Category Archives: Music Video



Ghost town – CSP 6

Cultural Resistance –
Cultural Hegemony –
Subcultural Theory –

  • When people protest and laws are put into place to try and solve the issue, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the opinions of the people will change. Changing peoples opinions is through their cultural likings and beliefs.
  • Antonio Gramsci was an Italian philosopher who argued about the theory of Cultural hegemony in the 1930s.
  • Hegemony is the dominant ruling class who are seen as the legitimate ideas / ideology.
Antonio Gramsci - Wikipedia
Antonio Gramsci
  • The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral, and social institutions (like the education system and the media). These institutions socialise people into accepting the norms, values and beliefs of the dominant social group.
  • Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders
    Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture
    Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
    Ideology: worldview – beliefs, assumptions and values.

Campaigns :

  • Rock against racism
  • Rock against Sexism


Key concepts:

● Cultural resistance
● Cultural hegemony
● Subcultural theory

● Race Relations
● Thatcher’s Britain

Case Studies:
● Rock Against Racism
● Rock Against Sexism

Resistance and political protest:

  • laws don’t necessarily equal change
  • change is much more likely through culture- which is normally more subtle and isn’t always riots and big gestures.
  • everyday people
  • Overt political protest is uncommon. When it occurs, it often results in a backlash.- doesn’t change public’s opinion

Cultural hegemony: (hegemony – dominant)

Antonio Gramsci: Italian philosopher writing in the 1930s

Cultural hegemony functions by framing the ideologies of the dominant social group as the only legitimate
● The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral,
and social institutions (like the education system and the media).
● These institutions socialise people into accepting the norms, values and beliefs of the dominant social
● As a result, oppressed groups believe that the social and economic conditions of society are natural and
inevitable, rather than created by the dominant group.

Thatcher’s Britain:

  • Prime Minister 1979-90
  • Militant campaigner for middle class interests
  • Extreme attitude towards immigration
  • British Nationality Act 1981: introduced a series of increasingly strict immigration procedure and prevented Asian people from entering Britain

British national identity
could be swamped by people with different
culture’ – 1978 Interview

‘firm immigration control
for the future is essential if we are to achieve
good community relations’ – Conservative Manifesto


Working-class youth culture
● Unified by shared tastes in style, music and ideology
● A solution to collectively experienced problems
● A form of resistance to cultural hegemony

Teddy Boys: 1950/60s
● Responding to: post-war social changes
● Music: influenced by American rock n roll
● Style: upper-class Edwardian fashion
(narrow trousers, lappelled jackets), fused
with an element of rebelliousness in the form
of exaggerated hairstyles and shoes (quiffs
and creepers)

Skinheads: 1960s
● Responding to: social alienation.
● Rejected: late 50s conservatism,
as well as the ‘peace and love’
middle class hippy movement of
● Expression of: working class
● Music: West indian music (ska,
rocksteady, reggae)
● Style: shaven heads, Dr Marten
boots, braces, shirts, and cropped
● Politics: Original skinheads were
anti-racist, however the movement
quickly polarised

Punk: 1970s
● A Reaction to:
● 1) Capitalist middle class culture
that has achieved dominance and
legitimacy (hegemony)
● 2) Their alienation from the adult
working class culture of their
parents and grandparents
● 3) The social, political and
economic crisis of the mid1970s,
resulting in high youth
● Values: anti-establishment,
emphasis on individual freedom,
on doing it yourself.
● Fashion: emphasised ugliness,
shock value, irony. Used items like
safety pins, ripped shirts, chains.
● Music: often self-produced and
independently distributed, the
music is loud and aggressive, with
lyrics expressing anti-establishment views and working
class concerns.

