All posts by Rohan Hugh




Command Words:

Describe – To show all your understanding and the attributes about a certain thing to another person. To show your knowledge (memory test)
Compare – To have multiple things and then to find the differences and similarities
Evaluate – Look at everything you have done / talked about in the past and sum it up with evidence, for example look at the positives and negatives
Analyse – To look at something and find out its attributes and to understand it.
Knowledge – Having facts or information
Understanding – Being able to twist and manufacture your facts and information to fit the situation when the circumstance arises


The abuse of power – Joshua West

Rules and Regulation

The substantiation of Truth and Reality –

The rise of new technologies –

The complicit links between those in power at the expense of those who are subservient – Habermas’ transformation of public sphere. Holding people to account, especially those at the top. Chomsky said that consent is manufactured, meaning that it serves someone’s self interest.


Set Brief 6


  1. outline the brief ie what are you doing (40 words)
  2. outline what theoretical ideas or concepts you are looking to investigate as part of your coursework production (write 150 words)
  3. write down technical words associated with web design and YouTube video production eg menu, drop downs, link buttons, home pages and header, footer and side bar etc etc (use 12 key words – put them in bold and write about 100 words)
  4. Make reference to the technologies (20 words)
  5. Make it clear what the style, look, feel etc of your productions are eg it is going to be modern and funky or it will be dark and gloomy etc etc

Product 1:

Product 2:

Statement of Intent:

I will be making a gaming website based around Rust the video game

My website will give a reactionary (as opposed to radical) representation of a gaming web site. In other words, I will produce a site for my audience of experienced or starting-up gamers with a website that follows generic media codes used within the industry and I want to follow these dominant codes in my product. In that sense I am following the ideas put forward by Steve Neale who writes about audience expectations – that audience want ‘familiarity’ (ie the same thing) but with some ‘difference’ or slight changes.

As such, I am going to have a horizonal menu on the website to navigate through all pages. Below the header I am going to credit myself and all social media links will be in the footer. I am going to make sure I have a clear house style across all pages with some being slightly different.

To construct the site I am going to be using Notepad as my text editor and to make the visuals for the website, I will be using OBS on my PC for all footage and recordings of the game and using Premiere Pro to edit the footage together. The footage will include animations at the start of every video to make it consistent and I will use cuts throughout the video as well as speed up parts to keep the audience engaged with the video. I have also made sure to make the videos short and helpful so the audience doesn’t click off.

My style model is ( Therefore, my website will be dark but modern. My style model has all the important information such as the title, logo, and menu at the top I will follow this idea. My style model also only uses one type of font, I will follow this but use a different font type. The website also has images below every body text, but I will adapt this and put the images below the heading so that the audience has a clear idea of what they are going to read. The website also has multiple links going to other websites within the body text, I will do this too. The websites colour pallet consists of white, gray and black, I will follow this too but use the colours white, dark gray and light gray. It will follow conventional audience expectations of a gaming blog site.

In terms of theory, my website will follow Katz and Gurevitch & Hass’s theory where they talk about uses and gratification, the first idea will be that the audience is seeking information and facts about the video game Rust. The next idea will reinforce the audiences own values and beliefs, the website will have facts about the game which may reinforce their own beliefs and idea’s of the game. The third website is about personal relationships where the media will create a relationship with the audience this is done through the images I will be using on my website of the game. Finally, diversion, my website will provide a sense of escapism as its based on fiction, however you can relate the game to real life scenarios and that is what I will do with my website.

For my second product I will be making a 3 minute gaming video on my selected video game, Rust, I will be doing a challenge video of whereby I have people from across North and South America compete in a tournament where the goal is to win by killing the other players in the tournament, the tournament will be done in rounds whereby everyone will fight everyone once until the last 2 with the highest wins will fight each other for the final match where the prize is Rust Skins which has a real life value to them in money. I will be interviewing all of the contestants with 3 people competing for the prizes. I will then use a range of shots to capture what is happening in the video game.

To construct the challenge video I will be using OBS (Open Broadcasting Software) to record what is happening on my screen and then using Premiere Pro for cutting up and manging audio levels for the video and then After Effects to apply that VFX needed. I will be publishing it on YouTube for anyone to see it. In my video I will be using an opening shot of scenery in the game to show the audience that the game I am playing is the same game I used in the title of my video. I am then going to interview them one by one in-game, with transitioning to the next question by using a light leak transition. I am going to be playing music in the background of all of this to kill the silence and engage the viewer into the video with certain genres fitting certain scenes of the video. For example I will be using an upbeat rhythm song for the part of where the contestants fight each other, as the game is intense due to the cash prize, so I am going to pick music to match the mood. In the video I am going to use a birds eye view whereby I am looking down on the contestants to get a full view of what’s happening. Throughout the video I will use a black and white filter to show what is either coming up, or what has happened, I will follow it up with dialogue or a voice over to back it up.

