All posts by Rebekka Hodgson




I am going to create two different products: a three-minute video promoting a new fictional TV programme which will be called “Crisis” and 3 print advertisements which will focus on diversity, issue raised within the programme and the genre. It will be targeted at a young adult audience and be available on Channel 4 TV and the streaming service All 4.

I will base my TV programme off the current mental health crisis that is occurring due to the effects of the pandemic as i believe it is an important issue which teenagers are interested in and in some cases can relate to. It will make clear links to some of the theories we have looked at in class such as Stuart Hall’s reception theory: I will encode the message to speak out and get help and I aim to attract the dominated reader ( where the reader will accept and understand the message) and also possibly the negotiated reader (where an audience accepts and understands some of the messages but disagrees with others). Additionally my poster work will make links to the theory of semiotics such as those dervived from CS Pierce about icon, indexical and symbolic signs which will help to create meaning in the product.

In terms of how I will create this product I will base the video off of the YouTube promotional videos for Skins. This will included having a montage of what happens in the series and use of different handheld camera techniques such as panning, medium/ close-up shots. I will also not use any dialogue but have music playing in the background because if people are watching on their phones then they might not have their volume on, which is true for the young audience. While the style model focusses on the characters mine will take more of an approach towards the setting as well as characters.

Visual branding will be shared through the logo and colour scheme to show it is a part of a unified campaign. The first poster will be based off the issue raised (being mental health) will be conveyed through the glimpse of mise-en-scene presented in polaroid like frame (images relating to a hospital). The second one will show the genre of psychological drama based on the Ladies and Gentlemen packaging design and concept which is a medication packet. For the third one i will base it off The Mean Girls film poster which has a range of diverse characters featured. It will be linked to print product theories such as subverting to the male gaze and portraying women and men as equal and their struggles being the same.

I will use Adobe Premiere to edit for the video and Adobe Photoshop to form my 3 posters.

Newspaper essay



Intro- key terms

P1 introduce The daily mail and The i

P2 media regulation livingstone and lunt, hesmondhalgh

p3 audience has an ideology which newspaper enforcesd

In this essay I will be discussing how the CSPs of The Daily Mail and The I link to how media products target audiences by constructing a ideological view of the world. Ideology is defined as a collection of values of beliefs. I believe that The Daily Mail and The I create their ideologies through their positioning on the political compass. However to some extent the audience could be seen to influence their ideologies on the newspapers.

Firstly The Daily Mail can be seen as a right wing which supports a libertarian view in politics. This means that it fights for political freedom and minimise the states violation of individual’s liberties. These views can be seen through the Daily Mail’s edit on the 6th June where one of the headlines stated that “Only Starmer gains from this clueless plot” which suggest that Labour will gain from Conservative divisions over Boris and they are happy about this.

Further more, The Daily Mail is owned by The Daily Mail and General Trust and the current chairman is Jonathon Harmsworth. Previously, Harmsworth (Lord Rothermere) was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards them in the early 1930s. So showed the ideology of the Nazi party to construct an audience which were intrigued in what and why the Nazis were doing the things they were. This aimed to reach the dominated and possibly the negotiated reader as Stuart Hall would suggest because it wants to attract those who want to find out more about what was going on during the 1930’s.

Additionally, The Daily Mail also constructs an ideology of patriotism to target their audience of white, middle-class older men. This can be seen through the title of the front cover which states “joyous jubilee” showing that they are in support of the royals and proud to be apart of the celebrations and being British.

Perhaps some people may suggest that the newspaper influences their readers ideologies which can be seen when Martin Rowson created a cartoon about a van advertising The Daily Mail driving into a mosque influenced by a recent attack showing their position of their views on this attack. It implies there is a toxic relationship between the Daily Mail and the Muslim community reinforcing the ideology.

The i is horizontally intergrated with The Daily Mail and The Metro as it was brought by the Daily Mail and General Trust 29 November 2019, for £49.6 million. However, unlike The Daily Mail, it can be seen as leaning towards the left wing of the political spectrum, (the idea of neutral/ independent news is itself quite left wing). An example of their left wing views can be seen in the front cover ‘Johnson future turning toxic for Tories’ seems to be against Conservative / Boris Johnson and therefore they believe society is best served with an expanded role for the government. It is aimed at a younger audience which have the ideology that people should have freedom and more accepting of modern issues such as gay rights and transgender topics.

