- The Leveson Study was a study based on media outlets paying off the government to hack the general public’s devices to gain information and create stories for profit, as well as blackmailing celebrities with this info.
- One of the main story’s that came from this study is the involvement of the media with the murder of Milly Dowler. She was a young teenager who had been murdered and her body was supposedly never found. The media used her death and info surrounding the murder to create many stories and generate many sales, a method on which they achieved this was with the polices consent, they hacked into the victims phone and began texting and communicating with the victims parents to make them believe she was still alive, to then create more stories on her for as long as possible without any knowledge of the family and the public.
- The Levenson study was created to reveal the disingenuous and corrupt world of media, to stop all the manipulation on info and of the public and to finally put an end to it. This was 10 years ago and the world has hardly changed.
Category Archives: Research
harry styles on identity for the guardian
This is Pleasing: Harry Styles sets out to ‘dispel the myth of a binary existence’
By Karen Dacre – Nov 2021
‘the mission of this venture is to “bring joyful experiences and products that excite the senses and blur the boundaries”. Styles announced that he hoped to “dispel the myth of a binary existence”.’
‘this brand is about celebrating what is already there and encouraging customers to be themselves.’
‘In July, the global beauty industry was valued at $511bn’
NOtes – Revision – Gauntlet & Butler
David Gauntlet quotes / phrases :
- “We are transitioning from a society in which our identities were constructed via rigid traditions to a distinctly different phase that he calls ‘late modernity” – Changed from a society of stereotypes to opinions.
- “Tradition dominates the notion of who we are and is heavily determined by long standing social forces” – Traditions and hierarchy are a reason for our stereotypes to the present day.
- “Social roles of gender in a traditionally ordered society”
- “Marketing and advertising agencies construct multiple possibilities of who we might be through products branding” – Advertising giving us a glimpse of who we could become (potential ‘us’)
- “Transformations offered suggest that our identities are not fixed” – Meaning in games, they lead with the main characters weaknesses to gain happiness, this can give us the right motivation to give us a chance to change who we are.
Judith Butler quotes / phrases :
- “Myths reinforce male power as the norm because males are the more naturally dominant gender” – This displays that the idea of male dominant society is true.
- “Micro performances that continuously signal our identity to ourselves and to others” – Explains that the way we act is a form of our own identity shown.
- “Biological anatomies do not determine our gender” – This can related to people feeling as if they are more masculine than feminine even though they are a woman. A mental decision that our brains come to.
- “Male and female identities are not naturally configured”
- “Gender is not solely determined by primary experiences during childhood” – Meaning throughout our lifetime, people change their gender and sexual orientation, some people don’t stay the same gender they were when they were a child.
notes on butler:
Judith butler talks about how in society, how gender roles play a part in day to day life.butler suggests that specific qualities and other features don’t define what gender you are and that gender is a choice. Butler suggests that gender is fluid, changeable, plural a set of categories to be played out and performed by individual subjects in individual moments in time and space. butler suggests things like lipstick lesbian, butch and femme and girly girl and how these traits determine the gender of the people based on attributes behavior and that being born male or female will indefinitely be the way a person acts or chooses to associate to.
“Lipstick lesbian” is slang for a lesbian who exhibits a greater amount of feminine gender attributes, such as wearing make up(t dresses or skirts.
Butch and femme (French language, meaning woman) are terms used in the lesbian subculture to ascribe or acknowledge a masculine (butch) or feminine (femme).
Girly girl is a term for a girl or woman who chooses to dress and behave in a traditionally feminine style, such as wearing pink, using make-up, using perfume, dressing in skirts, dresses and blouses, and talking about relationships and other activities which are associated with the traditional gender role of a girl.
Revision notes – Home
David Gauntlet
“Audiences are in control of the media – adapting and assimilating ideas about themselves through the various representation that the media presents.” – This illustrates how the audience adapts themselves to fit in to society and it is naturally happening. They create the person that they want to be to represent their true self.
“Gender is socially constructed” – The way that both genders behaviours change is naturally reoccurring.
“Audiences realise they can change their identities” Society have no power over them to choose who they can become. For example a male can act as a female, and a female can act as a male.
