Category Archives: Audience



Essay Prep – Work at Home

Judith – Gender Performance –

Judith mentions that ‘nobody is a gender from the start’, this can suggest that we as people force or construct the idea / rule that people should be fixed within their gender, that there should be two ‘types’ of humans, male and female, however Judith proposes that we are not female or male, we choose to act and decide our actions in either a more feminine way or masculine way. She wants to break the idea that specific ‘things’ have to be titled through s gender, football is a mens sport or makeup is for women. She wants to create an idea that we can choose and normalise who we want to be, wheither we’re male but want to wear makeup or we’re female and want to play football without it being abnormal.

Maybelline Advertisement –

Maybelline have always presented their advertisement through glamorous women, however this multimillion dollar global eyeliner company released a video advert called ‘boss it up’, the company decided to have a male and female as their presenters, both of them wore the eyeliner, in a way to make a statement. Maybelline know that makeup is starting to shift from just a females use, to a neutral choice. Ideas globally are starting to see that there is no abnormal choice if a male decides to wear makeup. For example, Johnny Depp is a straight man, however he wears eyeliner, there is should be no constructed idea on clothes, cosmetic products and peoples actions.

Score Advertisment –

The score printed advert, suggests that men and women are separate, that women are ‘used’ for feminine acts, such as giving birth and cooking all meals, where as men are the dominant, stronger gender, who bring the money into the household and work hard. This idea of one gender does one thing and another does some differently, suggests that men and women are not equal and one gender is more powerful than the other.

At home notes:

Judith Butler at home notes:

Judith writes and creates the idea that there is not specific acts or qualities that make you your gender, gender is a title and has nothing to do with the way you act or whatever you do. You can change your gender, be yourself and choose who you want to be and whatever you do will not change who you are and who you identify yourself as. Butler writes to identify and break the idea that genders have stereotypical acts, like football for men, netball for woman, pints for men and gin for women.

Maybelline & Score at home notes:

Firstly, Maybelline, when advertising their eyeliner product line, have always been using females in their adverts, this is because the idea that because females use eyeliner on a daily bases, its seen as a female product due to the repetitive acts of one gender, however this isn’t true, for example bands like Fall out boy, and celebrities like Johnny Depp have used and continue to use eyeliner when turning up to social events and shows. Secondly, Score, advertises the idea that if you shave you will be more attractive and “get what you’ve always wanted”. This is seen as a product for males and that men should be buying it, however because its a shaving cream doesn’t mean it cannot be for men, just because men use shaving cream, doesn’t mean woman don’t. Lastly, the woman seen in the score advert seem to be carrying the man who has recently shaved using the product, as well as this they are trying to touch, stroke and feel the man, this can be seen as a sexist, stereotypical representation of woman as it shows that they bow down and treat men like kings when they are attractive/using the product advertised, this is a repetitive theme used in adverts still to this day.

judith butler – gender theory

  • Gender and identity is represented in many ways, many ways in which are communicated by us subconsciously constantly. Depending on your gender and how you wish to be represented, we do specific actions physically, verbally and non-verbally to communicate our gender and identity automatically.
  • For example, as a male you could represent your gender by dressing in a more masculine way, having facial hair or even by the way you smell.
  • By doing these different actions, society puts you into these constructed identity groups.
  • Judith counter-types these ideas that of gender representation. She doesn’t believe that certain actions should factor into how your gender is represented, such as why is body building regarded as a male thing to do? She thinks that these stereotypes and identifications are not fixed or definite states.

Harry Styles brand article

  • This brand is trying to break out of gender boundaries and groups by including typically more feminine products to be targeted and sold to men and all genders ad identities. Against repetition of gender performance.
  • The mission statement for his brand is: “bring joyful experiences and products that excite the senses and blur the boundaries”.
  • He states how this brand is more than a celebrity endorsement, this can be considered disingenuous and follows 2-step flow ideas.

“Styles announced that he hoped to “dispel the myth of a binary existence”

“Undoubtedly, there is serious value in beauty now. In July, the global beauty industry was valued at $511bn”

“Styles’s first business venture includes a range of nail polishes, an illuminating primer serum, and a dual-purpose eye and lip oil.”


Notes : Judith Butler

  • The idea that men are identified as men due to their masculine repetitive actions such as sitting with their legs spread out, where as, women cross their legs in a feminine manner. Our physical appearance also contributes to our identity and our repetitive acts by the way be ‘do things’ women shave and men typically don’t, women dress with pink, purples and nude colour clothing where as men it’s white, black, blue, red and green. This is because we have constructed and made colours, certain products, objects specific to genders.
  • We live in a fabricated world, where everything is constructed and one thing is one thing, men are men, women are women.
  • Repetition of gender performance.

Notes : Harry Style’s Brand

  • Pleasing includes, nail polishes, illuminating primer serum and a dual purpose eye, lip oil.
  • Harry is trying to aim his brand towards men to make “makeup is for women” a myth, to encourage men to also wear makeup and no feel ashamed.
  • Aim – “bring joyful experiences and products that excite the senses and blur the boundaries”. Styles announced that he hoped to “dispel the myth of a binary existence”.
  • Disingenuous
  • Could be just doing it for the money?
  • Popularity?
  • “Styles announced that he hoped to “dispel the myth of a binary existence”
  • “Undoubtedly, there is serious value in beauty now. In July, the global beauty industry was valued at $511 billion”

David Gauntlett

Fluidity of Identity – This type of identity is the idea that people can change themselves through their appearance, their actions and the world.

