Category Archives: Moving Image



Revision – Television

Witnesses – French tv program. BBC program. Dead bodies appear in houses that are for sale

The missing – a woman reappears after being missing. BBC program

Potentially a question about audience? Or representation.

Witnesses is aimed at a young adult audience with mature themes within the program itself

The missing is also aimed at a young adult audience with mature themes and scenes within the program.

Language Of both tv programs

Genre – Crime, Drama

Narrative of moving image – propp – character development through out the story/moving the story along and steve neale -genre theory

Witnesses – propp – lead detective develops through out the progrsam as he is under attack for a start and as he uncovers more he discovers more about himself and the place he is in.

The missing – propp- the girl who was missing readjusts to the normal life moving the story along and developing her characteristics into normal life.


Character types



Steave Neale

Genres of order

Representation (very unlikely to get in tv question) –




psb – public service broadcasting


conglomerate – surviving as a multinational conglomerate (tv)

transformation of the public sphere

the public sphere

James Curran


Stuart hall


Hyperreality (if applied correctly)

social needs

uses and gratifications

McQuail, Blumer & Brown


The missing

season 2 had 8.06 million viewers whereas season 1 only had 7.37 million – social needs,

an average rating of 8.4/10 out of 28 reviews. – psb

The daily telegraph described it as “supremely compelling” – transformation of the public sphere , psb

 second series has earned a “Certified Fresh” score of 100%, with an average rating of 8.55/10 out of 15 reviews. – psb, social needs , public sphere

production – new pictures


production company – cineteve

Not popular – public sphere

around 1 million people watched season 1 and season 1 – social needs, public sphere

its difficult to find things about it online suggesting its not known – psb

MEMENTO: Narrative and Postmodernism

Refer To:

Narrative (How it is structured)

Action – Place – Time

Exposition (Beginning) – Climax (Middle) – Denouement (End)

PeripeteiaThe turning point in a drama after the plot moves steadily to its denouement. AnagnorisisWhen you discover the true identity of the character, or true nature of the what they had planned. Catharsisshows emotion of an audience through a character or characters.

Types of orders: Linear In order of how they occur, how the story unfolds Chronological Could include flashbacks as it doesn’t tell the story straight through from beginning to the end SequentialWhen many moments connect to each other (location or time) forms a distinct narrative unit

EquilibriumEverything is balanced DisruptionWhen the problem is happening New equilibriumreaching a resolution

Vladimir Propp (Character Types and Function)

uses STOCK CHARACTERS to structure stories (e.g. hero, villain, helper, victim, false hero, princess, dispatcher)

Claude Levi-Strauss (Binary Oppositions)

Creates a dominant message (ideologyof a film. However, as mentioned previously, the way in which individual students / audience members decode specific texts, is also contingent on their own individual ideas, attitudes and beliefs

Roland Barthes (Proairetic and Hermeneutic Codes)

Proairetic code: action, movement, causation. Hermeneutic code: reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development. Enigma code: the way in which intrigue and ideas are raised – which encourage an audience to want more information.


Pastiche it imitates an artistic style of another person’s work. Parodywhen a performance imitates and is used for a comic effect. Bricolage‘do it yourself’ the creation of work from a diverse range of things that happen to be available. ‘involves the rearrangement and juxtaposition of previously unconnected signs to produce new codes of meaning’. Intertextualityit seeks the connections between media texts and social life. It suggests signs only have meaning in reference to other signs and that meaning is therefore a complex process of decoding/encoding with individuals both taking and creating meaning in the process of reading texts. In other words. HyperrealityThis happens when you can distinguish reality from a simulation of reality. For example, in the movie we can not tell which is the movie or the game that is happening. Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) – it is where the model mimics the operation of an existing system that provides evidence to make decisions for process changes. The simulation of total mediation without meaning. Their are many layers of the game so we can many different copies that is perpetrated from the real world. Alienationwhen you reject a person’s position of former attachment / becomes isolated from their environment or from other people. A form of separation or distance.

The process of fragmentation is a key element of POSTMODERN CULTURE. The notion of separating, splitting up and dividing previously homogeneous groups such as, friends, the family, the neighbourhood, the local community, the town, the county, the country and importantly, is often linked to the process of fragmented identity construction.

Surface and style over substance (Postmodernism)

in a postmodern world, surfaces and style become the most important defining features of the mass media and popular culture

the fragmentary, decentred nature of music videos that break up traditional understandings of time and space so that audiences are ‘no longer able to distinguish ‘fiction’ from ‘reality’, part of the postmodern condition’

There is no ‘real‘ – just a collection of fragments. We are free to construct ourselves.

There is not truth in history; memory cannot be relied upon as evidence for knowledge. People who claim to know the truth can’t be trusted.

Jean Baudrillard

The media makes everyone a consumer – audiences have a limited relationships with authentic meanings.

Authenticity is impossible to find or keep as the hyperreal world of modern media is so encompassing and so incessant, Baudrillard tells us the deluge of messages offered have limited significance. Cultural products in postmodernity construct throw-away messages, forgotten almost as instantly as they are consumed.

Media proliferation has resulted in an implosion of meaning through the simultaneous presentation of oppositional truths.

The postmodernism age is marked by the dominance of advertising as a media form. Baudrillard suggests that media blending has resulted in the construction of fictionalised reality.

