All posts by Alex Henry




  • Feminist = a political position
  • Female = a matter of biology
  • Feminine = a set of culturally defined characteristics

First wave of feminism:

Mary Wollstonecraft (1792): One of the the first advocates of woman’s rights. She authored the book “A vindication of woman’s rights” in 1792 which was a book based on the political and moral subjects of woman’s rights.

Second wave of feminism:

The British Suffragettes started to make statements and bringing attention to their points and ideas after being ignored late in the 1860s. In 1913 a woman under the name Emily Wilding Davison took it upon herself to break into the track of a horse race and being trampled/hit by King George V’s horse “Anmer” to make a point and publicise the suffragettes movement. As well as this the suffragettes supporter, “Miss Nell” chained herself to the railing of Buckingham palace to make a point about woman requiring a vote.

As well as this the suffragists movement was also making statements and bringing attention to their movement by non-violent, non-aggressive and non-dangerous rallies and public speeches.

Third wave of feminism:

The third wave started with the generation gap of the 1960-70s where they re-stated and challenged the normal ideas of feminists and sexism. While they also fought for woman of different races, ethnicity and class to be treated better due to the fact that they were being split up and unfairly treated. This is called being “intersectional” and it is the idea of having overlapping, intersecting oppressions, like being black, lower class, gay and a female would be a intersectional feminist and your opinion also matters, not just middle class white females.

Naomi Wolf coined the phrase “Third wave of Feminism” in the 1990s and claimed that the third wave was about the younger generation carrying on feminism, growing out of old habits and traditions and making their own mistakes, raising their own leaders and making their own ideas of what need to be changed in the world about woman getting treated differently.

Lastly it seems to be that feminism doesn’t want to be only about the pay gap, or what men think, its about the gender as a whole, who you are, how you are profiled, how you are seen, it needs to be worked on and that’s why feminism exists.


“Far reaching social changes currently affecting western society” – Concept one, David Gauntlett.

This gives me the idea that the idea and opinion of genders people have are widely affecting a large amount of people.

“The notion of who we are is heavily determined by long-standing social forces” – Concept one, David Gauntlett.

This connotates the idea that gender determines our personality.

“Linked to family expectations and rigid social codes” – Concept 1, David Gauntlett.

This shows how people believe genders have responsibilities to fill.

“Sheer new amount of products and channels, both niche and mainstream, facilitates the process of identity editing by audiences” – Concept 2, David Gauntlett,

All types of media have an affect on people and gender identities.

“Self help books tell us that we do not have to endure the personality flaws that hold us back from the jobs we want or the relationship we desire” – Concept 2, David Gauntlett.

The idea of change of identities started with self-help books.

Popular culture within the process of constructing their sense of identity” – Interview with David Gauntlett

The general idea of genders is constructed by opinions and stereotypes.

“She highlights his conclusions that myths are powerful makers of meanings” – Gender as performance, Judith Butler

Even though its all a lie, the stereotypes have a big effect on people.

“Male and female identities are not naturally configured” – Butler gender revolution

Stereotypes and opinions do not decide who you are.

At home notes:

Judith Butler at home notes:

Judith writes and creates the idea that there is not specific acts or qualities that make you your gender, gender is a title and has nothing to do with the way you act or whatever you do. You can change your gender, be yourself and choose who you want to be and whatever you do will not change who you are and who you identify yourself as. Butler writes to identify and break the idea that genders have stereotypical acts, like football for men, netball for woman, pints for men and gin for women.

Maybelline & Score at home notes:

Firstly, Maybelline, when advertising their eyeliner product line, have always been using females in their adverts, this is because the idea that because females use eyeliner on a daily bases, its seen as a female product due to the repetitive acts of one gender, however this isn’t true, for example bands like Fall out boy, and celebrities like Johnny Depp have used and continue to use eyeliner when turning up to social events and shows. Secondly, Score, advertises the idea that if you shave you will be more attractive and “get what you’ve always wanted”. This is seen as a product for males and that men should be buying it, however because its a shaving cream doesn’t mean it cannot be for men, just because men use shaving cream, doesn’t mean woman don’t. Lastly, the woman seen in the score advert seem to be carrying the man who has recently shaved using the product, as well as this they are trying to touch, stroke and feel the man, this can be seen as a sexist, stereotypical representation of woman as it shows that they bow down and treat men like kings when they are attractive/using the product advertised, this is a repetitive theme used in adverts still to this day.