Constructed Identity – The identity development is a complex process in which humans and people develop and clear sight of themselves and have a specific view on themselves.

Negotiated Identity – This is the process that people agree and perceive you as, and identify ‘who is who’ is their relationships.

Collective Identity – This is the sense of belonging to a group, having the same interests as the peers around you, however it does not mean you and another person are the same. They share the same ideas.


Constructed identity
– Opinions from others, online media, television and newspapers feed us ideas and opinions that construct an identity or a personality for ourselves.

Fluidity of identity– Going with the flow of other opinions and stereotypes of a gender. Letting their personality be decided by the regular view of their gender.

Collective identity– The idea of having your personality decided by others and being in a group where you all share the same ideas.

Negotiated identity– Having an equal balance between fitting in with others and sharing the same opinion as them and then having your own opinions and goals.

my understanding of the four categories of representation

Fluidity of identity

Fluid of identity is having the option to change the way you look however you like. If you don’t want to look a certain way fluid of identity creates the meaning of being able to change that and change how you perceive yourself as a person. Not only that Fluid of identity also means having the fluidity to change the way you act to something preferred or to something which can be categorised as normal. Fluid of Identity is the freedom to change who you are as a person inside and out if you prefer to-do that.

Constructed identity

Constructed identity is stereotypical. For example the fixed idea that a women should have long straight blonde hair with blue eyes and a man should be tall with big muscles and a brunette. These ideas have been constructed within society to change how we look at men and women. Constructed identity isn’t all about gender its also for who your preferred gender attraction is. Once again society has created ideal attraction preference, males are supposed to be attracted to women, and women are supposed to be attracted to men. Men aren’t supposed to like other men and women aren’t supposed to like other women, Society has constructed those identity’s for people which places pressure and shame onto those who are gay and do prefer people of the same gender.

Negotiated identity

Negotiated identity is when people come to an agreement of who is who and who identifies as something other than their birth gender. Men may come to terms and agree with the fact that they are a man and friends may be women or men and vice versa. Not only that people may agree that their friends may want to change from their assigned gender to become another gender as of which they are more comfortable being in. Not just that in gay relationships both partners come to terms of who is who in that relationship. This can be described as “wearing the pants in the relationship” which is basically who takes on the dominant role within the relationship.

Collective identity

Collective identity is associating with a group or a group associating as something. An example of this is drag queens. These people identify as men but have feminine traits and perspectives. Majority of these men are gay but love to dress up as women and do make up. Collectively these men all identify as drag queens. Also religions, many people collectively identify as Christian or Hindu, which society don’t have a problem with as its something they believe in but some people in society may argue that drag queens are wrong due to stereotypes that men should work for the family whereas the women are supposed to dress up to please them and apply make up to look pretty for the men. Everyone is apart of a group that have a certain identity, for another example actors. They all identify as actors same with the scouts they all identify as a scout until they leave the group but the traits and skills they learnt as a scout will stay with them for life.


My intention for this product is to represent the CeraVe moisturiser as an amazing brand which will sort out any dry. acne-prone skin within days. I want it to look very appealing to a youngish audience (eg. teenagers/ early 20’s) so it will have to look trendy and have a modern style to it. I am basing it off the Maybelline lipstick advert and some other adverts I have looked at which are for moisturisers. I will incorporate some of the features from these adverts such as the smooth textured waves going across the page and luxuriousness which would be great for someone seeking an escape. I will create a syntagm by combining a zoom in of my models face (dominant signifier) and a shot of my product with a headline and text to create meaning.

The elements I will include the brands famous tagline (“Developed by dermatologists”) at the bottom of the advert with a main headliner at the top saying “CeraVe: long lasting moisturiser, instantly transforming your skin!” Also i will have a close up of my model applying the moisturiser to her face and the outstanding results. There will not be too much writing and mainly use images to convince the audience that it will be worth them switching to this product. There will be some texture added to the modern day advert by using glitter like splashes to convey the excitement and miracle transformation when you use the product. The signified will be the white twirl coming of the bottle which is going to represent the moisturiser.

The advert will represent the dominant ideology that females should always do their best to keep their skin looking beautiful such as having a good skin care routine (wanting to have a moisturiser that is approved by others). It is a constructed reality which will influence many teens/ young adults. In some ways it could be seen as a negative stereotype because having perfect skin can be an unrealistic expectation. In the classic advert the model will be

I will be making two adverts one classic and one contemporary advert. The contemporary advert will consist of a reactionary stereotype of a teenage girl using the product but with a genuine smile not a fake staged one which is usually portrayed in modern day media. The type of audience that would consume it would be the mainstreamer or the succeeder because it is a product with a price range that is affordable for most people and those who want to seek control of how they look by making their skin smoother and performing to dominant ideologies about how a female should care about their appearance, based on Young and Rubicam’s physcographic descriptors

The kind of company that would make my product would be a popular magazine featuring celebrities or recent news that would interest those of a younger generation. I believe it could also be featured outside shops such as Boots or Superdrug which are places that the advert would be seen.

syntagym (Roland Barthes)


Ferdinand De Sassaure







David Guantlett – Constructed identity, collected idenity (only for females)

Male gaze, audience positoning, positive and negeative steroetypes, dominant ideology, hegemony

Two step flow of communication- Lazarsfeld

Uses and gratifications model- Katz and Blumler