As a result, contemporary media forms have blurred fact and fiction to the extent that, Baudrillard argues, audiences can no longer tell them apart.


Analysis of Film Websites

La La Land

  • Contains background image of dominant signifier. Introducing the two main characters; their action in the image also linking to the theme of the film.
  • Information regarding when it is available to buy or watch: “Now available on Blu Ray”
  • Scroll down layout rather than linking to separate pages.
  • Links to social media accounts with symbols to represent the apps.
  • Film poster featured at the top of the page in a rectangular box.
  • Iconic sign of a ‘play’ button with the anchorage ‘Watch trailer’ including a link to the trailer for the film
  • Production stills alongside information to give insight into the contents of the film, a way for the audience to see snippets before watching or buying. A gallery of images included
  • Brief description of the making of the film and the release date
  • Information on the main cast and production team
  • Line of images at the bottom of the page which show the different versions of the posters. Also a line of links to watch related videos such as interviews, scenes and trailers.

Blinded by the Light

  • The film has distributed two different websites to correlate to how the film was produced by a indie company (Bend it Networks) which is owned and supported by the conglomerate (Warner Bros).

  • Scroll down layout rather than linking to separate pages.
  • Black background.
  • Contains link to YouTube film trailer.
  • Contains a overview of the film including; List of cast members and their credits and also the genre/inspirations/descriptions for the movie.
  • Quotes from the director and also comments from the writer.
  • Link to article and related videos and other media.

  • Structured in different sections and links rather than one continuous page containing all of the information.
  • The header of the “home” page includes a production still and also a link to film trailer.
  • Information and symbolic signifiers on where the film can be streamed/bought from. Also providing information on release date, age rating, genre and social media.
  • About section provides information on the director and the link to Bruce Springsteen’s music.


  • Transition graphics displayed when opening the website.
  • Anchorage; “Available now on Digital, Blu Ray and Combo” under title and next to film poster. Also a link to where you can buy the film “Buy Now”.
  • Background image of the 3 main characters.
  • Structured in different pages with links on a drop down menu rather than one continuous page.
  • Additional information to connect to potential audience through displaying extra events called the “Conversation tour”
  • Pages called “Gallery” and “Videos” and an ‘About’ section which gives information on the synopsis and cast.

Tick, Tick, Boom

  • Header of ‘home’ page includes a video reel with snippets from the film.
  • Structured in pages rather than one continuous page.
  • Anchorage in a scroll down section which displays the synopsis.
  • Poster and information on production, cast and concepts.
  • Section which lists the cast, director and producers
  • Gallery of production stills
  • Anchorage with key information on where it can be watched (“ In select theatres and on Netflix”) and a button with a link to the trailer.


Statement of Intent

My film will involve the dominant signifier, being a boy who is simply just playing football, but showing immense technical skill and dedication to his play. Unknown to him, a scout is watching his every move, who then approaches the boy and offers him a big opportunity after watching him play and seeing him stay outside to train after his session. My two film posters and sequences would feature the protagonist before the big disruption in the story, being excited about the offer he’s just received and the opportunity to really experience the footballing world, and then the climax, with the protagonist crying in an office about how his career is declining due to a lack of management or real focus on the legal restrictions and requirements presented by the world of football. His agent, who really did not like the boy but saw the financial benefit in sticking with him, is trying to comfort him however he knows deep down that it was his fault for not giving the boy everything he had to maximise his chances of success. The pathos should be significant here, with a lot of sympathy for the protagonist coming into effect. My website will provide a simple yet effective means of navigating all that the production has to offer, with a home page, contents, sequences page, and a page for the posters at a minimum. It will have a simple yet sleek design to make it easy to use for a variety of audiences, and this is important because the production will be rated 12, so many people from younger audiences will be actively engaging with the product and using the service of the website. The type of audience which would consume this product is one of young people, typically males, who resonate with football well and often dream about growing up to be a footballer themselves. The type of institution who would release this kind of film would probably be a mainstream one, with perhaps ties to sports clothing, a sports brand or even with relations to football video games.


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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Film-Poster-2-1-2-724x1024.jpg





Synopsis with statement of intent : Film Idea – The Informal Messenger – 1916

Description of Film: A young British soldier based in London, takes on a task to deliver a critical message to a Lieutenant Commander of Platoon 7 in Leicestershire. Not realising an ambush was about to take place.

My film will include a main character as the young British soldier, also known as the hero, as well as a victim who will be duped with the solider. Giving my ‘hero’ two roles within my film. This being a mid ranged Netflix film, consisting of a large amount of action and blood, leading to an age rating of 16+. I intend to create a poster with a male standing side on, looking away, as if he is at attention. Behind the writing of 1916, the background will be created as a peaceful sunrise to indicate part of my film, where the message has to be received by sunrise. My other idea for my poster is having a male character, point a gun side on as if he was about to shoot somebody with the same concept as my first idea, with the sunrise background and bold text. I hope to blur around the male so he is completely blacked out, so he’s not identifiable. Either picture I will have white text for the name of my movie – “1916” or “The Informal Messenger” with a quote below “There is only one way this war ends” or “Time is the enemy”.

My film is very similar and is based around the film 1917. My film is different to 1917 by the location it is based in, as well as the difference in genders between my film (1916) and 1917. On top of that, my film has a slight year difference.