On the other hand, The i can be seen to not construct an ideology but instead allow it’s audience to construct their own ideology. This is enforced by the by-line for the paper which states “for open minds, there’s no left or right”. In the 2017 and 2019 UK general elections, the i chose not to endorse a political party which shows that they are not wanting to enforce an ideology upon readers and express their freedom of views.

In conclusion i do believe that both newspapers (The Daily Mail and The i) enforce their ideologies on issues such as politics, patriotism and business. However, the i is more neutral towards their viewpoints so attracts it’s audience less through the presentation of ideologies. Instead the readers approach the paper due to their ideologies. The Daily Mail’s ideology is very clear but The i’s is less clear.

Story for newspaper

Tube strikes causing chaos

As the tube strikes continue for a second week, we see the stations piling up with angered people, waiting for an extensive amount of time, desperate to get to work. These strikes have lead to an unimaginable build up at the underground stations, to at some points it becoming dangerous as to how crowded they are. This week the strikes are going on from Tuesday 21st of June to Sunday 26th of June with no services before 8am and delays expected after this time. And the London Overground will run a reduced service ending at 6pm. Only 60 per cent of trains are going to be running, mainly due to a delay to the start of services because signallers and control room staff are not doing overnight shifts. Traffic on the roads is also being affected due to more people having to travel by car.

But why are these strikes so necessary? Train drivers have claimed proposals by bosses that they will cut jobs, change working agreements and pensions which they believe isn’t fair. However Boris Johnson has said he “will not give in to demands from rail unions so it is unlikely we will see a stop to these strikes for now.

Summer Tube strikes threatened as union claims hundreds of jobs at risk |  London Evening Standard | Evening Standard

Subsidiary story- Boris Johnson refuses to quit. The prime minister this week has said that he won’t resign even though the Conservatives battled to retain Wakefield and Tiverton and Honiton, and it’s his responsibility. He said when questioned about his decision he said “Come on, it was only a year ago that we won the Hartlepool byelection, which everybody thought was – you know, we hadn’t won Hartlepool for – I can’t remember when the Tory party last won Hartlepool – a long time. I don’t think it ever had…

Beleaguered Boris refuses to quit as anger mounts – Famagusta Gazette

Newspaper statement of intent

I am going to produce a newspaper front cover for an audience of younger adults living in London who are interested in finding out what is happening around the area as well as across the country. I will make my main story about the train driver strikes and why and how long they will go on for. It will feature a picture of an overcrowded London underground tube station and a caption relating to the train station it was taken from.

In terms of layout and design I am going to follow the style model of The Daily Mail where there is a strip at the top with an advert, a syntagm of a main image with a strapline in big text beside it and then below a title and start of the story about tube strikes. I will use a british style colour palette of reds blue and white to show the support for nationalism. I will design my key elements in photoshop then use InDesign to create the other elements and put it together.

Habermas and The Public Sphere

‘Habermas argues that the development of early modern capitalism brought into being an autonomous arena of public debate.’

Where and how news is discussed about in the public

Public sphere- an area in social life where individuals come together to freely discuss and identify societal problems and through that discussion influence political action.

  • the mass media has resulted in reduction of plurality (fewer voices discussing the news)
  • public sphere is strengthened by new media as there is more opportunity for communication but weakens it as the quality of discussion is less and there is an impact of anonymity
  • twitter is used for public debate
  • people can discuss what they read on the newspaper with colleagues

 The private sphere– is the realm of family life

The watch dog- overseeing the state by revealing abuses in the exercise of state authority

  • Curran and Seaton– their book helps us understand the relationship between who owns the mass media and their output
  • relationship between media conglomerates and politicians
  • media industries are dominated by a small number of giant conglomerates
  • media industries are about profit and power
  • concentrated ownership results in lack of choice
  • independent diverse ownership results in more choice, creativity and diversity of products
  • Livingstone and Lunt– think the needs of a citizen are in conflict with the needs of the consumer, because protection can limit freedom
  • regualation of media products is hard because rules are often hard to decide
  • rules include protecting the audience from harm
  • regulators have to try and balance protecting people by offering them with choice
  • technology has made it hard for media products to be regulated