Rude Boys: 1960s-80s
● Music: listened to 1960s Jamaican ska
and 1970s roots reggae. Lyrics about
oppression and poverty articulated their
own experience. Also influenced by the
anti-establishment ethic of 1970s punk.
● Style: influenced by Jamaican
Rastafarianism and also British working
class fashion. Focus on dressing ‘sharp’

  • suits, shiny shoes, hats.
    ● Reacting against: oppression from the
    state, police, and racist thugs. Also
    against the ‘peace and love’ aspect of
    the rasta culture. Instead, emphasised

Race relations:

Bringing race into the picture in the 1980s, Paul Gilroy
highlighted how black youth cultures represented
cultural solutions to collectively experienced problems
of racism and poverty

Post war British Race Relations:

  • After WWII, Britain faced a mass labour shortage which lead to the migration of half a million people from the Caribbean (the Windrush generation 1950s-70s) searching for jobs
  • However, they faced severe discrimination which made it difficult for them to find employment and housing
  • During the 1970s and 80s, the children of the Wind Rush Generation were reaching adulthood, but found it difficult to find employment due to having faced the same prejudice their parents did – the difference was that they were willing to resist this racism

Racism from the state/police:

  • A clash between the police and black youth
  • police generated the idea that black people were criminals – more likely to steal, use drugs, start fights etc
  • Black community targeted by SUS Laws –  a stop and search law that permitted a police officer to stop, search and potentially arrest people on suspicion
  • New Cross Fire 1981 – fire started by racist arsonist, killing 13 black people, whose charges were completely dismissed

Racism from Far Right Groups- NF:

Racism from Far-Right Groups: The NF
● The National Front was a far-right group
● Advocated the an end to immigration and the
repatriation of non-white Britons.
● Blamed immigration for the decline in employment,
housing and welfare.
● In the 1970s, the NF gained the support of
disillusioned white youth
● Racial attacks, violence and intimidation

Black Music Resistance:

  • Black music offers a means of articulating oppression and challenging what Gilroy has termed ‘the capitalist system of racial exploitation and domination
  • The lyrics of many reggae songs revolve around the black experience, history, culture and consciousness of economic and social deprivation as well as criticising the the continuing enslavement of racist ideology

Rock Against Racism 1976-82

  • RAR campaign fought for the eradication of racism in the music industry against the rise of fascism among white working class youths
  • People believed they could prevent their audiences from being prejudice by the messages they put across in their music
  • RAR took advantage of the emerging subcultures who had similar anti-establishment ideologies as well as provided many different musical forms to which the campaign could project their anti-racist politics
  • RAR organised hundreds of musical events which united white bands with black bands – it was highly successful in shining a light on multiculturalism and unity
  • RAR’s fusion of youth culture and politics has been widely celebrated for making politics fun

Two Tone Britain:

  • 2 Tone Records was founded by Jerry Dammers 1979 from The Specials which advocates the eradication of racism in British society
  • This created a new genre of British music that fused punk with Jamaican reggae and SKA
  • The bands signed by 2 Tone Records were largely multi-cultural, eg The Specials and The Selector, and represented the exact aim of RAR
  • 2 Tone bands were most vocal after the election of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 1979 – writing lyrics about the politics of racism, sexism, violence, unemployment, youth culture and a corrupt system of government
  • 2 Tone gigs often attracted members of the right-wing which caused huge disruption


ghost town

Key Concepts:

● Cultural resistance
● Cultural hegemony
● Subcultural theory
● Race Relations
● Thatcher’s Britain
Case Studies:
● Rock Against Racism
● Rock Against Sexism
● 2 Tone

Cultural resistence

-Overt political protest is uncommon. When it occurs, it often results in a backlash.
– Even if overt political protest does results in changes in legislation, it won’t necessarily change public
-Culture is what influences people’s hearts, minds and opinions. This is the site of popular change.

Political protest

-Attempts to change to laws or legislation
– Organised political movements
– Public protests
– Petitions, marches

-Cultural resistance
– Everyday people

The political, personal and cultural are always intertwined

Cultural hegemony

Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders
-Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture
-Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
– Ideology: worldview – beliefs, assumptions and values


Paul Gilroy highlighted black youth cultures which represented cultural solutions- racism and poverty.


