All posts by Isabella Da Silva




Suggested Essay Structure?

Remember to focus on key issues around new media – privacy, knowledge, understanding, education, friendship, behaviour, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, politics, economics, employment, war, conflict, food, the environment, space, science (essentially social change)

  1. Overview: New media always creates change (printing press, telegram etc)
  2. Q: so how has recent technology changed (society, individuals, organisations, ideas, beliefs etc etc)
  3. CSP 1 – show knowledge of CSP
  4. characteristics of new media (in reference to CSP 1)
  5. theoretical / conceptual analysis of new media (loop theory, network theory, Dunbar number, McLuhan, Krotoski)
  6. Critically thinking about new media (Baudrillard, McLuhan, Krotoski, B. F. Skinner, Zuboff, Lanier – are all essentially critical of new media technologies. But Gauntlett, Shirky, Jenkins are all very positive about new media technologies)
  7. CSP 2 – show knowledge
  8. Draw parallels and conclusions
  9. Suggest future pathways / developments

Some themes and discussion points from Great Hack:

  • The Exchange of Data- Threads into wieners loop theory, companies such as Cambridge analytica, monitor and analyse patterns in behaviours and present advertisement
  • Search for Truth
  • Behaviour Management
  • Propaganda / Persuasion
  • Regulation

New media

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind.

What is VR?

Virtual reality is a simulated experience that employs pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays to give the user an immersive feel of a virtual world.

What is GPT 3

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. Given an initial text as prompt, it will produce text that continues the prompt.

  1. the transformation of social interaction (audiences);
  2. the transformation of individual identity (audiences and representation);
  3. the transformation of institutional structures (industry); and the changes in textual content and structure (language).
  4. The transformation of audience consumption

The change in media forms and association to it:








-Non linear








example or commentMedia products have share options to reach larger audiences.A mindset to which people consume media with the intention to choose what you consume. Eg movie to relax

example or commentStories on social media which provides an insight to your life.New technology such as social media enables audiences to create an online persona of how they wat to be perceived.
example or commentDevelopments such as VAR which makes you experience a ‘different reality’- escapism. Photos, texts and emails can be stored on devices
example or commentTo consume a lot of media products at once. Eg Binge watch a series

example or commentNew technology provides a more circulation of news providing quicker development of publicity or rumours.

Marshall McLuhan:

The Medium is the Message – a good theorist to quote in your exam.

“Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication”

By which he means that the important thing about media is not the messages they carry but the way the medium itself affects human consciousness and society at large. In other words owning a TV that we watch is more significant that anything we watch on it.


As a group we intended to create a broadcast that would overall inform, educate and entertain in regards to the BBC – correlating to the BBCS ethos. We will address the BBC’s history and identifying how it has both positively and negatively affected people in Britain. We intend to discuss our thoughts and opinions on the BBC as a media platform including its radio, websites e.g. BBC Bitesize and its television (Live and iPlayer). Furthermore, evidence will be provided to support our judgements such as statistics on audiences and information around presenters. As a group we wish to address the current BBC and the future BBC including information on the government’s plans to improve it e.g. removal of TV license tax in order to attract more/maintain views. 

Moreover, we will include two songs to begin and end our broadcast which will be ‘The Chain – Fleetwood Mac’ and ‘Waterloo – ABBA’. These songs we chose due to them being songs we like and we have freedom to express ourselves in the radio broadcast.

Herman and Noam Chomsky to explain how propaganda and systemic biases function in corporate mass media. The model seeks to explain how populations are manipulated and how consent for economic, social, and political policies, both foreign and domestic, is “manufactured” in the public mind due to this propaganda.

The five filters

1.Structures of ownership

Most media companies are concentration of ownership through vertical and horizontal integration, most media is owned by mass media conglomerates. “Critical journalism takes second place”

2.The role of advertising

To produce money to cover the cost of production and distribution of media through advertising and sponsors. Companies need to sell to advertisers as it needs to cover extra costs. Advertisers then gain a larger audience.

3.Links with ‘The Establishment’

Media representors or distributers are in debt and work with the people in power, those who go against them are punished and pushed to the margins and not seen as much

4.Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’

People and other media sources who aren’t helping the people in power are divided away by flack. Other sources discredit their views and divert the story onto something else to make the opposing media seem unreliable.

5.Uniting against a ‘common enemy’

Your enemy’s enemy is your friend, uniting against something we don’t like, media exploiting and stereotyping something that is commonly disliked in the area to attract attention and exhibition.

key word Daily Mail (textual evidence)Daily Mail (institutional evidence)The I (textual evidence)The I (institutional evidence)
Views on Conservative partyp18 is the ‘Comment’ ie the editorial or voice of the paper ‘Only Starmer gains from this clueless plot’ – ie Labour will gain from Conservative divisions over Boris Johnsonright-wing tabloid,[1][2][3] the Mail is traditionally a supporter of the Conservative Party. It has endorsed the party in every UK general election since 1945,Front cover ‘Johnson future turning toxic for Tories’ seems to be against Conservative / Boris Johnson
Business over peopleLord Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards them in the early 1930spg 16- drawing attention to the hunger crisis in east africa, leftist libertarian views.The paper and its website were bought by the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) on 29 November 2019, for £49.6 million
Politicspage 18 comment ‘Boris Johnson is by a country mile the best person to lead Tory government’As a right-wing tabloid, the Mail is traditionally a supporter of the Conservative Party. It has endorsed the party in every UK general election since 1945In the 2017 and 2019 UK general elections, the i chose not to endorse a political party
Militarypg 17- britian send long-range arms for the first time
Patrioismfront page ‘joyous jubilee’
Concentration of ownershipThe paper and its website were bought by the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) on 29 November 2019, for £49.6 million
WarPage 19 – ‘Putin deserves to be crushed for the sake of his country – and Europe’
Community rights
Nationalismpage 10″how the nation came together”
libertarian/authoritarianstill uses an Editorial, ie the voice of one over many?Uses a Opinion Matrix which has a range of voices rather than one.

Mary whitehouse

permissive society, also referred to as permissive culture, is a society in which some social norms become increasingly liberal

Banned! The Mary Whitehouse Story:

A British teacher and conservative activist.

She campaigned against social liberalism and the mainstream British media, both of which she accused of encouraging a more permissive society.

Show regulated and still on display on today by media watch UK.

My three 3 CamPAIGNS

I intend to make a campaign about women’s rights and choices on abortion. My first campaign will be a poster which could be seen around public areas and large cities such as billboards or flyers. I am going to create my poster on photoshop and I intend to make it similar to one of the 3 pictures I have seen as I like the way it is set. My campaign is libertarian as it is about peoples own choices and rights. On my second campaign, I am going to create another poster which will have the international safe abortion day in the bottom left. My third campaign is going to be a banner which I am going to create on photoshop which could be seen around public areas.

statement of intent-website

I intend to create a website which has 4 different sections. The first page of my website will have a picture of my film poster on the sidebar background and next to this will have a picture of Honor, Daisy and Jake with a cross on his face to keep my viewers wondering. My second section of my website will be a page about my trailer and it will feature the trailer on the page. My third section will have my cast list (Honor, Daisy and Jake) and it will feature a picture of them three with a small paragraph under each photo about themselves. My last section of my website will be a photo gallery with ‘behind the scene’ images and different photos I took for my film posters. For my website, I am using a website called ‘web node’.