key words

Cultural industries – the different types of popular media, production, distribution and products in the creative industry.

Production – the making side of media.

Distribution – The methods by which media products are delivered to audiences, including the marketing campaign.

Exhibition – consumption- the retail branch of the film industry when the media is taken in by individuals or a group.

Media concentration – the ownership of mass media by fewer individuals.

Conglomerates – a group that owns multiple companies which stand out different media specialised in written or audio-visual content.

Globalisation – the worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas.

Cultural imperialism – The practice of promoting the culture values or language of one nation in another.

Vertical Integration – Where media companies expand by acquiring different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.

Horizontal Integration – a way in which media companies expand by acquiring media companies that work in similar sectors.

Merger – Where 2 or more business combine together to make one.

Monopolies– concentrated control of major mass communications within a society.

Gatekeepers– the process through which information is filtered for dissemination.

Regulation– the process by which a range of specific, tools are applied to media systems and institutions to achieve established policy goals such as pluralism, diversity, competition, and freedom.

Deregulation– the process of removing or loosening government restrictions on the ownership of media outlets.

Free market– one where voluntary exchange and the laws of supply and demand provide the sole basis for the economic system.

Commodification– the transformation of the relationship, which is trafficked into things that are free of the commercial nature of the relationship.

Convergence– the merging of media technologies and platforms through digitization and computer networking.

Diversity– diversity of ideas, viewpoints or content options .

Innovation– change in several aspects of the media landscape, like the development of new media platforms, new business models and new ways of producing media texts.

Hesmondhalgh makes it clear that the Creative Industry is a ‘Risky Business’. Companies work to minimise the risk of their business. A way they can do this is by making their product at first, and then changing it slightly to further boost their sales after the first product. An example of this is music, after selling most of the songs, they could then bring out a remix of it.

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