All posts by Ashley Freeman



a level coursework (nea)

(PART 1)

For m NEA gaming blog page i am going to create the homepage and two further pages of a gaming blog site. it will have the latest news of what is going on in the gaming world and the anime industry and how they are affected by covid and illneses and set backs that we have faced in the recent years.

The target audience for the blog is people interested in gaming and those that are of the ages of 12 and up to 18 within my blog i will link in YouTube videos like feminist frequency and their ideas of gaming in the female gaze and the make gaze

Your site should offer your audience gratifications based on interaction and/or participation in some way. it will have a blog post section so people can talk about their favourite anime and games and then making an interactive area where people alike can speak and talk with each other.

for my style models i have looked at kotaku and wolfs gaming blog and some of my blog has some features that are similar to those sites

My Website for My course work

my blog logo that i made –

(PART 2)

for my YouTube video i have written my script in advance for my video so that way i know what i need to say and in what order

Hello gamers and Weebs alike! 

Today we are going to be discussing the new and upcoming games and anime 

So, for our gamers we have the return of the classic run and gun action game cup head! 

 With its newest DLC cup head delicious last course the return of this classic run and gun action game with extra content for all you players who like the run and gun theme its popularity caused it to get a show on Netflix called the cup head show! the series draws upon the touchstone’s of 1930s cartoons in the way it has made this is a game for those who enjoy those types of games this is out now for purchase 

Next on our list we have a game that is a puzzle adventure game Stray! 

We as the character follows the story of a stray cat who falls into a world populated by robots, machines and viruses and sets out to return to his family. And we play as the cat completing these puzzles the game releases this summer 2022 

Moving on we have a first-person shooter overwatch 2! 

This game consists of two teams that pick a character out of the long roster that consists of thirty-two characters you can play with all their own unique abilities and with a range of cosmetics within the battle pass which means as you play you will gain rewards as you play! The game has an ongoing beta on right now and the release date will be October 4, 2022 

Moving into our Anime now!  

We have the new dragon ball movie coming out on august the 19th this year it follows the story of the Red Ribbon army as we find out they have survived after son Goku defeating them and collecting the dragon balls. Those who remained re-created the organisation the Individuals who carry on its spirit have created the ultimate androids — Gamma 1 and Gamma 2. However, these two androids call themselves superheroes and start attacking Piccolo and Gohan. And go after the heroes of the world after defeating the biological android after trying to collect strong fighters to become stronger as well as trying to take android 17 & 18 so he could become a higher lifeform and evolve to become perfected cell. 

Moving on we have a HUGE comeback after it was presumed finished after the creator Kentaro Miura sadly passed last year and the manga was left unfinished after the creator had passed although luckily Kentaro Miura had told his friend how it was going to continue from start to finish so his friend will be continuing the story. 

For our last anime we have the return of Hunter X Hunter the Tweet from Togashi came our early in the morning on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, confirming the development of 4 new chapters for the creator’s hit manga series Hunter x Hunter, which as of November 2021 sold more than 79 million copies worldwide the four year hiatus has officially ended after stopping and starting  due to the creators long standing health issues but hopefully we will see these chapters very soon. 

And that concludes our information for this episode! Let me know about what you think about the new movie and the new games. 

for my video idea my style model will be “The daily Fix by IGN” this is a game blog that talks about the latest gaming news and things like that. things that relate to gaming in any way they cover it

End title card –

Start title card –

Newspaper statement of intent nea

in my news paper i will disscus the war in ucrain and how the british goverment suggests we get ready to prepare for the war to come to europe and that we should increase british tropps as jersey is apart of the UK we are affcted by this-

as such the goverment having a new

as such the goverment having a new Commander-in-Chief and he suggests we prepare our selfs for the upcomming war that he say will come to europe and that we need to increase our army in order to be prepared for such out come

so in my news paper I will write about the urgency of the commander in chiefs idea that we need to increase our rankings and who its going to fall onto when the time come when it happens where I will include the public sphere which is Habermas’s theory the liberal free press and its ability to write its opinion and the facts upon the matter and Curran and seatons theory was the power and mediapower and media industries theory. Definition from OCR. A political economy approach to the media – arguing that patterns of ownership and control are the most significant factors in how the media operate. I will show off parts of this theories within my work

the way i will be designing my front page of my news paper will include photoshop and inDesign.

