1- Todorov
Todorov- the stage of equilibrium
the conflict that disrupts this initial equilibrium
the way / ways in which the disruption looks to find new equilibrium
the denouement and/or resolution that brings about a new equilibrium
This stage is found at the beginning of the film, where everything is as it should be and the characters lives are normal.
. The second stage is the disruption stage. This is when the state of equilibrium is disturbed by an event occurring.
flexi-narratives – three act structures in a similar pattern to that used by master plot/ sub plot sequences.
metanarratives- provide the audience with moments that draw attention to the idea that they are watching a story.
disequilibrium and transgression – Todorov identifies the use of transgressive action as a mechanism that also enables ideological meaning to form. characters break rules or violate social norms and to repair those transgressions they must be punished or effect a transformation.
Transgression is an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence
2- Vladimir Propp
Propp suggested that stories do not necessarily have to use all stock characters.
there is a
- hero
- villain
- princess and the princess’ father
- donor
- helper
- dispatcher
- false hero