Forms of political protests:
– Attempts to change laws or legislation
– Organised political movements
– Public protests
– Petitions
– Marches

Antonio Gramsci: Italian philosopher writing in the 1930s

The strange afterlife of Antonio Gramsci's “Prison Notebooks” | The  Economist

Gramsci is best known for his theory of cultural hegemony, which describes how the state and ruling capitalist class – the bourgeoisie – use cultural institutions to maintain power in capitalist societies.

Key Terms:
● Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders
● Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture
● Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
● Ideology: worldview – beliefs, assumptions and values
● Cultural hegemony functions by framing the ideologies of the dominant social group as the only legitimate
● The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral,
and social institutions (like the education system and the media).
● These institutions socialise people into accepting the norms, values and beliefs of the dominant social
● As a result, oppressed groups believe that the social and economic conditions of society are natural and
inevitable, rather than created by the dominant group.

Margaret Thatcher:
● Prime Minister 1979-1990
● Militant campaigner for middle-class interests
● In an 1978 interview: ‘British national identity
could be swamped by people with different
● Hardline attitude towards immigrantion
● Conservative Manifesto: ‘firm immigration control
for the future is essential if we are to achieve
good community relations’
● British Nationality Act of 1981: introduced a
series of increasingly tough immigration
procedures and excluded Asian people from
entering Britain.


Youth culture as a political protest:

Political protests are stereotypically petitions, marches etc, but people don’t think about the fact that people make moving images/music etc to help change view points on certain things. Just because a law has changed doesn’t mean the opinion of s topic will have changed, which leads to the fact that the political, personal and cultural are always intertwined.

Cultural hegemony

Framing ideologies of dominant social groups as the only legitimate ideology- The only ‘real’ belief is the hegemonic one, the dominant one.

Antonio Gramsci:

An Italian philosopher 1930s


● Working-class youth culture
● Unified by shared tastes in style, music and ideology
● A solution to collectively experienced problems
● A form of resistance to cultural hegemony

The song challenges the social theories at the time

Paul Gilroy

Author of the book ‘Ain’t no black in the union jack’, exploring the construction of racial ‘otherness’ within the print media in the 1970s. The book traces the story of UK Post war race relations.

Gilroy argues that the racial representations that were ‘fixed in a matrix between the imagery of squalor and that of sordid sexuality’, marginalised the immigrant black community from the outset – constructing them as racial ‘other’ in the predominantly white world of 1950s Britain.

In 1970s and 80s, newspapers related stories concerning the many community riots of the period, depicting the multi-ethnic disturbing events as only black events, suggesting the black community was prone to lawlessness and incompatible with white British values.


‘no night complete without a fight, Skinheads attacking whoever riled them, flick knives at the ready.’ – The

‘nods to cinematic soundtracks and music hall tradition, it reflects and engenders anxiety.’ The

 deadpan vocals lamenting how “all the clubs have been closed down” because there is “too much fighting on the dance floor”. The

‘England was hit by recession and away from rural Skinhead nights, riots were breaking out across its urban areas. Deprived, forgotten, run down and angry, these were places where young people, black and white, erupted.’ The

it expressed the mood of the early days of Thatcher’s Britain for many. – BBC


‘Ghost Town’ by The Specials

Spent three weeks at the top of the charts after its release in 1981


This town is coming like a ghost town
All the clubs have been closed down
This place is coming like a ghost town
Bands won’t play no more
Too much fighting on the dance floor

Do you remember the good old days before the ghost town?
We danced and sang as the music played in any boomtown

This town is coming like a ghost town
Why must the youth fight against themselves?
Government leaving the youth on the shelf

This place is coming like a ghost town
No job to be found in this country
Can’t go on no more
The people getting angry

This town is coming like a ghost town

“Too much fighting on the dancefloor” – Links to how  “The tour was marred by audience violence which disrupted gigs”, even at their own shows, The Specials were met with disruption in their audiences from sub-culture groups who used the performances as a protest to express their views.

