- The Bombshell movie is a true story based on the accounts of the women at Fox News who set out to expose CEO Roger Ailes for sexual harassment.
- From the movie description – “Having had enough of her boss’s sexual harassments, Gretchen Carlson files a lawsuit against Fox News founder Roger Ailes. Her bravery triggers a domino effect, culminating into a liberation movement.”
- Sexual harassment – a type of harassment involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones, including the unwelcome and inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favours.
All posts by Chloe Peddlebanks-wright
CSP 3 + 4 Essay
Judith Butler describes gender as “an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts”. In other words, it is something learnt through repeated performance.
How useful is this idea in understanding gender is represented in both the Score and Maybelline advertising campaigns?
Judith Butler describes gender as “an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts”. This can link to the advertisement of Maybelline and Score. Identity is the the distinguishing character or personality of an individual. Identity comes in four forms such as fluidity, constructed, negotiated and collective identity. Fluidity of identity is the idea that people can change themselves through their appearance, their actions and the world. Constructed identity is the development of a complex process in which humans and people develop a clear sight of themselves and have a specific view on themselves. Negotiated identity is the process that people agree and perceive you as, and identify ‘who is who’ is their relationships. Lastly, collective identity is the sense of belonging to a group, having the same interests as the peers around you, however it does not mean you and another person are the same. They share the same ideas. These forms of identity were first proposed by David Gauntlet, which can link to Judith’s idea of identity performance. The reason for this is the element that connects both fluidity of identity to gender performance, thus via the concept that a persons identity / gender can be altered by the way a person pursue themselves.
Firstly, the quote “an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts”, demonstrates that the idea of men’s identification is due to their masculine repetitive actions such as sitting with their legs spread out or as it is called ‘man spreading’, where as, women cross their legs in a feminine, submissive manner. As well as, our physical appearance also contributes to our identity and our repetitive acts by the way each of us ‘do things’, women shave and men typically don’t, women dress with pink, purples and nude colour clothing where as men’s clothing is typically whites, blacks, blues, reds and greens. This is because we have constructed and built colours, products and objects to be aimed and specified for genders. Butler gives the sense that we live in a fabricated world, where everything is constructed and one thing is one thing, men are men, women are women.
Furthermore, the Maybelline advertisement have always presented their adverts through glamorous women and sexualised facial expressions since 1999, however this multimillion dollar global eyeliner company released a video advert on 30th May 2017, called ‘That Boss Life Pt 1’. The company decided to go out of the norm and have a male influencer, known as Manny Gutierrez Jr, who is part of the LGBTQQIAAP community, as well as the female influencer known as Shayla Mitchell as their presenters, both in which wore the eyeliner, in a way to make a statement, that men too can wear makeup if they want to, its a choice each of us have. As well, the video presents the idea that to show your true self, you don’t require hundreds of pounds to ‘perform’ your identity. Additionally, convincing the audience that they must perform to figure out who they are. This supports Judith Butlers work on gender performance because Maybelline have started to realise that the traditions of constructed identity is starting to fade. Maybelline knows that makeup is starting to shift from just a females use, to a neutral choice. Ideas globally are starting to see that there is no abnormal choice if a male decides to wear makeup. For example, Johnny Depp is a straight man, however he wears eyeliner, clearly stating there should be no constructed idea on clothes, cosmetic products and peoples actions to determine their gender.
In addition, we see the idea represented in the score printed advert “Score liquid hair groom” made in 1967, displays a recently shaven man who is being praised by five different women, who have been sexualised to be a submissive of the dominant signifier. The advert is manipulated to be desired as men wouldn’t be able to resist the sexualised appearance of the females in this advert, giving a sense of what the males can potentially ‘get’, these persuasive techniques of temptation of women gives men the curiosity of buying the product. The audiences opinion of this advert has changed due to the change in society and the way society views ideas. In 1967, when this advert was made, it was deemed normal for women to show skin and be the less dominant gender, and black men and women to not be in advertisement, however over the last few years, the change in society, diversity and the popular ideas have changed the way products are advertised. This is due to the recognition and understanding of sexism, racism and homophobia. The representational idea of different social groups in this photograph, is the idea that men are the dominant gender and women follow masculinity. As well, the idea of this product advertisement is to encourage men to purchase the product for the opportunity to have a swarm of women admiring them. Moreover, this male liquid hair groom links in to the idea of Judith’s Butlers quote “an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts” because the product is advertised and displayed for men’s use, typically expressing that women do not use shaving cream. However, women also use men’s products and proves that it is not solely a males action.
Overall, Maybelline and Score are both linked to Judith Butlers description of gender as “an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts”, by the way these companies advertise their products, targeting at specific audiences such as men or women.
NOtes – Revision – Gauntlet & Butler
David Gauntlet quotes / phrases :
- “We are transitioning from a society in which our identities were constructed via rigid traditions to a distinctly different phase that he calls ‘late modernity” – Changed from a society of stereotypes to opinions.
- “Tradition dominates the notion of who we are and is heavily determined by long standing social forces” – Traditions and hierarchy are a reason for our stereotypes to the present day.
- “Social roles of gender in a traditionally ordered society”
- “Marketing and advertising agencies construct multiple possibilities of who we might be through products branding” – Advertising giving us a glimpse of who we could become (potential ‘us’)
- “Transformations offered suggest that our identities are not fixed” – Meaning in games, they lead with the main characters weaknesses to gain happiness, this can give us the right motivation to give us a chance to change who we are.
Judith Butler quotes / phrases :
- “Myths reinforce male power as the norm because males are the more naturally dominant gender” – This displays that the idea of male dominant society is true.
- “Micro performances that continuously signal our identity to ourselves and to others” – Explains that the way we act is a form of our own identity shown.