The daily mail and The i

  • The Daily Mail
  • mid-market tabloid newspaper
  • sells 1.2 million copies a day
  •  owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust
  • current chairman is Jonathan Harmsworth
  • horizontally integrated with metro newspaper and the i
  • their website is the most visited news website in the world
  • daily mail offers syndication of its own stories to other newspapers
  • supports conservatives/ right wing
  • published pro-nazi content in the 1930s
  • advertisers hold the greatest power for the daily mail
  • traditionalist lifestyle
  • The I
  • The paper and its website were bought by the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) on 29 November 2019, for £49.6 million
  • originally launched in 2010 as a sister paper to The Independent
  • In the 2017 and 2019 UK general elections, the i chose not to endorse a political party
  •  The paper is classified as a ‘quality‘ in the UK market but is published in the standard compact tabloid-size format.
  • the i has developed a strong national reputation over time. The paper is understood to be highly regarded by many journalists
  • The i was named British National Newspaper of the Year in 2015.
  • intended for younger readers
  • left wing
  • by-line For open minds, there’s no right, or left,
Theme or issueThe Daily Mail textual evidenceThe daily mail institutional evidenceThe I textual evidenceThe I institutional evidence
Views on conservative partyPage 18  ‘Only Starmer gains from this clueless plot’ – ie Labour will gain from Conservative divisions over Boris JohnsonFront cover ‘Johnson future turning toxic for Tories’ seems to be against Conservative / Boris JohnsonIn the 2017 and 2019 UK general elections, the i chose not to endorse a political party
Business over humans Lord Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards them in the early 1930sPage 20. ‘Trade is not at heart of the EU’.
GlobalisationIts website has more than 218 million unique visitors per month
PatriotismFront cover- ‘Joyous Jubilee’ – support for royal familyFront page ‘The new Firm’ slightly critical of Royal Family
Racial superiority Page 19- ‘tired of white men being blamed for everything wrong in the world’
Nationalism Page 6 – ‘Hilarious and barmy…final parade was so very British’
MilitarismPage 25 – ‘British-Ukrainian fighter faces death penalty in Donetsk’Page 17- britian send long-range arms for the first time
Libertarianism/ authoritarianismStill uses an Editorial ie the voice of one over many?Does not have voice of editor, but an ‘Opinion Matrix’ instead ie a range of different voices and opinion – so much more freedom and plurality
Fusion of entertainment and news Page 4- Woman found out husband ghosted her after coming out of a 5 month comaDaily Mail scored an average Factual Grade of 39.7%. This is well below the average of 61.9%The paper is classified as a ‘quality‘ in the UK market but is published in the standard compact tabloid-size format.

Political compass

Right wing is libertarian and left wing is authoritarian

Economic Left/Right: -0.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.97

personalised chart

cartesian plane with horizontal left-right axis and vertical authoritarian-libertarian axis

Friedrich Hayek- liberty is a policy which deliberately adopts competition, markets and prices as its ordering principles

Authoritarian is about supreme control over the citizens of the state. Libertarian is about minimsing state power

Left wing is about liberty, equality, internationalism and progress (liberal ideas)

Right wing is about authority, hierarchy, tradition and nationalism (conservative ideas)

Key words

Globalisation-the process by which businesses develop international influences

Business over humans

Views on conservative party

Patriotism- devotion to one’s country

Racial superiority- belief that some particular group or race is superior to all others

Militarism- use of military

Fusion of entertainment and news

Statement of intent

Campaign material - World CLL Day
Campaign materials | Page 6 | PSIMedicines for life campaign materials | Profitpills. Final a… | Flickr

I am aiming to create 2 print products advising young people to stand up to hateful comments and report them. In my first one i will have a picture of multiple people’s hands pushing away a hateful comment to represent how we should not let them get in the way of our lives, but also the unity that will be formed in stopping hate comments. It will be targeted a a teenage audience for those who use social media so use bright colours. It will be operationalised by asking people to post on their social media a hateful comment they have had and share it to show people aren’t alone.

For my second flyer i will focus more on hashtag #StopHateShareLove which will feature in the middle of the page with lots of different people in the background showing unity towards fighting hate comments. It will use dark colours on one side and light on the other to show how awareness helps people to feel better and that they are not alone experiencing hate comments, but equally it isn’t acceptable.