“Government leaving the youth on the shelf” – Link to Thatcher’s ideologies.

Band members are sat in a car driving through the deserted streets of a (ghost) town in Britain. The place looks run down a lacking civilisation. They look directly down the lens of the camera with melancholy expression, as if directly relaying the message of nation wide depression to the audience. During the chorus, the camera action is shaky and manic before the camera shot focuses in on a wall as if the car had crashed, perhaps signifying the social unrest and disruption in Britain at the time. The more positive, upbeat chorus paired with the bands more positive expressions could resemble the way they are reminiscing the “good old days before the ghost town”.

Youth Culture as Political Protest

Typical/ traditional political protest:

  • Attempt to change laws and legislation, to make a government hear a voice that is not represented
  • Could be in the form of public demonstrations through protesting on the streets, petitions, marches
  • Overt political protest is uncommon, it often results in a backlash
  • Even if law or legislation is put into place, it doesn’t mean that the dominant, hegemonic view of the public changes. Public opinion doesn’t stay inline with law.

Antonio Gramsci

Italian philosopher who wrote during the 1930’s

Hegemonic/ Cultural Hegemony = The dominant class, the dominant political viewpoint or the power holders and their cultural viewpoint.

Culture = The elements of life which influence peoples hearts, minds and opinions. This is a grounds for change and development.

Sub-culture = The resistance towards the hegemonic culture that emerge with new ideas and opposing views from the bottom of the hierarchy in aim to ensure their voices are heard.

Sub-culture is working-class youth culture unified by shared tastes in style, music and ideology. Sub-culture is often the beginning to a solution to collectively experienced problems and a form of rebellion to the dominant hegemonic views.

Post-war Britain

Margaret Thatcher = Prime minister and leader of the Conservative party from 1979 to 1990.

“British national identity could be swamped by people with different

  • Strong attitude against immigration (believed that immigration control is the way to bring about good community relations)
  • Nationality Act 1981 – Excluded Asian people from entering UK.

Post-war Britain saw different sub-cultures/ groups begin to formulate.

  • Teddy Boys (1950’s/60’s) = Influenced by American rock and roll, resisted against post-war social changes in UK.
  • Skinheads (1960’s/70’s) = Responding to social alienation (the feeling of not fitting in to a certain social group). They expressed working class pride. Listened to West Indian music such as Ska and Reggae. Originally, Skinheads were anti-racist in the 1960’s. However, in the 1970’s, many skinheads joined far right fascist movements like the National Front and the sub culture became polarized by differing political stances.
  • Punks (1970’s) = They responded to social alienation due to the working class culture of their parents, hegemonic views of Thatcherism, anti-establishment, made music that was self-produced and focused on ‘DIY’.

Paul Gilroy

  • Wrote book called “There Ain’t No Black In The Union Jack” (story of race relations in post war Britain following a large wave of immigration from the west indies, causing anxiety around immigrant behaviours)
  • Paul Gilroy believed “unstable” and politicised identities are “always unfinished, always being remade” and ethnicity is an “infinite process of identity construction”.
  • In other words, ethnicity and national identity are not actually fixed or permanent.

Racial Otherness

  • Suggests that public association and stereotypes of the post-war immigrants with substandard living conditions. Gilroy said that these representations marginalised the black community as the racial ‘other’ in the largely white 1950’s Britain.
  • The British Empire had colonised and had ownership over many countries such as the West Indies, parts of Africa, India and Pakistan. Previously, Britain had used the produce and traded with these less developed countries as a way of benefitting white British people. After the war, Britain was in need of workers (people to re-build destruction from the war, to replace those who had died in the war). Many immigrated from the countries in the British empire to work in the UK, this was met with fear that the immigrant community would ‘overtake’ white Britain due to the news spreading coverage of the black/immigrant community being involved with muggings, violence and crime.
  • The Notting Hill Carnival riot (1976) was described as “an army of black youths”, the media/ newspapers suggested that the black community was “prone to lawlessness”

