moving image NEA

Tangible elements of producing media :
– Actors
– Extras
– Filming equipment
– Stylists
– Accommodation
– Director
– Prop Team
– Stunt Team
– Editing

Conceptual elements of producing media :
– Storyline
– Performance
– Emotions
– Events
– Characters
– Themes
– Protagonists/Antagonists
– Linear/Cyclical Structure

Key Terms

Peripeteia – a change in fortune
Anagnorisis – a moment of dramatic revelation within the protagonist
Chronological – an order where events pass in an order of time.
Sequential – when a media product is following a logical order or sequence.
Catharsis – realising yours’ and societies’ virtues

Proppian character stereotypes are used
In their purest forms these stereotypes normally revolve around heroes, princesses, and villains.
Flexi – Narratives

Long format television products deploy multiple three act structures in a similar pattern to the master plot.
Condensed equilibriums
Smaller audiences tend to have a smaller range of concentration so producers tend to move the plot forward faster to keep the audience engaged.

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