marrying of the political with fashion and lifestyle to target a young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues. Its explicit feminist stance and reporting on the Trump presidency has made it a relatively radical voice in the context of mainstream US media. The social and economic contexts can be addressed in terms of how the product has been received and how it has succeeded when other magazines (online) are struggling to maintain audiences.
Media Language
How are the codes and conventions of a website used in the product? How are these conventions used to influence meaning? The website could be analysed in terms of:
- The language of composition and layout: images, positioning, layout, typography, language and mode of address.
- The genre conventions of websites will be studied and the genre approach should also include reference to the content of lifestyle websites.
- The application of a semiotic approach will aid the analysis of the way in which the website creates an ideology about the world it is constructing – often to do with age, beauty and social and political issues.
- Narrative in the context of online material can refer to the way that the images and the selection of stories construct a narrative about the world.
Media Representations
The choice of this online product provides a wide range of representational issues. These include the representation of the target audience of young women in the United States but also globally. The focus on representation will build on work done in the analysis of visual images and can also be used to explore target audiences and ideological readings:
- Representation of particular groups (age, gender, race), construction of a young female identity.
- ‘Rise, Resist. Raise your Voice’ is the slogan for the website.
- Who is constructing the representation and to what purpose?
- The focus on politics, social issues and technology (in addition to fashion and celebrity) suggests a new representation of young women.
- Analysis of the construction and function of stereotypes
- Representation and news values – how do the stories selected construct a particular representation of the world and particular groups and places in it?
Defining and conceptualising New Technology
Technology is central to any Media Studies course, and is of relevance in terms of the production, distribution and consumption of news and news-gathering, as well as playing a significant role in terms of democracy, knowledge, access and truth. As a starter exercise to understand this relationship in terms of news production, create a table and see how many different technologies you can put in each box, to show which what technologies are used in each stage of the production process.