Two Tone Music

2 Tone was a genre of British popular music, that fused punk with Jamaican reggae and ska music. 2 Tone also attracted the attention of right-wing youth. 2 Tone
concerts were often inflated by members of the National Front or British Movement, disputing gigs

“The Specials, too, encapsulated Britain’s burgeoning multiculturalism” – BBC Article 2011 (The Specials: How Ghost Town defined an era)

 “For the first and only time, British pop music appeared to be commenting on the news as it happened.”

Binary Oppositions : Ghost Town


Ghost town

culture can change, resist and change political protest

The politial, personal and cultural are always intertwined

Political protest through music.

Cultural Hegemony:

● Antonio Gramsci: Italian philosopher writing in the 1930s

● Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders
● Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture
● Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
● Ideology: worldview – beliefs, assumptions and values

● Cultural hegemony functions by framing the ideologies of the dominant social group as the only legitimate
● The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral,
and social institutions (like the education system and the media).
● These institutions socialise people into accepting the norms, values and beliefs of the dominant social
● As a result, oppressed groups believe that the social and economic conditions of society are natural and
inevitable, rather than created by the dominant group.


first school to recognise the teenager subcultures such as punks- resistance through rituals.

race- Bringing race into the picture in the 1980s, Paul Gilroy
highlighted how black youth cultures represented
cultural solutions to collectively experienced problems
of racism and poverty.

Margaret Thatcher:
● Prime Minister 1979-1990
● Militant campaigner for middle-class interests
● In an 1978 interview: ‘British national identity
could be swamped by people with different
● Hardline attitude towards immigrantion
● Conservative Manifesto: ‘firm immigration control
for the future is essential if we are to achieve
good community relations’
● British Nationality Act of 1981: introduced a
series of increasingly tough immigration
procedures and excluded Asian people from
entering Britain.

Ghost town

●Political protests

○ Attempts to change to laws or legislation
○ Organised political movements
○ Public protests
○ Petitions, marches

● However, we can look at political protest in terms of:

○ Cultural resistance
○ Everyday people

● Why look at cultural resistance?

○ Overt political protest is uncommon. When it occurs, it often results in a backlash.
○ Even if overt political protest does results in changes in legislation, it won’t necessarily change public
○ Culture is what influences people’s hearts, minds and opinions.

● In the 1970s, a group of cultural theorists in Birmingham applied Gramsici’s theories to post-war
British working-class youth culture
● Looked at working class cultures like the teddy-boys, mods, skinheads, and punks – subcultures
unified by shared tastes in fashion, music and ideology.
● They argued argued that the formation of subcultures offered young working class people a solution
to the problems they were collectively experiencing in society.
Positives of The Birmingham School’s subcultural theory:
● Validated the study of popular culture – previously considered superficial
Criticism The Birmingham School’s subcultural theory:
● Focused on white working class masculinity
● Ignored ethnic minority, female and queer youth cultures

Prime Minister 1979-1990
● Militant campaigner for middle-class interests
● In an 1978 interview: ‘British national identity
could be swamped by people with different
● Hardline attitude towards immigrantion
● Conservative Manifesto: ‘firm immigration control
for the future is essential if we are to achieve
good community relations’
● British Nationality Act of 1981: introduced a
series of increasingly tough immigration
procedures and excluded Asian people from
entering Britain.

  • ‘Ghost Town’: a haunting 1981 protest song that still makes sense today
  • It was their last song before splitting up and reforming as The Special AKA and stayed at the top of the UK charts for three weeks.
  • The music video was directed by Barney Bubbles and filmed in the East End of London, Blackwell Tunnel and a before-hours City of London.