My style model for the video will be Konfuzion and the video I will be using is

In terms of theory for my video the video covers globalisation as it features people from North and South America, the target audience who will be watching my video will be global as well as it is on YouTube where anyone from anywhere can watch the video.


EasyJet is cutting flights. I am going to make a front cover of a national newspaper that is targeted at people who are 18+ EasyJet has currently cut flights off recently and people are not happy therefore I am going to make the paper be against EasyJet as that is what the people want to hear when EasyJet has done that to them.

Overall the paper will be clean and the message will be bold with the price being up in the top left. The masthead will be at the top and there will be an image below showing customers waiting in a queue to suggest that people are waiting just like the people who are waiting for their flights that have been cut off.

My style model will be the daily mail. The news will be more serious meaning it is more liberal however whereas the daily mail is more conservative which brings in Jurgen Habermas’s theory


The Newspaper


EasyJet cancels millions of flights.


Lottery ticket winner has recently gone broke after winning only 5 days ago!


EasyJet has been cancelling flights from January to June and people are not happy about it, one women said she had a wedding to go to but could not make it. Many manlets are now starting press charges on EasyJet with charges range from 50p to £1,000,000.


Exam Question: Ideology can be defined as a collection of values and beliefs. To what extent do media products target audiences by constructing an ideological view of the world?

Key Things to talk about / keep in mind:

  • Make sure your essay is consistent, coherent and complete. In other words, this should be a full answer to the question. Try not to consolidate your ideas too early!
  • Must have an introduction, a central argument and a conclusion.
  • Authoritarianism, Libertarianism, Right wing, Left wing. Use secondary sources (ie quotation) to help to support your knowledge and understanding.
  • Knowledge of media regulation – you can draw upon Livingstone and Lunt (pp 141-152). Feel free to include any ideas from Hesmondhalgh (pp 153-163)
  • Make sure you show some institutional knowledge of both papers – ie structures of ownership, history, purpose, intention etc.
  • Make sure you are aware and able to discuss ideas by Habermas, Curran and Seaton’s Ideas around the liberal press
  • Know about Chomsky and have quotes on him.
    – “He who controls the mind of the media controls the public”
  • Make sure that you are able to include specific detail about both Papers


  • Introduction
  • Developing your argument or line of reasoning
  • Conclusion
  • References



In this essay I am going to talk about how media products such as the ‘Daily mail’ and ‘The i’, being our CSP’s construct ideological views on the world. The Daily Mail and The I are both newspapers, with The Daily Mail being founded in 1896 and The I being founded in 2010. The issues I am going to explore with this essay is “How the public’s mind is controlled through the media corporations” – Noam Chomsky, and strategies media uses to control the public. First of all The Daily Mail is seen to be as a Authoritarian right winged newspaper and The I being a Libertarian left winged newspaper. I will discuss how media is regulated through Livingstone and Lunt’s theory and how media companies minimize risk with David Hesmondhalgh theory.

Paragraph 1

The Daily Mail is owned by the Daily Mail General Trust (DMGT) and also by Lord Rothermere it was originally created to tell people what is happening with the world which was what the Public Sphere was, they were said to be aware of what was going on in the world with democracy being around, Habermas said. But once The Daily Mail realised they can use media to control people and give them certain beliefs they changed to this with the end of the public sphere due to which Habermas believed came with Mass Media globalisation reduced the effectiveness due to fewer voices, this can be seen today with the DGMT owned not only The Daily Mail but also The I. This is done to reduce ‘the risky business’ – David Hesmondhalgh which comes with owning a media company, this is done through Vertical integration whereby in this case the DGMT owns both newspaper companies.

Paragraph 2

I would argue that The Daily Mail as long as The I are right wing as The I was adopted by The Daily Mail, however its editor Oliver Duff can be seen as someone who is left winged as he is young therefore he is more likely to have more left wing views. For example with The Daily Mail newspaper on Monday the 6th of June 2022 you can see the queen smiling looking her best on the front page which is backed up by the quote of ‘the Queens poignant message’ which shows bias and shows that this paper is potentially a pro-royal family newspaper, the reason this is done is to show the public how great the royal family is and you can even further tell that The Daily Mail is pro-royal family as Lord Rother mere has the title ‘Lord’ in his name which can only be given by the royal family, you can also tell that the paper has old fashion values with the font of the newspaper looking medieval, whereas with The I the royal family is seen with them not looking the best, backed up with a quote on the front page ‘Vote on Johnson future turning toxic for Tories’ which tries to bring your attention away from the royal family and towards libertarianism, the font of The I is also to be seen as more modern suggesting more modern and new thoughts this is seen throughout more of the paper with it further being backed up with the quote ‘You should be reading this in the front page (The hidden horror of the hunger crisis in east Africa)’ from page 16 of The I this can also be seen as more serious news which shows the audiences the reality of what is going on in the world with them also allowing journalists and advertisers to endorse more critical thinking, however they have also done this as a advertisement to minimize the risks again.