My Body for my front page of the news paper.

teenagers apprehensive to join the army in fear of losing their lives and parents holding them back when wanting to go

will many people join the army or navy in rise to this concern of the threat coming to the UK? by freeman

this concern that came from the commander in chief goes globally across the UK. teenagers of 18 – 20 apprehensive over the threat and consider not going and parents telling their children not to go in fear that they will not see them again over the commander in chiefs thought which are not based on facts but on a hypothesis . I asked a teenager if he would join the army his name was Sam Wells and he replied with ” if the war came to me and I was asked to join the army in order to fight the war that is approaching us and he said he would not in the fear of his life and he would not want to killed in the action of war ” this out look on war is what many younger generation think about this subject. those that are more older in their mid thirty are more okay with going to war since they ” have lived their life and the younger generation is only just begun living it ” there are some young teens that are willing to fight for their freedom and their country and to protect their loved ones although those love ones are trying to stop them from going out to protect them and fight i interviewed the Freidzelsons and the father said he supports his sons opinion to join the war but the mother is very much against the idea of her son joining the war and the factors of how she could lose her son to the war and the fear of him not returning she said ” would kill me if I didn’t know if he wasn’t okay! its my job as a parent to protect my son as he is my response ability and to lose him would be losing myself and i feel like nothing would feel the same without him?” the worries of a mother and child and its motherly love the thing that is holding back a teenager from going off to see the horrors of war is the bond and motherly love of a mother and her son.

My newspaper front cover


this is my draft front cover

i will have two images one with a young teenager who is scared of going into the war and afraid of dying and my other image will be a teenager arguing with their parents over the fact that he wants to join the war and fight and the parents wanting him to stay and under that i will have my headline which will say TEENAGERS APRIHENSIVE TO JOIN THE ARMY IN FEAR OF LOSING THEIR LIVES AND PARENTS ARE HOLDING BACK THEIR CHILDREN THST WANT TO FIGHT

then under i will have my body text and i will put a continuation page at the end of my body eg: his concern that came from the commander in chief goes globally across the UK. teenagers of 18 – 20 apprehensive over the threat and consider not going and parents telling their children not to go in fear that they will not see them again over the commander in chiefs thought which are not based on facts but on a hypothesis . I asked a teenager if he would join the army his name was Sam Wells and he replied with ” if the war came to me and I was asked to join the army in order to fight the war that is approaching us and he said he would not in the fear of his life and he would not want to killed in the action of war ” this out look on war is what many younger generation think about this subject. those that are more older in their mid thirty are more okay with going to war since they ” have lived their life and the younger generation is going to continue on page 9

i have used in design in order to create the layout of my newspaper

i have colour coded the things io am doing in different areas

The red bit is my body


the blue bit is where i am going to put my photos

under my photos i will have mini sub lines where it will sum up whats happening in the picture

picture 1 : the fear of war that affects teenagers – teenager on a bench looking off to the side as if interviewed

picture 2 : family conflict over conflict in ukraine – a family with mum and dad looking at each other arguing over their son

newsparer essay-

Question– ideology can be defined as a collection of beliefs and values and to what extent do media products target audiences by constructing an ideological view of the world

the newspapers and media its self is a (risky business) due to the fact that there are many things that are not allowed to be said or disclosed so the newspaper industry becomes either a very left wing libertarian view on the views on society like the Daily mail but there are news papers that have a way of finding this loop hole in order to write these right wing authoritarian views like in the I where there is a viewers comment section where they are allowed to post their views although not strictly support them. There are five points in media you have ownership and then you have advertising and then official sources then flack and marginalising dissent and what these points are is a construction of media and what creates media and what they do a little bit like a machine which Al Jazaal makes a video on these points called the media machine.

ownership is media conglomerates who take over other little companies in order to build a larger company and their main aim is to make profit where as media critical journalism and needs is a second to profit which Hesmond Haughl calls it a (Risky business).

advertisement is the media trying to sell us something we don’t have and how they try to persuade us to buy their products by either showing adds at a specific time or showing off a trend so it makes us try to keep in with trends although behind the scenes the advertisement companies are making money but so as the media, as a trade off the media sells us the consumers/viewers or readers while the advertisement companies give money in return for giving them customers.

official sources is the critical thinking of media where as there are things that will make you an enemy to the public or other groups. the things like this are very dangerous which relates back to media being a (risky business) like news reporters go missing or found dead after making a very right wing comment or something that will upset the targeted audience like there was one reporter presented missing but then revealed that he was killed by the prince of Saudi Arabia for making a comment.

flack is the medias way of discrediting information or controlling the media in the way they want it to be controlled and to produce what the public might want to know by giving them what they ant to hear and diverting the other types of media that are trying to expose the media by telling the truth.

marginalising dissent is the media joining up with another company who find a common enemy in order to find a more better standing with that other company and possibly partnership with that company as the phrase goes the enemy of my enemy is my friend. These thing create up the media machine.