Ghost Town

Form of political protest:

  • It is a cultural resistance to Margaret Thatcher’s time as prime minister.
  • Attempts to change laws or legislation.
  • Petitions.
  • Marches.

Antonio Gramsci.

Italian philosopher writing in the 1930s.

Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders.

Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture.

  • a form of cultural resistance
  • attempts to change law and legislation will not happen overnight
  • Antonio Gramsci: Italian philosopher writing in the 1930s
  • Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
  • Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders
  • the Birmingham school was first to notice the different subcultures of teenagers such as teddy-boys, mods, skinheads and punks.
  • Margaret Thatcher: firm immigration control for the future is essential if we are to achieve good community relations’
  • firm immigration control for the future is essential if we are to achieve good community relations’.
  • ‘ too much fighting on the dancefloor’ reflects how there was a lot of violence at the 2 tone concerts.
  • internal tensions in the band are reflected in the eerie sounding music.
  • the empty streets represent how everyone was working and how it was no longer a busy city.

Ghost Town

The video, directed by Barney Bubbles, consists of bass player Panter driving the band around London in a 1961 Vauxhall Cresta, intercut with views of streets and buildings filmed from the moving vehicle, and ends with a shot of the band standing on the banks of the River Thames at low tide. The Specials played a type of ska music known as 2-Tone – named after The Specials’ record company. A hydrid mix of Jamaican reggae, American 1950s pop and elements of British punk rock, it was popular in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Coventry was a thriving industrial town in 1960s, but fell on hard times in the 1980s. “Ghost Town” caught the mood of Summer 1981 as levels of civil unrest not seen in a generation hit the UK. The song was influenced by scenes noted during the band’s UK tour. Released almost 40 years ago, Ghost Town was a protest song, a bitter commentary on Thatcher’s England. Its despair-laden lyrics reflected the depressing time: a country in deep recession and the decimation of towns and cities like Coventry where The Specials hailed from.

Ghost Town by The Specials conveys a specific moment in British social and political history while retaining a contemporary relevance. The cultural critic Dorian Lynskey has described it as ‘’a remarkable pop cultural moment’’ one that “defined an era’’. The video and song are part of a tradition of protest in popular music, in this case reflecting concern about the increased social tensions in the UK at the beginning of the 1980s. The song was number 1 post-Brixton and during the Handsworth and Toxteth riots

The aesthetic of the music video, along with the lyrics, represents an unease about the state of the nation, one which is often linked to the politics of Thatcherism but transcends a specific political ideology in its eeriness, meaning that it has remained politically and culturally resonant. 

The representations in the music video are racially diverse. This reflects its musical genre of ska, a style which could be read politically in the context of a racially divided country. This representation of Britain’s emerging multiculturalism, is reinforced through the eclectic mix of stylistic influences in both the music and the video.

Key Concepts:
Cultural resistance – Key idea: the political, personal and cultural are always intertwined.
Cultural hegemony – Antonio Gramsci: Italian philosopher writing in the 1930s. Cultural hegemony functions by framing the ideologies of the dominant social group as the only legitimate ideology. The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral, and social institutions (like the education system and the media). These institutions socialise people into accepting the norms, values and beliefs of the dominant social group As a result, oppressed groups believe that the social and economic conditions of society are natural and inevitable, rather than created by the dominant group.

Key Terms:

  • Hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders
  • Hegemonic culture: the dominant culture
  • Cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means.
  • Ideology: worldview – beliefs, assumptions and values

Subcultural theory The Birmingham School (1970s) – In the 1970s, a group of cultural theorists in Birmingham applied Gramsici’s theories to post-war British working-class youth culture. Looked at working class cultures like the teddy-boys, mods, skinheads, and punks – subcultures unified by shared tastes in fashion, music and ideology. They argued argued that the formation of subcultures offered young working class people a solution to the problems they were collectively experiencing in society.