“The media provides a range of products in which a huge diversity of identities is portrayed.” – In our society there is a huge amount of individuals who portray themselves with a varies of different identities.
“Audiences use global media to offer alternatives to the identities that society constructs for them.” – Social media gives the impression that they change people’s identities and that their behaviour changes.
Judith Butler
“Our gendered identities are not naturally given but constructed through repetition and ritual.” Individuals change their identities over and over again through the act of others.
“Our bodies or sex do not define our gendered identities” – Male or female can choose their identity.
“The performance of gender trouble is a difficult, sometimes painful, process given the entrenched nature of heteronormativity” – Individuals suffer from people who judge them for changing there identities to be who they want to become.
“Gender is not solely determined by primary experiences during childhood” – You behaviour does not change from childhood, it is just naturally happens.
“Our genders are culturally rather naturally formed” – Society influences and interacts with the audience which changes people’s behaviour.
LEVENSON 10 years on
- The Leveson Study was a study based on the media paying off governments and hacking the general publics personal devices to gather information and stories to create sales and blackmail celebrities.
- One of the main ideas that revealed the disgust the media is involved with Milly Dowlers murder. A young teenager was murdered and the body was supposedly never found, however when writing stories and gathering info the media, with the polices consent, hacked into the young girls phone and texted her parents to give the false idea that she was still alive, they did this to keep the story going and make more sales.
- The Levenson study was created to reveal all of this corruptness and how the media needs to change, this was 10 years ago and the world has hardly changed.
Leveson 10 Years on
- The Leveson Inquiry is/was public inquiry into cultures, practices and ethics of the British press. This inquiry looks into the News international phone hacking scandal for publicity of private and personal information about celebrities and general people.
- One of the most popular consequence of Leveson was the investigation of Milly Dowler’s case when evidence was revealed in July 2011 when ‘News of the World’ reporters had hacked the voicemail of murder victim Milly to force the belief / hide their actions that she was still alive, and gave hope for her family. The prime minister then announced a public inquiry under the Inquires Act 2005.
- At the time media was corrupt and especially journalism, believed it was ‘OK’ to hack into peoples phones and lives to gain information to boost their companies popularity and income. Still to this day, some aspects of media is still corrupted.
David gauntlett
Constructed identity– There are many things we as people may use to construct our own identities. Movies, tv shows and opinion leaders such as celebrities with a big follow count can all help us to “construct” this identity for ourselves suggesting ways of living by acting on their advice or recognising ourselves in a character of a film.
Fluidity of identity– A persons’ identity can change because of how gender roles (male and females) are being represented in the media. Fluidity of identity is the idea that identity is not always fixed because we are constantly adapting to new cultural norms. He states that we have a “greater diversity of identities”.
Collective identity– Refers to our sense of belonging to a group. Our likeliness to try to ‘fit in’ with others and engage.
Negotiated identity– A balance between meeting the expectations of others and our own personal wants. Showing how we want a balance of being with others and retaining our own strong identity.
The Levenson inquiry was a judge-led inquiry set up by the Prime Minister David Cameron. It reviewed the general culture of the British media and made recommendations for a new, independent body to replace existing press complaints commission.
The press hacked into 13 year old Millie Dower’s phone and messaged people pretending to be her to talk to her parents. The police gave full permission for this to go ahead.
Leveson 10 years on
Leveson was a public, judge-led inquiry set up by Prime Minister, David Cameron, to examine the culture, practice and ethics of the press. This inquiry was inspired by the ‘News International, phone hacking scandal.
In 2007, News of the world royal editor Clive Goodman and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire were convicted of illegal interception of phone messages. In July 2011, it was revealed that ‘News of the World’ reporters had hacked the voicemail of murder victim Milly Dowler. Messages were deleted by the journalists in the first few days after Milly’s disappearance in order to “free up space for more messages”. As a result friends and relatives of Milly concluded wrongly that she might still be alive. Similar incidents have happened with celebrities including Sienna Miller, Charlotte Church and Hugh Grant, who say they have been badly treated by the British press. The public inquiry would be chaired by Lord Justice Leveson on 13 July 2011.