Daily Mail is a conservative, right-wing newspaper and has been for many many years. we know this due to their article on the 6th of June where they wrote in their article about the (Joyous Jubilee) and this is very patriarchal and very safe to say and it appeases the multi media although heavily bias due to the viscount lord Rothermere owning the Daily mail but due to this status with his possible ties into the royal family we also could link a pattern with the viscounts past where the paper had been supporting hitter and Mussolini due to his close links and ties with those two although a report by the Media Reform Coalition, 81 percent of the UK-wide print media is owned and controlled by just three companies, Reach PLC (formerly Trinity Mirror), News UK and DMG Media. This links to Chomsky’s theory of Ownership and how that the media is a group of conglomerates and Curran/Seaton’s idea that the media is controlled by a few powerful media corporations. but goes against Habermas’s concept of the (Public Sphere)

The public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can come together to freely discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action.  

The public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can come together to openly discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action.

Habermas argues that the development of early modern capitalism brought into being an autonomous arena of public debate.’

the media uses Laswell’s theory of the hypodermic media and that they are trying to persuade us into thinking we need something and that we are missing out by not having it

noam chompsky – manufacturing consent

chompsky and his theory of The five filters

(1) ownership; – large big companies who are conglomerates which their aim is to make profit as hesmond haughl say and describes the situation as a (risky Business) – the critical media is second to the larger companies who aims for profit where as the critical medias interests and needs are second place the mass media machine by Al Jazeera

(2) advertising; – the financial role of the media is the main cause of the down fall for newspapers as the advertisements give the companies money the companies are selling us as the consumer to those companies

(3) official sources; – the media of critical thinking is the main things that will kill you or put a target on your back if your not good enough you wont be getting in

(4) flak; – the discredit of information and shifting of agenda and the diverting information

(5) marginalizing dissent – the common enemy sharing a common enemy to increase your standing with companies in order to become larger and stronger and financially better off

The author discusses the applicability of Herman’s and Chomsky’s propaganda model today. He demonstrates the validity of the propaganda model by concentrating on the bombing of Serbia in 1999.

AGENDA SETTINGwhen the media determines the agenda for which stories are considered important. Policy agenda setting: when both the public and media agendas influence the decisions of public policy makers

FRAMING – The process by which the media places the events and topics they report in a certain perspective or in certain ‘frames’. Through this process events are given a field of meaning within which they can be better understood

MYTH MAKING – How words and images are systematically used to communicate cultural and political meanings, in texts such as advertisements, magazines, films, or TV programs.

CONDITIONS OF CONSUMPTION – activities such as interacting with new media, reading books and magazines, watching television and film, and listening to radio. An active media consumer must have the capacity for skepticism, judgement, free thinking, questioning, and understanding.

curran and seaton notes

Curran studied the early 1800s era of media distribution, and described how newspapers were only producible by people with the wealth to manufacture products on an industrial scale.

The free market of media and newspapers means that the outcome of the products has the potential to be ultimately decided by the consumers themselves.

Curran and seatons theory was the power and mediapower and media industries theory. Definition from OCR. A political economy approach to the media – arguing that patterns of ownership and control are the most significant factors in how the media operate.

what is OCROCR is Optical character recognition or optical character reader is the electronic or mechanical conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene-photo or from subtitle text superimposed on an image. this relates back to Currans studies in the 1800s era of media distribution and how he said that it was only producible by people with wealth to manufacture it where as ocr is the use of printing machines and photocopying machines

habermas and the public sphere

with the emergence of an independent, market-based press, it created a new public engaged in critical political discussion.

The public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can come together to freely discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action.  

The public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can come together to openly discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action.

Habermas argues that the development of early modern capitalism brought into being an autonomous arena of public debate.’

‘He makes the point that , the public sphere came to be dominated by an expanded state with organized economic interests’.

‘Created a new public engaged in critical political thinking’.

