All posts by Daisy Shaw



statement of intent

The intention of my video game cover will be to include a large title, alongside eye – catching images of which invite the player to become interested in playing my game. With a brief description on the back of the cover, players will have an insight into the excitement my game holds. My character is a female, of whom embarks on adventure through the treacherous rainforest in order to retrieve the lost treasure. Through using a female character I am avoiding a reactionary portrayal, whether this is through her clothing or actions.


It is pronounced, that ‘the male gaze’ is a common stereotype followed in different forms of the media. Laura Mulvey argues that some of the moist popular films follow a ‘deep-seated drive’ known as ‘scopophilia’. This idea can be seen in sexualising for the male viewer, in way to make the vision more interesting and appealing. Examples of this sexualization can include close ups of the detailed body of the character, or minimal clothing dressed on the character. Camera positions are a common aspect of emphasising the feminine body, a zoom and easy accessibility of vision into the more exaggerated areas of a female body during cut scenes and/or during gameplay compared to the avoidable recognition of a the male body, causes concern. It is not argued against that women aren’t seen as heroic or adventurous in these films or videogames, however how they are seen conducting their actions, through what they wear, how they walk, how they sound etc, is where the offence becomes apparent. Furthermore, it is unusual to see men objectified as a sexual object, Laura Mulvey states, so why should women be seen as this? Are these women desired for their audaciousness during film/gameplay due to what they look like?

key language

Sign – Stands in for something else

Code – used to construct meaning in media forms

Convention– the accepted way of doing something

Dominant signifier– the main thing that stands in for something else

Anchorage– words that go along with an image to give meaning of context

Ferdinand De Saussure – Swiss linguist, semiotician and philosopher

  1. Signifier: the physical existence (sound, word, image) e.g. red/ leaf/round/ apple
  2. Signified: the mental concept e.g. fruit/ apple/ freshness/ teachers pet/ healthy

Cs PeirceAmerican philosopher, logician, mathematician and scientist who is sometimes known as “the father of pragmatism”

  1. Icon – where something is a sign that looks like an object
  2. Index – where a sign has a link to its object
  3. Symbol – where a sign has an arbitrary or random link to its object

Roland Barthes – French literary theorist, essayist, philosopher, critic, and semiotician

  1. Signification: The process of signifying by signs or symbols
  2. Denotation: A literal meaning of a word in contrast to the feelings or ideas behind it
  3. Connotation: A feeling that invokes for a person in addition to its literal meaning
  4. Myth: Something that is made up and widely false; a rumour
  5. Ideology: A system of ideas which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy
  6. Radical: Challenges dominant ideas
  7. Reactionary: Confirms dominant ideas
  1. Paradigm – a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model.
  2. Syntagm – a linguistic unit consisting of a set of linguistic forms (phonemes, words, or phrases) that are in a sequential relationship to one another.

statement of intent

Statement Of Intent

The intention behind this article is to understand how a dancers lifestyle works. As a young dancer balancing other duties such as school can be difficult. With the Covid 19 pandemic hitting performers hard, putting people out of jobs, leaving some wondering what their next move might be. With dance being seen daily, whether that’s in shows, tv or movies it’s interesting to find out how different it is from a ‘typical’ job. Miriam is a very inspiring friend, so I thought it was suiting to choose to interview her. Through seeing her perform I could notice her strive for education and dance additionally.

If I was to do this task again, I would probably choose to interview someone based on a topic of which is in the media currently e.g., a nurse working in the Covid19 pandemic.

I created an article, set out in an interview style to show the true and natural answers to the questions I had to ask her. I used a picture of Miriam in my article, to show the reader who the article was about. My article was written to challenge the stereotypes of what are ‘typical’ job is and what Miriam’s impression of the media is. I think that this article would be shown in a magazine.

media forms

FormsCharacteristics Example
1Magazines Visual, easily accessibleRadio Times
2NewspapersVisual, easily accessibleJersey Evening Post
3Social media Visual, easily accessibleInstagram
4RadioAuditoryChannel 103
5TVVisual, easily accessibleGood Morning Britain
6FilmVisual, easily accessibleHarry Potter
7Music VideoVisual, easily accessibleDrake – God’s Plan
8Advertising and MarketingVisual, easily accessibleBillboards
9Video GamesVisual, easily accessible, form of amusementWar Zone