All posts by Jasmine K



Media banner

Iconic Sign

The iconic signs in my banner are the magazines as they are not the actual magazine covers but look exactly like the magazine cover.

Indexical Sign

an indexical sign in my banner is the word ‘ media’ as it is representing the subject media.

symbolic sign

a symbolic sign in my banner is all of the magazines collaged to look like bunting.


  1. Sign = something that represents something else
  2. Code = constructs meaning in media form
  3. Convention = the way of doing something
  4. Dominant Signifier = the most important thing that stands in for something else
  5. Anchorage = words that join an image to give meaning and context.

Ferdinand de Saussure:

  1. Signifier = something that stands in for something else
  2. Signified = something that is being evoked

C S Pierce:

  1. Icon = a sign that looks like an object
  2. Index = a sign that has a link to an object
  3. Symbol = a sign that has a random link to its object

Roland Barthes:

  1. Signification = process of constructing meanings from the sign
  2. Denotation = the literal meaning of something
  3. Connotation = meanings associated or interpreted with something
  4. Myth = a widely held but false belief or idea
  5. Ideology = the science of ideas
  6. radical = something unexpected
  7. reactionary = an expected idea

evaluation of summer task

In my summer task, my main aim was to inform and persuade the reader to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve their fitness. I did this through a conversation with Lucy Kerr (a personal trainer) where she exposes her top tips and tricks and how she became a personal trainer. She describes what interests her in the fitness industry and why having a healthy lifestyle is important.

I created my magazine page with bright colours and a picture of Lucy so that it was catchy to the eye. The background of the article is a textured picture of Lucy lifting a weight, I did this to draw in the intention of the reader whilst still leaving it looking tidy and organised.

with my article, I tried to create a radical image of a personal trainer as she is now 46 years old, is still training clients and is in great health. She exceeds the standards of personal trainers being young and in their twenties, I wanted to show that no matter what you can reach your goal, and she has shown this through her business.