  • Working-class youth culture
  • Unified by shared tastes in style, music and ideology
  • A solution to collectively experienced problems
  • A form of resistance to cultural hegemony

Race Relations – The police heavily influenced race relations, alterations between black youth and the police, black youth were associated with crime – according to the police. There were the SUS laws meaning there was a stop and search law that permitted a police officer to stop, search and potentially arrest people just on suspicion. New Cross Fire, the blaze broke out on 18 January 1981 at a joint birthday party for Yvonne Ruddock and Angela Jackson at 439 New Cross Road in Lewisham. The party had begun the night before and gone over into the next day. In addition to the 13 who died in the fire, 27 were injured and a 14th took his own life two years later. For four decades, the cause of the fire has remained a source of serious contention. Police officers at the scene of the fire initially blamed the neo-fascist National Front. That group advocated the an end to immigration and the repatriation of non-white Britons. In the 1970s, the NF gained the support of disillusioned white youth. After WW2, many Caribbean men and women migrated to Britain seeking jobs. They were faced with racism and discrimination, and found it difficult to find employment and housing. During the 1970s and 1980s, the children of these Caribbean immigrants were reaching adulthood. They were subject to violence and discrimination from both the state and far right groups. However, they more likely to resist the racism of British society compared with their parents.
Thatcher’s Britain – Margaret Thatcher had a hardline attitude towards immigration. Conservative Manifesto: ‘firm immigration controlfor the future is essential if we are to achievegood community relations’. British Nationality Act of 1981: introduced aseries of increasingly tough immigration procedures and excluded Asian people from entering Britain. She was prime minister from 1979-1990.

Case Studies:
Rock Against Racism – RAR campaigned against racism in the music industry and against the rise of fascism among white working class youth between 1976 and 1981. It was formed on the assumption that popular music could educate their audiences away from prejudice through example. They focused on addressing white working class youth who were vulnerable to NF recruitment.  It capitalised on the emerging genres of punk and reggae, which provided an oppositional language through which RAR could communicate its anti-racist politics. RAR organised hundreds of musical events, gigs and carnivals featuring famous punk bands (like the Clash and X-ray Spex) on the same stage as black bands (like Steel Pulse, Asward). Putting black and white bands on the same stage together was a new phenomena, and was highly successful in producing a theatrical statement of multiculturalism and solidarity.  RAR’s fusion of youth culture and politics has been widely celebrated for making politics fun. This fusion of politics and culture engaged disaffected white youth in the face of profound political and economic insecurity, class tensions and escalating racism.
Rock Against Sexism – Rock Against Sexism was British anti-sexist campaign that used punk as a vehicle to challenge sexism, promoting female musicians while challenging discrimination in the music industry between 1979 and 1982. To raise both consciousness and funds, a small group of RAS activists in London organised musical events, printed publications, and hosted musical and discussion workshops. Profits were donated to organisations like the National Abortion Campaign, Women’s Aid and Rape Crisis. When female musicians did break into the mainstream, the music press was often mocking, criticising and patronising.
2 Tone – Genre of British popular music, that fused punk with Jamaican reggae and ska music. 2 Tone label were largely multicultural. 2 Tone brought black and white musicians into the same bands. The songs addressed the political issues of the day: racism, sexism, violence, unemployment, youth culture, and were highly critical of the police, and the authoritarian government. By summer 1981, while Britain experienced rioting across many cities, with Specials at the top of the charts with ‘Ghost Town’, 2 Tone imploded and many of the bands split up.

Thinking about a political protest, they include this attempts to change to laws or legislation, organised political movements, public protests, petitions, marches. But they also include cultural resistance and everyday people.

Black Music as Resistance:

  • Black music offered a means of articulating oppression and of challenging what Gilory has termed, ‘the capitalist system of racial exploitation and domination’.
  • The lyrics of many reggae songs revolve around the black experience black history, black consciousness of economic and social deprivation, and a continuing enslavement in a racist ideology.
  • Reggae is often sung in Jamaican patois, emphasising a black subjectivity that is independent from white hegemony.