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textual analysis- brand (Gucci), image of the product, name of product, trademark logo.
semiotic analysis– dominant signifier, well known celebrities in a intimate position, iconic sign for example the perfume product itself. indexical sign is the clip in her hair which promotes the brand. Paradigm of signs that revolve around the product being promoted.
representation analysis- reactionary representation is that a male and female product is being advertised therefore a man and a women is used to advertise the product but instead of them being independent while advertising the product they are together in a close and intimate positioning with the females hand on the males, translating the culture of women being dependant on men to protect them. Stereotypical representation would be how the woman on the advert is of an idealistic beauty standard, and is a well known face in the beauty and music industry, The brand has selectively represented her to promote sales.
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textual analysis- name of product in large to advertise. main image of well know female celebrity displayed over the perfume product. Name of campaign. (Heat). Tag line ‘catch the fever.
semiotic analysis- dominant signifier of Beyoncé in revealing clothing and in a sexual stance. iconic sign would be the perfume itself. indexical sign and symbolic sign is the clothes she is wearing communicate the aesthetic of her product, red, and connote a ‘sexy’ feel to her product.
representation analysis- reactionary represtation is that the dominant signifier is a female showing her body in a revealing way to promote the product to not only women but to men to buy for their girlfriends or wives in order from them to view them in the sense that Beyoncé is in this advert, which is in a sexual and ‘sexy’ manner. The fact she uses her body to promote her product is reactionary. stereotypical represtation is that the colour in the commercial is red, which connotes the topic of sex and danger which is the topic they are trying to promote for their product. The tagline catch the fever’ furthermore explains that the feeling this perfume portrays is contagious. The audience are lead to believe in order to wear this perfume they must live up to Beyoncé’s represtation in this advert and be dressed according to her and the perfume will promise you to feel ‘sexy’.
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textual analysis- well known celebrities used to advertise the product. name of celebrity plus addition information on her to attract fans of hers. Name of campaign, addition information about the product and campaign. Brand name (Avon).
semiotic analysis– dominant signifier is two people looking windswept and the male looking directly and intentsly at her. iconic sign the perfumes. She is wearing the same colour as the perfumes theme colour, gold. symbolic sign would be the colour of the product the gold connotes luxury and beauty. Paradigm of signs that revolve around the product being promoted .
representation analysis– reactionary representation as the product which is for men and women is once again advertised in a sexual way. By the male looking intencily at the women incorporating the male gaze this connotes the product to be over sexualised. The males shirt being unbuttoned furthermore translates then theme of sexualisation of this product. The beauty of the woman could appeal to the male gaze, also the use of the male actor attracts his fans to also buy the product. Stereotypical representation is Megan Fox on the advert is of an idealistic beauty standard. The brand has selectively represented her to promote sales.
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Textual analysis– Brand name, Product name, actress to be face of product, trademark brand logo. Makeup product being advertised to show what is being advertised.
semiotic analysis– the dominant signifier is a well known female actress who is behind the products. The iconic sign seems to be the makeup products which advertise the brand and logo. The indexical sign is the actress wearing the products, looking like she’s not even wearing it, which promotes the products uses which is to make it look like she is not wearing any makeup. The symbolic sign would be her flower in her hair and hat, this connotes she is outside and relates to the name of the product ‘air’.
representation analysis– this both can be incorporated as radical and reactionary, The product name ‘nude air’, relates to the fact she is naked in this advert. The sexualisation of her body is a marketing strategy to encourage both men and women to buy this product to either use themselves or buy as a gift for a female. The use of a well known actor and a idealist female model furthermore encourages young girls to look up to her. On the other hand the radical representation is that she is on her own in this advert without a male ‘watching over her’ or beside her, which is the case in most advertisements. The fact she is the main image of this advert creates somewhat of a role model to impressionable girls to look up too. The audience are positioned to accept and celebrate this representation
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Textual analysis– Brand name, Product name, actress to be face of product, trademark brand logo. 2 dominant signifiers. Makeup product being advertised to show what is being advertised.
semiotic analysis– The dominant signifier in this advert is a male and a female, the female is shown wearing the products and the male pleased with his wife because of this. The iconic sign is lipstick which is shown advertising the Chanel logo. The indexical sign is her wearing the makeup therefore promoting it. The symbolic sign would be the male approving of the product as the culture this advert is promoting is leasing the ‘husband’ or ‘male’ in general. The end goal and reasoning for this product is to please men and for a female to be up to the standard.
representation analysis– this advert is strongly reactionary due to the fact the whole point of this product isn’t actually for the women in essence, it it used to please a male. The marketing strategy to encourage both men and women to buy this product to either use themselves or buy as a gift for a female. The use of a idealistic looking female encourages young impressionable girls to look up to her and buy the product themselves as it encourages a positive reaction from the boy they like or their husbands. The audience are led to believe that this a useful product that will quickly please and loo beautiful like its presented on the model in the advert.