
libertarianism : a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens. the idea that everybody is free, no rules and laws.
authoritarianism : the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
hedonism : the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence and avoiding pain. A hedonistic person is committed to seeking sensual pleasure — the type of guy you might find in a massage parlour or at an all-you-can-eat buffet. pleasure is something that provides you with happy emotions, and pain is something that provides you with sad emotions.
Epicurus – came up with 3 ways to keep happy 1, friends 2, alone time and 3, finding piece in yourself.
It is widely believed that a revolution in British social attitudes and behaviour took place during the Sixties, making Britain a secular ‘permissive society’. In popular accounts, this sea-change amounted to the discovery of ‘sex, drugs n rock n roll’ by the young. Unlike a political revolution, there was no single event that marked the beginning of changes that many contemporaries felt climaxed in the ‘Summer of Love’ of 1967, although others pointed to the trial of Penguin Books for publishing the novel Lady Chatterley’s Lover in 1960. A topic of roiling historical controversy since the decade ended, this module asks what changed in Sixties Britain and why it did so before considering the consequences and legacies of the period.
Key Questions | focus | specifics |
why regulate? | truth, appropriate messaging, knowledge and information, public decency, ethics, morals, privacy | |
what gets regulated? | newspapers, websites, radio, films, television, advertising, music | |
who regulates what? | government, ministers, organisations and companies, polices, courts, law and order, independent bodies or organisation, individuals and groups, bbfc | |
How will regulation be put in place? |
For my media regulations poster, I am going to be focusing on the topic of feminism and female rights. I will be highlighting the actual definition of feminism which is the belief of equal rights and opportunities between men and women. This is a very controversial belief as there is a massive stereotypical view behind the idea of feminism. Feminism is usually perceived as the belief that women should be superior to men, and this is typically what a man thinks feminism means. In my campaign I want to highlight that feminism means equality of the genders but also that women should be respected more.
David Hesmondhalgh
Key points for making Blinded By The Light:
DistributionBlinded By The Light was picked up by New Line Cinema at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival after a bidding war with various other major film distributors. The film had been well received by audiences at the film festival.
Reception and box office
Promotion and marketing
Blinded By The Light was backed by a major international marketing campaign:
my film is about a teenager who’s been set up for murder and the lengths him and his friends have to go to to release him of his charges. the story starts off when a group of friends get jumped by a rival gang, right infront of cctv, without anyone being badly hurt they leave the scene, 2 days later they are watching the news at the teenagers house and see that the teenager is wanted for the murder of a man in their rival gang. The teenager pleads guilty in court due to him being at the scene very close to the time of death, whilst his friends In the end, they manage to release him from prison and the death penalty, and put the true murderer where he belongs. The movie will take place in a rough town in England, where the group face many challenges, fights and deaths in order to save their friend.my movie will be called _______.
has the idea that all characters are the same.
Often there is a villain who has done something to a victim. This means that we need a hero, who (often) accompanied by a helper is sent out (by a dispatcher) to fight the villain. The dispatcher or similar donor (such as a father figure) prepares the hero in his ‘quest‘ and gives the hero some magical object. The hero generally meets the princess as part of his quest / journey which usually provides a happy ending. During the narrative we (and the princess) may be presented
they do not necessarily have all characters listed, but all of the characters in the film will be listed.
what’s the similarities and differences between culture industries and other industries?
commercial media – when a company is in no connection to the government and its purpose is to make money
public service media – when the government fund and regulate what the companies do
transnational media – when media can be sheared across nations
civil society media –
= multi media television and radio programmes that are broadcast to provide (ethos) information, advice, education or entertainment to the public without trying to make a profit.
The general public pay for a tv license which is given to the government, the government then fund the production of the tv series and films.
Awarded an Emmy for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics, Common’s “Letter to the Free” speaks out against a justice system which helps to perpetuate the terrible inequality endured by many African Americans .The lyrics criticise the money-making “business” of the “prison” system when these institutions should be a tool for positive reform and rehabilitation. Released in 2016, the rapper also worried about “staring in the face of hate” of Trump’s vision of America.
Common’s “Letter to the Free” was written for a documentary exploring this criminalisation of African Americans. Directed by Ava DuVernay The “13th” also focused on the “systems of racial control” and state laws which seem to discriminate against impoverished ethnic minorities who are then more likely to be convicted of a crime and imprisoned. For instance, despite making up 13% of the total US population. black inmates account for nearly 40% of prison population.
Common is an advocate for criminal justice reform and is the founder of Imagine Justice, a non-profit organisation dedicated to “empowering communities and fighting injustice wherever it appears”. “Letter to the Free” is his rally call against racism and the different forms of slavery still being used in America.
Common eventually teamed up with Karriem Riggins and Robert Glasper to create “Letter to the Free,” a powerful track off his latest album Black America Again that delves into slavery and mass incarceration. “We dealt with the whole subject matter from slavery to Jim Crow to mass incarceration which is what we’re dealing with right now,” he explained. “We wanted to make something that was strong, unapologetic, but that was also hopeful.”
common is worth 45 million dollars.
‘We staring in the face of hate again
The same hate they say will make America great again‘ – when was America great? do you need to turn black people into your slaves to make it great again?
‘No consolation prize for the dehumanized
For America to rise it’s a matter of Black Lives’ no comfort for the black community who have been dragged through the mud
‘Blood of black being, a pastoral scene
Slavery’s still alive, check Amendment 13′ pastoral meaning used for the keeping or grazing of sheep or cattle. implies that black being were treated more like animals instead of human. amendment 13 = Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”
To learn some of the key terminology and key conventions, and the language of moving image because each media form has its own set of rules. Any for of art always comes down to space, size and scale.
camera focus = using rack focus to reveal an important piece of information that was unclear before focus was changed
in my piece I could use rack focus when the murderer is pulling the trigger on the gun, by keeping his face blurred so that his identity is unknown however keeping the key info, being the gunshot, on focus,
shots, sizes, angles and movements =
High angle / Low angle / bulls-eye / birds eye / canted angle
Tracking / Panning / Craning / Tilting / Hand held / Steadicam
Establishing Shot / Long Shot / Medium Shot / Close-up / Big Close-Up / Extreme Close Up (students often struggle with the first and the last again issues with SCALE, SIZE & SPACE, so practice is really important)
I could use a close up on the victims every and an establishing shot the location
insert shot = shows all the important info to provide dramatic emphasis.
Seymore Chapman:
kernels – things that the story needs to maintain a story and wouldn’t make sense if taken away
satellites – things that are part of a story but wouldn’t change much if taken away
Binary Oppositions is two opposite ‘things’ that are presented in such a way that you compare them with each other. An example of this is in Blinded by the Light by the representation of Pakistan versus English and a further example is in Bombshell by women versus men.
concept | strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree | opposite concept |
white | X | black | ||||
positive | X | negative | ||||
poor | X | rich | ||||
male | X | female | ||||
cramped | X | empty | ||||
supporting of government | X | critisising of government | ||||
happy | X | sad | ||||
unemployed | X | employed | ||||
young | X | old | ||||
protesting | X | accepting | ||||
urban | X | rural |