Judith Butler – Gender

  • Certain acts and ideas depict your gender.
  • The idea of what you do, what you drink, how you talk and how you stand decides who you are, what you are and how you act all the time. It also can put you into one of society’s many groups, where people are all the same or act similarly.
  • However Judith is implying that there is no “repetitive” acts that can depict who you are, its all a false idea created by humanity because that’s what is normal, however as we move and and as me mature we realise everyone does what they want and people don’t live by what others think or depict of them. Some people are born a gender but then change because they feel that isn’t who they are, and as the days go on, that is more and more publicly accepted by humanity and people will not need to put on a façade to be a certain way to fit in.

Harry styles article: Quotes

“Styles announced that he hoped to “dispel the myth of a binary existence”” – This displays how Styles see’s the current state of society as not correct and that it needs to change, however I feel as if he has gone the wrong way around it.

“Styles’s first business venture includes a range of nail polishes, an illuminating primer serum, and a dual-purpose eye and lip oil.” – The reason I state I believe that Styles has gone the wrong way around this is because instead of maybe doing a show or charity event to raise money to donate to charities such as Human Rights Campaign Foundation or The Trevor Project he made a company he could profit off of.

“Undoubtedly, there is serious value in beauty now. In July, the global beauty industry was valued at $511bn” – This quote proves to me that Styles see’s this as a money grab more than anything else, with his large following he could amass an incredible amount of money and a big business, one like Lada gaga or Beyoncé.

LEVENSON 10 years on

  • The Leveson Study was a study based on the media paying off governments and hacking the general publics personal devices to gather information and stories to create sales and blackmail celebrities.
  • One of the main ideas that revealed the disgust the media is involved with Milly Dowlers murder. A young teenager was murdered and the body was supposedly never found, however when writing stories and gathering info the media, with the polices consent, hacked into the young girls phone and texted her parents to give the false idea that she was still alive, they did this to keep the story going and make more sales.
  • The Levenson study was created to reveal all of this corruptness and how the media needs to change, this was 10 years ago and the world has hardly changed.


Constructed identity
– Opinions from others, online media, television and newspapers feed us ideas and opinions that construct an identity or a personality for ourselves.

Fluidity of identity– Going with the flow of other opinions and stereotypes of a gender. Letting their personality be decided by the regular view of their gender.

Collective identity– The idea of having your personality decided by others and being in a group where you all share the same ideas.

Negotiated identity– Having an equal balance between fitting in with others and sharing the same opinion as them and then having your own opinions and goals.

Statement of intent – NEA

I intend for my product advert to be targeted towards young men between the ages of 16-30 to imply that the Sekonda watches are affordable, smart and functional. I will be using the watch in the centre of a crowded space to imply that life can become crowded and that buying a watch can help fix that issue , along with small text. The advert is meant to imply to people they should have a smart watch to make themselves smarter and liven up their dress, impressing people around them and at work. I will also attempt to use the quote “Find your watch today” implying that there are many options that a person can pick from and that there are multiple types to fit multiple outfits at a good price. In this advert I will be using a serif font to make the advert seem fancier, I will be using a box around the advert to make the customer focus on the actual product instead of the surrounding clutter and items, then I will add the Sekonda text to make the advert look smarter and seem like its from the actual company, not a student. I will be making the watch specifically jump out by making it a bit brighter than the surrounding objects. The watch will be layed out flat to show the full leather straps and the quality of it to impress customers and show how smart the watch is, also in the background I will be using womans perfume, mens body wash and female magazine page to signify that the owner of this watch has taken off the watch due to having a lady friend over.

I will be doing this by using my own Sekonda watch for the reactionary advert and will be using a Sekonda woman’s watch in the radical advert. I will be making the woman’s advert radical by making the advert wildly sexist and putting the watch on a wooden rolling pin then sprinkling flour around the scene to give the sexist ideology that woman belong in the kitchen, as well as this it supports the old stereotypes that woman are below men and that everything is patriarchal. I will be using my mums golden female Sekonda watch and putting it around the rolling pin. I will be using the quote “make sure nothing burns” to really display the targeted over sexist advert that I have made. Of course this is just for the idea of the advert and I do not agree with the message. I will be adding a cooking recipe page behind the scene to make nearly a copy of my modern, male advert to display the duality of adverts and advert styles. I will be using a lot of bright red and orange colours to give the ideology of the sixties, with a couple blurred areas, older style font, noise in the photo along with colourful flowery patterns to capture the sense of the sixties. I will also take the photo in the infinity screen with flash lighting with soft boxes to make the gold of the watch shine, the reason for this is to show off the quality of the product rather than to make the presumed woman wearer feel glamourous, this is the patriarchal sixties after all.