Paragraph 3

Linking back to paragraph 1, The Daily Mail can be seen as a mass media corporation with its website attaining over 360 million unique users every month. A reason why so many people may view it is because they seek for Hedonism whereby they are seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Exchanging please for pain if that pleasure isn’t easily accessible then that pain will be greater. With the papers less serious news, this can be seen on page 6 ‘Hilarious and barmy… final parade was so very British’. It is said that the DGMT annual revenue is around £1bn. Most of the money gained from this is through advertising inside the newspaper and advertisers look for less serious news to sell there product as they don’t want controversy like The I newspaper surrounding it.


In conclusion The I and The Daily Mail are both newspaper which construct different ideological be beliefs of how the events around the UK should be viewed. Where The Daily Mail can be widely seen as a Authoritarian Right winged newspaper and The I can be seen as a Libertarian Right winged newspaper both endorse in advertisement and both are regulated. Both fall under Chomsky’s ideas of how they try to passively change your thinking with his 5 filters on the mass media.


The 5 filters of mass media

1.Structures of ownership – How media is owned and the structure of the ownership

2.The role of advertising – Critical journalism wont be used as it will affect the advertisement of the newspaper as it isn’t making a profit off of how much it is being sold for.

3.Links with ‘The Establishment’ –

4.Diversionary tactics ‘flack’ – Diverting conversation / story, destroying the story.

5.Uniting against a ‘common enemy’ – Unite against something we don’t like (eg. foreigners)

There is libertarianism and authorianism and what Chomsky says is that we aren’t actually as free as we think with libertarianism.
The media cares most about is profit. Critical journalism takes second place. The product is you, the consumer not the product itself.






  • “Habermas argues… the development of… capitalism brought into being an autonomous arena of public debate.”
  • “became a further means by which the public was sidelined.”
  • The lingering question left by Habermas is how can this model… be universalized”
  • “Classic liberal thought argues that the primary… role of the media is to act as a public watchdog”
  • “This watchdog role is said to override… all other functions of the media,”

The political compass

Key word / Theme / QuestionsDaily MailThe i
GlobalisationYou should be reading this in the front page (The hidden horror of the hunger crisis in east Africa) (pg 16)
Racial superiority
Feminism  women making up 52–55% of its readers, The term “suffragette” was first used in 1906, as a term of derision by the journalist Charles E. Hands in the Mail to describe activists in the movement for women’s suffrage,Forget the tired stereotype of the grizzled hack in his trench coat and trilby hat, the British press is increasingly being ran by women. (pg 43)
Business over humansLord Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards them in the early 1930sInvest in biotech, green economy and space to boost GDP (pg 45).
The paper and its website were bought by the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) on 29 November 2019, for £49.6 million
PatriotismA reader suggests that ‘instinctive republicans’ may have become monarchists last week. Vile of the poor, waving flags at a women in a diamond hat. (pg 18)
Lack of serious news
Tax the rich?Proof that the poorest people get hit worse by soaring inflation (pg 23)
MilitarismBodies were hanging from trees, says British paramedic (pg 17)
All authority should be questioned. a right-wing tabloid,[1][2][3] the Mail is traditionally a supporter of the Conservative Party. It has endorsed the party in every UK general election since 1945,
  1. The paper and its website were bought by the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) on 29 November 2019, for £49.6 million.

2.Lord Rothermere, the chair of DMGT, said that the paper would maintain its politically independent editorial style.

3. Oliver Duff is the youngest editor for any UK national newspaper meaning he is more likely to have younger views

4.The Independent on 19 October 2010 announced the launch of the i (fairly new paper)

5.Daily Mail and General Trust plc (DMGT) is a British multinational media company, the owner of the Daily Mail and several other titles. The 4th Viscount Rothermere is the chairman and controlling shareholder of the company.[1] The head office is located in Northcliffe House in KensingtonLondon. DMGT’s annual revenue is around £1bn.

6.In the 2017 and 2019 UK general elections, the i chose not to endorse a political party

7. The paper is classified as a ‘quality‘ in the UK market but is published in the standard compact tabloid-size format.

8.The i website,, was reported to attract around two million unique viewers at the start of 2018,[23] but that figure had grown 457% by November, with Comscore reporting unique visitors to the website then stood at 5.2 million, surpassing the reach of The Times and Huffington Post UK

9.he i has developed a strong national reputation over time. The paper is understood to be highly regarded by many journalists

10.The i was named British National Newspaper of the Year in 2015.