- “Biological anatomies do not determine our gender” – This can related to people feeling as if they are more masculine than feminine even though they are a woman. A mental decision that our brains come to.
- “Male and female identities are not naturally configured”
- “Gender is not solely determined by primary experiences during childhood” – Meaning throughout our lifetime, people change their gender and sexual orientation, some people don’t stay the same gender they were when they were a child.
Essay Prep – Work at Home
Judith – Gender Performance –
Judith mentions that ‘nobody is a gender from the start’, this can suggest that we as people force or construct the idea / rule that people should be fixed within their gender, that there should be two ‘types’ of humans, male and female, however Judith proposes that we are not female or male, we choose to act and decide our actions in either a more feminine way or masculine way. She wants to break the idea that specific ‘things’ have to be titled through s gender, football is a mens sport or makeup is for women. She wants to create an idea that we can choose and normalise who we want to be, wheither we’re male but want to wear makeup or we’re female and want to play football without it being abnormal.
Maybelline Advertisement –
Maybelline have always presented their advertisement through glamorous women, however this multimillion dollar global eyeliner company released a video advert called ‘boss it up’, the company decided to have a male and female as their presenters, both of them wore the eyeliner, in a way to make a statement. Maybelline know that makeup is starting to shift from just a females use, to a neutral choice. Ideas globally are starting to see that there is no abnormal choice if a male decides to wear makeup. For example, Johnny Depp is a straight man, however he wears eyeliner, there is should be no constructed idea on clothes, cosmetic products and peoples actions.
Score Advertisment –
The score printed advert, suggests that men and women are separate, that women are ‘used’ for feminine acts, such as giving birth and cooking all meals, where as men are the dominant, stronger gender, who bring the money into the household and work hard. This idea of one gender does one thing and another does some differently, suggests that men and women are not equal and one gender is more powerful than the other.
Notes : Judith Butler
- The idea that men are identified as men due to their masculine repetitive actions such as sitting with their legs spread out, where as, women cross their legs in a feminine manner. Our physical appearance also contributes to our identity and our repetitive acts by the way be ‘do things’ women shave and men typically don’t, women dress with pink, purples and nude colour clothing where as men it’s white, black, blue, red and green. This is because we have constructed and made colours, certain products, objects specific to genders.
- We live in a fabricated world, where everything is constructed and one thing is one thing, men are men, women are women.
- Repetition of gender performance.
Notes : Harry Style’s Brand
- Pleasing includes, nail polishes, illuminating primer serum and a dual purpose eye, lip oil.
- Harry is trying to aim his brand towards men to make “makeup is for women” a myth, to encourage men to also wear makeup and no feel ashamed.
- Aim – “bring joyful experiences and products that excite the senses and blur the boundaries”. Styles announced that he hoped to “dispel the myth of a binary existence”.
- Disingenuous
- Could be just doing it for the money?
- Popularity?
- “Styles announced that he hoped to “dispel the myth of a binary existence”
- “Undoubtedly, there is serious value in beauty now. In July, the global beauty industry was valued at $511 billion”
David Gauntlett
Fluidity of Identity – This type of identity is the idea that people can change themselves through their appearance, their actions and the world.
Constructed Identity – The identity development is a complex process in which humans and people develop and clear sight of themselves and have a specific view on themselves.
Negotiated Identity – This is the process that people agree and perceive you as, and identify ‘who is who’ is their relationships.
Collective Identity – This is the sense of belonging to a group, having the same interests as the peers around you, however it does not mean you and another person are the same. They share the same ideas.
Leveson 10 Years on
- The Leveson Inquiry is/was public inquiry into cultures, practices and ethics of the British press. This inquiry looks into the News international phone hacking scandal for publicity of private and personal information about celebrities and general people.
- One of the most popular consequence of Leveson was the investigation of Milly Dowler’s case when evidence was revealed in July 2011 when ‘News of the World’ reporters had hacked the voicemail of murder victim Milly to force the belief / hide their actions that she was still alive, and gave hope for her family. The prime minister then announced a public inquiry under the Inquires Act 2005.
- At the time media was corrupt and especially journalism, believed it was ‘OK’ to hack into peoples phones and lives to gain information to boost their companies popularity and income. Still to this day, some aspects of media is still corrupted.
60s Advert

NEa : Modern Advert

Statement of Intent – NEA
In my production of my advert, I intend to base my product around a jewellers known as Swarovski. I hope to advertise my product for ages between 18 – 40 years of age. I intend to imply/advertise glamorous but affordable jewellery such as the bracelet that I hope to bring in. As well, I plan to capture the sparkle from the bracelet with specific lighting to give it a posh style appearance. These photographs will be captured using flash lighting with soft boxes and cannon camera with a portrait lens, to capture a close, low angle of the bracelet with a stern focus to generate a professional, distinctive photograph. Furthermore, I will be editing all my photos in photoshop to brighten and improve my photography skills, and maybe add a white border to modernise the picture. Another, edit that I will add to my image will be a sans-serif font. On top of that, I could perhaps do a similar photoshoot but with the bracelet’s box, and position the lid in a professional manner. These will be my modernised reactionary print adverts, but I aim to accomplish my first idea. Where as my historical, radical print advert will be of men wearing feminine jewellery.
However with my second 60s – 90s advert, this will be completed by positioning the jewellery box containing the bracelet under a photographer light such as the flash lighting, so the crystals shine and create that rich, luxury appearance and potentially have some masculine and feminine products around the wrist, to make sure it is not too plain and exaggerates the radical idea that men can also wear feminine jewellery/products.
I feel that the kind of company that would make my product would be a jewellers that aim to produce products using the finest of crystals, such as Swarovski and H.Samuel.