Habermas defined the public sphere as a virtual or imaginary community which does not necessarily exist in any identifiable space. In its ideal form, the public sphere is “made up of private people gathered together as a public and articulating the needs of society with the state”

what is the public sphere vs private sphere

The public sphere is where the free discussion and debate of ideas occurs, where as the private sphere is the realm of family life. Historically, women and people of color have often been excluded from participation in the public sphere in the United States

feminism within the public sphere – Central to the feminist perspective is that men dominate the public sphere whereas women are essentially relegated to the private sphere. This dichotomy has served to entrench the patriarchal system and ensure the oppression of women. For instance, women find it difficult to raise issues that impact upon them

political compass

keyword and themesdaily maildaily mail contextualthe ithe I contextual
Business over humans (economy over public health)
A country’s economic stability > Individual unemployment issues (A country’s wellbeing over individual wellbeing)
Patriotism (A blind support of my country)front page of the newspaper (joyous Jubilee) – supporting the queens coming of age on the throne
Racial superiority
Class Differentiation
Militarism and justification of military useFirst Russian missiles in months rain down on capitalLord Rothermere was an ally towards Benito Mussolini as well as Adolf Hitler, and directed the daily Mail’s stance towards them since early 1930sBritain to send long-range arms for the first time”
The fusion of entertainment and information
Protectionism and government regulationpage 2 of the newspaper (tory rebels’ are plotting a course to catastrophe’) this is the regulation of the government
Freedom of people
Restriction of immigration
Social security
Views on schooling
personal wealthpage 8 (she – and we – have all earned a place in history)the DMGT (daily mail and general trust) has an annual revenue of around £1 Billion.
equalitypage 9 (the prince sticks his tongue out and puts his hand on his mouthers mouth)
Older valuespage six of the newspaper (floats created to rein act the 50’s,60’s,70’s and 80’s)

Business over humans (economy over public health)

A country’s economic stability > Individual unemployment issues (A country’s wellbeing over individual wellbeing)

Patriotism (A blind support of my country)

Racial superiority

Class Differentiation


Militarism and justification of military use

The fusion of entertainment and information

Protectionism and government regulation

Freedom of people

Restriction of immigration



Social security

Views on schooling

Older values

my political compass

Daily Mail Facts

It was founded in 1896.

it is the United Kingdom’s highest circulated daily newspaper.

Content from the paper appears on the MailOnline website, although the website is managed separately and has its own editor.

The paper is owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust.

A survey in 2014 found the average age of its readers was 58.

It has a majority female readership, with women making up 52–55% of its readers.

Its website has more than 218 million unique visitors per month.

DMGT has an annual revenue of around £1 Billion.

he Daily Mail has won a number of awards, including receiving the National Newspaper of the Year award from The Press Awards eight times since 1995, winning again in 2019. The Society of Editors selected it as the ‘Daily Newspaper of the Year’ for 2020.

Support of fascism: 1930–1934

Right Wing political alignment

The i Facts

Also published in London by Daily Mail and General Trust.

The paper and its website were bought by the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) on 29 November 2019, for £49.6 million.

The paper had an average daily circulation of 302,757 in March 2013, though that figure has since continued to decline, and had dropped to 233,869 by February 2019.

In December 2017, the owners of the i, Johnston Press, announced the newspaper was bringing in a monthly profit of around £1 million.

On 14 September 2019, The weekend price rose from £1 to £1.20

It is aimed at “readers and lapsed readers” of all ages and commuters with limited time, and was originally launched in 2010.

sister paper to the Independent

 British National Newspaper of the Year in 2015.

regulation on media (article)

I think we should create a regulation on social media and their uses of our confidential data and how they keep it stored and control and handle it because we do not know what they are doing with our data, and they could sell it off to other companies which then creates an issue for the user of that data as they could be targeted for frauds or they could have their data stolen and then a fake profile could be used to defraud people and ruin their life by all of these fake accounts online which then cause problems for that person to be employed or they could be charged with fraud and scamming which could lead to that person being sentenced to jail for a crime they didn’t do because they had their data stolen or sold off. In 2018 face book had a huge breach of people’s personal data and the victims of this attack not only might have lost their job or worse Facebook lost around 6 billion dollars (about $18 per person in the US) over their breach in 2018 and this breach affected over 50 million people (about twice the population of Texas) in an article by the  

NPR –  

says that Facebook will not notify their 530 million users after they had another breach in 2019 a year later Facebook decided not to notify over 530 million of its users whose personal data was lifted in a breach sometime before August 2019 and was recently made available in a public database. Facebook also has no plans to do so, a spokesperson said. 

Phone numbers, full names, locations, some email addresses, and other details from user profiles were posted to an amateur hacking forum on Saturday, business insider reported last week. 

The leaked data includes personal information from 533 million Facebook users in 106 countries. 

Therefore, I believe that these companies should be regulated on what they are allowed to take from us and our confidential data and that these companies should not be allowed to be getting away with this type of stuff since they are putting people at risk, and they care more about the money rather than the welfare of their users and they are ignoring their own private policies and doing illegal stuff by their own standards as well as the law.